FreeBSD Screen Shots

Been thinking of sharing mine for a while. Very minimalistic and I actually enjoy x11-wm/awesome straight out of the box with x11/lilyterm.

What made it appealing was that the wm has nice features from the start, transparency support, ability to change between floating, tiling, fairv on the go. So it fills my simple needs and at the same time has a whole "toolset" to play with anytime I feel for. Lua is also a fun programming language imo and is quite easy to figure out.

Most info can be found at:

Preparing this I noticed some "bugs" without any configuring, e.g: it locked at showing windows as "maximized" when going through the options, was first time it happened though, and the desktop shifting works but the terminal will always open in number 1.

It's also considered to be lightweight and is easy on the resources so far (have no problems with a 2 gig ram here).

All and all it's a 10/10 to me. :)

I support with 2 screenshots each from 2 of my FreeBSD systems

Nice WM I've used it in the past but he breaks at every major update and that's annoying.
View attachment 4804

Very nice look you have! It inspired me to get a moving and configure the selection menu properly. Occationally i forget the names of programs I use. x_x I am just afraid to put too much time and effort into it whereat I'd like that effort somewhere else, hehe. Getting lua knowledge can not be bad though.

Which wm do you use atm? (I may be able to find out in this thread.)

Edit: Oh, i3. ;) That was actually my second go after awesome but it crashed as soon as I tried it out, perhaps due to the lack of config file, as has been stated.
The default config generated by i3 wizard it's incomplete (bug), that's why you have an nonfunctional i3, but you can copy it from /usr/local/etc/i3/config and modify to suit your needs.
Off-Topic: There's been some talk about Illumos on desktop lately. Indeed I had put Tribblix with xfce4 on my old PC desktop (Pentium4) a year ago, but never played much with it, nor cared about customizing default appearance. As I had mentioned on another thread, I decided to put OpenIndiana hipster on my laptop a while ago, and I re-discovering my old passion for Solaris, and nostalgia is bringing me back to good old days. Now, after 3 years of Linux distro-hopping (+*BSD), after having probably tried and seen everything Linux could offer me, including games, I've finally started over running direct UNIX descendants purely and only: feeling at home. OI is very good, I'm loving it! The only true con, if we overlook on hardware support and consider supported hardware only (glad my laptop was completely compatible), is the limited software availability. Still, IPS (Solaris + sfe OI community repos), combined to pkgsrc (better to take Joyent binaries) can provide a good and solid desktop experience. Despite my early days love for OpenSolaris however, and my recent NetBSD embracement, my favourite OS obviously stays FreeBSD.

So, long story short, here's my OI hipster 2018.04 fluxbox screenshot:


My X61 .mp3 player running FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-p10 playing Jimi Hendrix - War Heros and Crash Landing on multimedia/xmms.

"Ha Ha Ha", says Mama Bear as she irons Daddy's holey underwear
And "Hee Hee Hee", says Daddy bear as Junior pours honey all on sister hair
Anyway you know they live happily ever after

Err, my lite DE du jour: "CDEstep" I've actually stuck with it a few days now....

FvwmButtons with slightly modified cde theme from fvwm-themes. x11-clocks/wmclock, x11/wmsystemtray, and net/wmnd replace x11-clocks/xclock, the mail icon, and the calendar icon. x11-wm/compton is making shadows and unfocused windows are slightly transparent. The filemanager is x11-fm/rox-filer, which has inherited its color scheme from selecting KDE's "apply colors to non-Qt applications"="clobber your ~/.config/gtkrc" setting.

Making FvwmButtons look like CDE panel is beautiful clunkiness. Hats off to the person who wrote the perl script that generated this part of the theme.

If you want a laugh, look in the terminal where I am thrashing around trying to remember the syntax to pipe the output of xwd to convert. (Convert needs some specification of what is coming in the pipe....) Is there a simpler way to take a screenshot from the command line?


First time on FreeBSD.
Kms, audio over HDMI working out of the box.
I only need to find a command for grep download/upload speed on status bar and find howto enable Intel turbo boost.
So I started a Thread (pun intended) of this exact same thing. :) Lol, turns out this was here all along. :P Here's my Laptop FreeBSD setup! :) Blue and Gold are my favorite color combo. ;) Note the blue Taskbar and the gold Beastie Menu icon! :D


  • Screenshot_2018-08-17_21-08-33.png
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Err, my lite DE du jour: "CDEstep" I've actually stuck with it a few days now....

FvwmButtons with slightly modified cde theme from fvwm-themes. x11-clocks/wmclock, x11/wmsystemtray, and net/wmnd replace x11-clocks/xclock, the mail icon, and the calendar icon. x11-wm/compton is making shadows and unfocused windows are slightly transparent. The filemanager is x11-fm/rox-filer, which has inherited its color scheme from selecting KDE's "apply colors to non-Qt applications"="clobber your ~/.config/gtkrc" setting.

Making FvwmButtons look like CDE panel is beautiful clunkiness. Hats off to the person who wrote the perl script that generated this part of the theme.

If you want a laugh, look in the terminal where I am thrashing around trying to remember the syntax to pipe the output of xwd to convert. (Convert needs some specification of what is coming in the pipe....) Is there a simpler way to take a screenshot from the command line?

View attachment 5150
Nice setup! :) Kind of reminds me of NextSTEP. :) I wasn't old enough to really use it, or own one. But that's Unix-y... :D
This is my Unix Rice Desktop. i3-gaps, i3blocks.

OS: FreeBSD 12.0-ALPHA1 amd64
Shell: zsh 5.5.1
Resolution: 1920x1080 @ 120.00Hz
WM: i3-Gaps, i3block
Theme: Arc-Dark GTK2, Adapta-Nokto-Eta-Maia GTK3
Icons: Numix GTK2, Vibrancy-Full-Dark-Teal GTK3
Terminal: urxvt
Terminal Font: Droid Sans Mono Dotted for Powerline
CPU: Intel i3-4130 @ 3.400GHz
GPU: Baffin Radeon RX 460/560D / Pro 450/455/460/555/555X/560/560X


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In FVWM, to avoid accidental "close" titlebar button click,
it is good idea to bind
AddToFunc CloseButton
	+ C Close
to titlebar close button -
Mouse 1		?	A	CloseButton		#Close titlebar button left click
(replace "?" with your close button title position:
1,3,5 - left title buttons, 2,4,6 - right title buttons.)
Then "close" button will be only clicked,
if you won't move mouse cursor when titlebar button is clicked,
and if cursor will be moved, when titlebar button is pressed,
there will be no effect, like in all modern WM-s (like in Xfce, gnome-shell, etc).
It is also possible to do the same with all FVWM titlebar buttons,
for example
AddToFunc IconifyButton
	+ C Iconify
Personally I use titlebar buttons not too often,
because I use keybindings to close, iconify and maximize,
it is much more quickly to use keys, than to move cursor every time,
but it is very handy to use cursor to move or resize windows, when
alt or super key is pressed.