Game clones and similar games

Uhm, what? Shape of a connector is not relevant (and you can always "fix" that with "dumb" adapters), relevant is how the electronics work.
You're nitpicking over things I've already covered. I was inquiring specifically about the Atari port and the PC com port, and whether an adapter was needed between them. I didn't say they did work directly, I said they may have worked directly, and thus I have inquired about this specifically.

There's other kinds of ports, but I was inquiring about these two. As, I mentioned above, I saw an image of a TI-99 adapter, that went between these two, which that image could be an answer to my question.

I also know it's about pins and what each one is, as I've already said, I didn't power on anything, when I plugged on a Sega Genesis adapter to a PC port. I didn't power it on for a reason, because I knew this then.

I know there are adapters that were made and can be for other ports. While, those can be talked about, I wasn't inquiring about those, when I was comparing the Atari and Com ports/connections. I was talking about my own experiences with them, and with what I am looking up today.

Anything that did fit, and that the power was in the correct places, a driver would be needed then. Which today, drivers are more standard and available. The hardware among many components was standard and compatible then, but I'm also saying, not all hardware was, thus I've mentioned there was "some" cross compatibility, and that everything that fit among Atari ports/plugs (not referring to com ports at all in this sentence) had to be confirmed (or looked up according to charts, which again, I know is available). Standard drivers were difficult to come by then.

Even though those ports may be different. I also realize that a gamepad that has more controls on it would need a port with more pins, such as of the soundcard joystick/midi port. That's a joystick/hardware standard of its own. Those would be newer ones of the next era of PC's.

Obviously there can be an adapter from a joystick/midi port or parallel port to a gamepad connection. While it's good to know about those. I was asking about Atari and a com port specifically. I didn't say, for a fact they worked, I was saying they may have, but I needed more information on those specifically. Also, that IIRC the pins matched up, and the shell shape matched.

I've said and also said things consistent with these things a few times, I don't know why people bring up, "but this", "but that". I've already mentioned and covered that.

And just for completeness: the 9-pin serial connector has genders switched compared to the 9-pin multisystem/atari joystick connector.
That's of an EVA/CGA connector, it's the same type, but with the gender in the incompatible direction. I've plugged a Sega Genesis controller to a PC com port before, with the power turned off. That controller plug hung out. The genders matched up.

Edit: yeah, I could have looked up the schematics, than inquire. But I inquired about the Atari and com port on here specifically.

Edit: the TI-99 adapter that I saw in pictures on the internet looked like what I described. I couldn't see details on that hardware.
That controller plug hung out. The genders matched up.
Yep, I seem to have confused that.

Anything that did fit, and that the power was in the correct places, a driver would be needed then.
I was asking about Atari and a com port specifically. I didn't say, for a fact they worked, I was saying they may have, but I needed more information on those specifically. Also, that IIRC the pins matched up, and the shell shape matched.
Still I don't get why you insist on something that definitely would never work. That's the only answer that can be given here. Physically fitting into a connector is the least of all issues. And it's a lot more needed than "power in the correct place". No driver can ever fix the fact that an RS/232 interface simply does not provide 5 freely queryable input lines.
No driver can ever fix the fact that an RS/232 interface simply does not provide 5 freely queryable input lines.
In parallel communications, every bit gets a dedicated pin. In serial communications, all bits come over one and the same pin, just at different times. It's kind of like the difference between baseband and broadband. Atari-style joysticks use parallel communications. They'll never work in any kind of serial port.

Hopefully I haven't made things worse.
Mario inspired games
Secret Chronicles of Dr. M is a Super Mario World (from the SNES) inspired alternative. It's a fork of the clone Secret Maryo Chronicles, which has ceased development for being close to Super Mario World, including in name.

games/supertux is a similar game to SuperMario Bro 1. Gilbert and the Doors is an alternative game, with a different style of play (perhaps like the first Commander Keen). Me and my shadow is a game with an appearance like Mario brothers, but it's classified more like a puzzle game. Great Gianna Sisters is a proprietary classic game like Super Mario, and OpenGGS2 is an open source version of this.

games/tuxkart and its fork games/supertuxkart are like Super Mario Cart. They have mascots (some need addons) from other operating systems and software suites, including: Beastie (FreeBSD), Puffy (OpenBSD), Blinky (FreeDOS), Hexley (Darwin), Gnu, Rocky (Minix), Kiki (Krita), Suzane (Blender), Xue (XFCE) and Pidgin.

Other platform games
Ricky dangerous: rickyd and xrick. MegaMan: RockBot. Jazz Jackrabbit: OpenJazz, Jazz2 Ressurection. Jak and Dexter: OpenGoal Jax Project.

OpenHV is a game that uses the opensource games/openra game engine. The game itself has more opensource components, as other parts of these games are freeware donated by the company.

games/wyrmgus is an RTS game that uses the games/stratagus engine. It's an Age of Empires style of game.

games/pingus and lix are Lemmings inspired games or game clones.

Simulators, Sports, Sandbox, GameJams
Tuxemon and Opmon are games inspired by Pokemon. sports games, with subcategories of flight and racing simulators. has game jams, and past ones were of GBA, NES, SNES, Genesis, 8bit, 16bit, 32bit, CGA, EGA and various of RPG.
It seems like for making a repository for retro games where games and their libraries are organized, Minix would be a better target. It's for 32bit PC's, and the install media is half of a CD. Opensource DOS's are good, but it lacks the way of installing that Nix's have. DOS also uses SDL, while not having other comparable libraries such as SFML and Allegro.

I would make the game categories for an additional repository of:
  • 1st, 2nd generation and all CGA games
  • 3rd, 4th generation, EGA, some VGA games (grouped together for simplification)
  • 5+ generation, for 32bit CPU games which can vary for higher resolutions, includes 3D and pseudo 3D processed games
  • text games, including Basic games, grouped together, regardless of other generational categories.
  • libraries
    • C: SDL, Allegro 5
    • C++: SFML, Raylib.
  • emulators and interpreters, for playing official games, include DOS shell and DOS interpreter
  • misc - volume control, shortcuts, tools which can be used over game screens
  • multimedia for basic full screen multimedia players, could include full screen browsers and non gaming daily tasks
  • The X for it would be stripped down for full screen multi-head or tiling, and can be configured
This list would only contain software which uses the C family of languages, including Zig and C++. So, not Rust, unless in an additional repository or through a switch for virtual or physical category. Common scripting languages like shell, Python and Lua would be included. Julia for physics engines would be optional.

It would have its own configuration files, for etc/, and have its own bin/ and sbin/ categories. Then, port video and HID drivers from FreeBSD and OpenBSD to it.
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What seems to be the most important indicator of console generations was the amount of on screen or simultaneous colors, rather than the palette. Then, would be the resolution. The common height of gaming consoles up to the 5th generation on here is rounded to the standard height resolution of 240. By dropping the CPU in the processing speed from typical categorizations, only when CPU speed isn't the issue, the organization makes more sense.

Computer games often go between different equivalent console eras, because the upgrades vary and because of higher storage space. Graphics cards can be upgraded at different rates unlike console systems. A game may have one capability that's more advanced than the rest of the PC or the rest of the comparable era.

2nd generation typically has up to 16 simultaneous colors, and the games lacked graphics processing to have complex backgrounds. The most common resolution width of 2nd generation games was 160. 160x192 is one common resolution, if this resolution were scaled to a height of a standardly used height of 240, then it would artificially come out to 200x240.

The Atari 2600 stands out as the resolution of playfields was far lower than the background sprites. At a playfield of 40x192 (of the full background resolution 160x192), the characters are large and depicted as clunky as they are. Modern made retrogames have more storage space to allow filling in more available colors to make the characters more identifiable and distinguishable. The Atari 5200 has a playfield that matches the background resolution. The resolution of both of these consoles (excluding the playfield of the Atari 2600) is 160x192. The Atari 2600 and Atari 5200, if including the multiple luminas for each color, had more simultaneous colors than other 2nd generation consoles.

The Bally Astrocade, ColecoVision and Atari 5800 are notable of the later 2nd generation.

Comparing to the 2nd generation of gaming console, the TI-99 computer series has a 16 bit CPU and uses 16 simultaneous colors from a palette of 16 colors. Without upgrades, gaming on the TI-99 series is of the 2nd generation.

The original GameBoy will be placed under 2nd generation games, based on its limitation to 4 colors and to its comparability to other games of the 2nd generation. GameBoy fits closer to the resolution of the 3rd generation, as it has the same resolution of GameBoy Color.

3rd generation (256x240)Simultaneous Colors
Atari 7800 (160x200; 320x200)9 (25 at low res)
EGA; C64; Atari ST (320x200)16
Atari XEGS16
Master System32
Game Boy Color (160x144)56
3rd generation of consoles, typically have up to 32 onscreen colors. The common resolution of 3rd generation consoles to modern standards is 256x240. Some computer games which typically run on PC's with EGA cards seem to be comparable to halfway between 2nd generation and 3rd generation gaming. EGA cards and the Atari 7800 have a resolution that includes 320x200. The Atari 7800 has 9 simultaneous colors for 320x200 resolution mode, and it has 25 colors for a resolution similar to that of the Atari 2800 and 5200. EGA also has a few higher resolutions of a width of 640. These listed are 8 bit CPU systems.

Game Boy Color will be compared to this generation or perhaps the 2nd generation, despite having a higher number of simultaneous colors than other games of this era. It's still lower than simultaneous colors of the next generation. When scaled, the resolution is close at 267x240. Game Boy Color and Game Boy have the same resolution. Also, the Game Gear plays the same games ported from the Master System, and has a lower resolution.

4th Generation (320x240)Simultaneous Colors
Genesis192 including highlights (75 main)
Sega CD (for full motion video)256 (may include highlights or 32X)
Amiga CD32256
Laser Active (240i)analog (compares from 192 to 482)
4th generation consoles typically go from 192 onscreen colors including highlights, to 256 simultaneous colors, with a few exceptions of higher resolutions being under 10,000 simultaneous colors. A common resolution for 4th generation gaming with the height rounded to modern standards is 320x240.

These gaming consoles have 16bit CPU's, except the TurboGrafx which has an 8bit CPU, and the Sega 32X which has a 32bit CPU. 32X is typically categorized as a 5th generation console, but it makes sense to lump it with 4th generation consoles, because its graphics match here. In addition, the 32X is used on top of a 16bit CPU console. Categorized this way, the 32X has more vivid colors than the standalone Sega Genesis (which most games use dull colors), and is comparable graphically to the SNES. The TurboGrafx has more onscreen colors than these two other systems, yet while having an 8 bit CPU. The NeoGeo and rare systems of this generation have even more simultaneous colors.

The Sega 32X has 50,000 polygons per second for 3D graphics. Very few specialized gaming cartridges of the 4th generation of consoles offer pseudo 3D rendered graphics, or authentic rudimentary 3D graphics. This may be a 5th generation quality.

Game Boy Advance will be comparable to here or 5th generation. It has 512 simultaneous colors in character mode, but 32,768 in bitmap mode. Its resolution is 240x160 which scales to 360x240 of the 5th generation.

5th Gen (360x240)Simultaneous ColorsPolygons/sec
flat (textured)
PlayStation153,600360,000 (90,000)
Saturn172,800500,000 (140,000)
N64207,360600,000 (150,000)
5th generation console gaming typically has over 32,000 simultaneous colors, and is lower than 250,000. The higher X resolution of 640 and 720 might be for split screens in 2 player mode. On these consoles, retro games for them typically use resolutions of their respective older generations.

The 3DO uses a single 32bit CPU. Jaguar emulation could possibly run on a single 32bit CPU, as the Tom and Jerry chips also have GPU capabilities. Other consoles of this list use multiple 32bit CPU's, while the N64 includes a 64bit CPU.

Of these systems, the Saturn has multiple background planes. The rest of these listed in this generation have a single background plane.

6th generation consoles are at a maximum of 480p, typically below 640x480, and are on the high end of analog through VGA, S-video, composite or component.

7th generation consoles have HDTV with the minimum of 480p.

8th generation consoles have HDTV with a minimum resolution of 720p, with few being 4K.

9th generation consoles have resolutions of 720p to 8K.

The main difference of console generations which use HDTV depend on obvious visual differences in graphic detail. It's difficult to quantify number of colors and other metrics of newer consoles. Use the maximum resolutions and the obvious visual differences in detail.

Vertical resolution games
Some arcade games relied on vertical screens, which didn't match available resolutions on their respective generation of home consoles. For similar quality resolution on comparable home consoles, scrolling was required, or a later home console generation with a higher vertical resolution was needed. 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generation home consoles couldn't always match the vertical resolution of vertical screen arcade games comparable to the 2nd and 3rd generation. For gaming clones, the playing field doesn't have to be tall for games which don't need to be in a top down view, as it could instead be wide.

Certain game clones from tall playingfields, especially which the gameplay doesn't depend on seeing ahead vertically, don't have to copy the original to be on a tall playingfield, as those clones can be wide instead. Pacman ports and clones are a good example of this, as the original game is on a vertical screen, yet Pacman ported to Atari has a wide playing field, and the clone Munchman is also on a horizontal playing field.

224 is a common width for vertical screen arcade games comparable to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generation consoles. The original resolution of 16 simultaneous color max arcade games on vertical monitors is 224x288. Some notations for vertical displays label the width as the height, but mark the orientation of the monitor as vertical.

Then, have two additional gaming categories for retro game clones that uses vertical screens, with varying heights. They would be for clones of games for widths of 224 which would be rounded up to 240. If a lower width resolution were needed, it would be automatically scaled down to 224. The first additional category would be for games below 32 simultaneous colors to cover for 2nd and 3rd generation gaming. The next category would be for games between 33 to 500,000 simultaneous colors for the equivalency to 4th and 5th generation gaming.
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These are limited to console and PC equivalents which can run on 32bit CPU's. This is for better standardization of clones, to match style, rather than specific console or PC. For standardization, all heights on here are of 240 for regular (often landscape) orientation, or a width of 240 for vertical orientation. If a game clone typically on a vertical screen can be made without losing functionality on a horizontal screen, then it should be made available for both orientations, for instance Pac Man clones. A game which would lose functionality, are games which require a higher vertical resolution to see oncoming gameplay.

Colors for PC equivalent up to 4th generation are of CGA, EGA and VGA's standard 13h mode, which have a resolution of 320x200. However, X mode is used instead for its 320x240 resolution. 320x240 resolution has an aspect ratio of 4:3.

2nd generationResolutionSimultaneous colorsNotes
average console160x24016 (4bit)16 colors, additional 8 to 16 times the luma for select consoles
PC (8bit) or arcade equivalent320x2404 (2bit) or 16 (4bit)4 CGA colors, 4 monochrome shades, 16 colors from CGA palette
vertical240x3204 or 16any combination of above
Text games, including curses games and text/image games, can go here.

Games of this generation are on empty, single or dual color backgrounds. 16 colors, often from an EGA palette are standard for this era. Atari 2600 and 5200, have 16 basic colors, however with 8 to 16 luma for each. While the next generation has 16 to 32 colors, the differences in backgrounds and the differences in simplicity are major differences.

Gameboy 4 shade monochrome clones don't have to use official GameBoy 160x144 resolution of 10:9 aspect ratio, as standard VGA resolution of 320x240 has a close enough aspect ratio of 4:3, especially for wide screens. The lesser known Mega Duck (Cougar Boy) has the same amount of colors as Gameboy. Resolution of clones don't have to be exact to the official games, the scaling just has to match the ratio of 320x240, to be close enough to to the original. Playing field to match Atari 2600 can be scaled down, apart from the background resolution, from above to match feel. Gameboy clone games can also be scaled down to be shown as 240x180 resolution to match close enough to intended gameplay representation, but while really keeping 320x240 resolution.

3rd generationResolutionSimultaneous colorsNotes
Sega Master System256x24032 (5bit)
PC (8bit) equivalent320x24016 (4bit)EGA colors
vertical240x32016 or 3216 colors are of EGA
Atari ST, Sega SC-3000 (Sega Computer; computer version of SG-1000 console), ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Tandy 1000 are examples of 8bit PC's. Apple II also has an 8bit CPU. While their resolution varies from above, it's close, and the simultaneous colors match. 8bit CPU computers are also of the 2nd generation, however, the difference between the two generations is the graphics capability.

Sega Game Gear also has 32 simultaneous colors like the Sega Master System; the resolution doesn't have to be perfect for it to match for gameplay. As for Game Boy Color, it has simultaneous 56 colors (for comparison, 6bit has 64 colors), a little higher than standards of this era. Even though the Game Boy Color has more colors, the resolution together with the coloring on the Game Gear looks better.

TI-99 has a 16bit CPU, but without upgrades, its graphics generation matches that of 2nd and 3rd consoles. It falls here, despite not having an 8bit CPU.

4th generationResolutionSimultaneous colorsNotes
Standard console & PC (16bit CPU) equivalent 320x240256 (8bit)VGA X mode colors & resolution
Neo Geo, Commodore CDTV & PC (16bit CPU) equivalent320x2404,096 (12bit)custom
vertical240x320256 or 4,096256 colors is of X mode
Sega 32X, SNES, Amiga CD32, Super A'Can, Casio Loopy, and Fujitsu FM Towns Marty all use 256 simultaneous colors. Standard VGA X mode also uses a maximum of 256 simultaneous colors. Loopy fits in this category, despite it having a 32bit CPU.

While TurboGrafx uses an 8bit CPU, its graphics also match the 4th console generation. Gameboy Advance has 511 simultaneous colors. TurboGrafx and Gameboy Advance have under 512 colors, but for standardization, choose between 256 and 4,096 colors. LaserActive by Pioneer uses an analog format for video using LaserDisc which plays traditional and specialized Sega and TurboGrafx games. Its resolution matches this category, and its colors are comparable to digital colors of this era.

Very few games on most consoles of this era have basic 3D graphics or have pseudo 3D graphics. Virtua Racing of the Sega Genesis and StarFox of the Super Nintendo are true 3D graphics games. SNES had a few more authentic 3D games. A few more games, including of the Genesis, had pseudo 3D. Sega 32X is considered 5th generation, but it uses 4th generation resolutions and colors, however, it has advanced polygon rendering compared to others of this 4th generation era. Polygons per second of Sega 32X are: 160,000 of flat, 40,000 to 50,000 of texture, and 100,000 of shading. This number can be higher than a few consoles of the 5th generation, because it also uses way fewer simultaneous colors for processing.

5th generationResolutionSimultaneous colorsPolygons/sec flatNotes
32bit CPU console360x240131,072up to 20,000simultaneous colors possibly 17bit, but this isn't a common standard
PC (32bit) equivalent360x240262,144 (18bit)XGA standard colors are 65,536 (16bit)
vertical240x360262,144 (18bit)
These are for 5th generation consoles which can run on 32bit CPU's and 32bit PC's. This includes: Phillip's CD-i, Jaguar and 3DO. Nec's PC-FX likely has 18bit or less onscreen colors, so may belong in this category; it doesn't have 3D shading.

Excluded from this chart are Saturn, Playstation and N64, because these have multiple 32bit CPU's or 64 bit CPU's, even though these are also 5th generation. Those consoles also have shaded polygons/sec, which very few other 32bit CPU consoles have. Then again, the 6th generation Game Cube uses a 32bit CPU, from its precursor of the 5th generation 64bit CPU Nintendo 64. The difference is the graphics capabilities, so there can be equivalents in graphical terms which don't match the CPU of the 64 but consoles. And the 5th generation list of equivalent, rather than needed hardware of the original, can continue, for 32bit which don't need to match the 64bit CPU.

15and 16bit color of this era for same time display are called High color. 17bit color isn't readily defined. 18bit color for simultaneous display is the highest amount used for the 5th generation.

The next SVGA standard of colors is 24bit color (known as True color) of just under 16.7 million colors. For comparison, the Dreamcast of the 6th generation has 24bit (about 16.7 million) onscreen colors.
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GameJam from art/literary works entering Public Domain from 1929. The game can have other Public Domain works, but the game must have one entry from 1929. While those derivative works come from Public Domain, making the game Public domain isn't a requirement, but they encourage it.
There'll be future game jams, but I may not update them on a regular basis, as you can see the site for those Game Jams. There's also Game Jams like this of previous years of 1929.