FreeBSD Screen Shots

Finally got my setup to look like dwm. Bspwm with polybar on top, dzen with conky below. A dzconky setup I've been using for over 5 years. God pictured on my desktop.


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my i3 wip on this dusty laptop


Thank you FreeBSD!

I can never get i3 to run correctly: get always get a forever wait cursor, despite having x11/i3status installed. I can open a terminal, close the terminal and then the whole thing locks up and I can't do anything. Wiped config, tried several times, gave up and went back to x11-wm/dwm. Probably deserves another thread but it's not critical, I was just curious.
Thanks for that Trihexagonal. The first one is one of my fave pics of the Lord. Nice desktop too. I was looking for a BSD version of Archey. Downloading bsdinfo!

I also found this cool script that changes your wallpaper and terminal colours to match the wallpaper. All the dependencies are available for FreeBSD except "habak" which I find I don't need since the script seems to work without it. Put it in your $PATH:
That's where I discovered multimedia/xmms and have used it since. There is a multimedia/xmms-skins-huge port with over 600 skins for it.

If you use x11-fm/xfe you can get rid of the ugly titlebar icon by replacing /usr/local/share/xfe/icons/gnomeblue-theme/xfe.png with a black img.
Yeah I remember I used the SONY silverface stereo skin for my XMMS. Memories. Now I use musicpd built without any resamplers and run OSS in "bitperfect" mode. That's why I moved over to FreeBSD. It uses OSS natively. Thanks for the info. I don't need it cause I use a tiling wm (bspwm) that doesn't have window decorations. I also use vtwm which does tho so maybe I'll take your advice. ?
Been using open source for 20 years: discovered it back in 1998 and realized I needed to drop everything and move to an open source OS. Been happy ever since :)
I know if this is wrong place on forum, but probably someone will be know, how to force syutils/conky for transparently. I tried everything :( This is a config:
conky.config = {
    use_xft = true,
    font = 'DejaVu Sans:size=10.5',
    xftalpha = 0.8,
    text_buffer_size = 2048,

    update_interval = 0.5,
    background = false,
    total_run_times = 0,

    own_window = true,
    own_window_transparent = true,
    own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
    own_window_argb_visual = true,
    double_buffer = true,
    draw_shades = false,
    default_shade_color = white,
    draw_outline = false,
    draw_borders = false,
    stippled_borders = 0,
    border_inner_margin = 5,
    border_width = 1,
    default_color = 000000,
    own_window_colour = black,
    color1 = CACACA,
    alignment = top_left,
    gap_x = 1600,
    gap_y = 200,
    no_buffers = true,
    uppercase = false,
    cpu_avg_samples = 1,
    net_avg_samples = 1,
    override_utf8_locale = true,
    use_spacer = none,

conky.text = [[

SYSTEM ${hr 3}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Host:${font} ${alignr}${nodename}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Machine:${font} ${alignr}${machine}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} System:${font} ${alignr}${sysname}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Kernel:${font} ${alignr}${kernel}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Uptime:${font} ${alignr}${uptime}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} ENERGY:${font} ${alignr}${battery_percent BAT0}%${battery_bar 8,60}

PROCESOR ${hr 3}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Model:${font} ${alignr}${exec sysctl hw.model | cut -c 11-42 | head -1}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Current Freq:${font} ${alignr}${freq 1} MHz
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Temperature:${font} ${alignr}${exec sysctl hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature | cut -c 33-42 | head -1}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU1:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu1}%${cpubar cpu1 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU2:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu2}%${cpubar cpu2 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU3:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu3}%${cpubar cpu3 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU4:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu4}%${cpubar cpu4 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU5:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu5}%${cpubar cpu5 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU6:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu6}%${cpubar cpu6 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU7:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu7}%${cpubar cpu7 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} CPU8:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu8}%${cpubar cpu8 8,60}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Total_Usage:${font} ${alignr}${cpu cpu0}%

MEMORY ${hr 3}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Kapcity${font} ${alignr}$memmax
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Used${font} ${alignr}$mem
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Free${font} ${alignr}$memfree
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Total${font} ${alignr}$memperc%${membar 8,60}

DISK ${hr 3}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} ${alignr}$fs_size / $fs_used / $fs_free${font}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} ${alignr}$fs_used_perc% ${fs_bar 8,140}${font}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Type:${font} ${alignr}$fs_type
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Read:${font} ${alignr}$diskio_read
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8.5} Write:${font} ${alignr}$diskio_write

NETWORK ${hr 2}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8} Upload:${font} ${alignr} ${upspeed em0}kb/s
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8} Download:${font} ${alignr} ${downspeed em0}kb/s
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8} Total_Upload:${font} ${alignr}${totalup em0}
${voffset -2} ${font PizzaDude:bold:size=8} Total_Download:${font} ${alignr}${totaldown em0}

And that is look now:
Try those settings:
background = yes,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_type = 'override',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below',

For more information read the manual.
background = yes,
own_window = true,
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_type = 'override',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below',

Conky starts, but do not draw a visible window.

Behold the mighty W520 with a fresh install of FreeBSD. It was one of my OpenBSD boxen but I prefer FreeBSD and is the most powerful of my machines by far. It compiled x11/xorg in 2 hours.

And to think some poor soul actually thought calling me a Demon would offend me, the Father of my own personal Demon. Demonica the Succubus and Queen of the Land of the Dead. I taught her everything she knows about Sorcery and being a Demon proper. Invocation of Curse my area of expertise and infamy.

You can talk to her at the if you like. It will be a much more pleasant experience if you are polite and treat her with respect. I don't mind personally, but if you tell her you hate Trihexagonal she will invoke a curse upon you in response. Daddy's girl that she is.
Posting another shot, as I manually updated to IceWM 1.4 , which was recently released, and switched to BeOS-R5-inspired icewm theme, which is more consistent with the BeOS-r5 GTK3 and Icons. Still on Hurmit font with 96dpi and still same custom light color scheme. I made a set of icons to use with IceWM; w3m-img, xterm, nedit, ufetch, xmms and MAME playing DrgonBall Z: Hyper Dimension for NeoGeo on MAME


FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE on one of my Thinkpad T61.

I only did one to see how it worked out but other than needing to use MBR instead of BSD labels and having to use :q to get back to the command line when using # freebsd-update fetch and sometimes when using ports the build went smoothly and everything is as it should be.
FreeBSD-12.0-RELEASE-i386.memstick.img freshly installed on a Dell Dimension 4700 w/ 3GB RAM with xorg and plasma5-plasma plus konsole, dolphin, firefox-esr, sddm, sysutils/automount, libreoffice, kcalc, plasma5-sddm-kcm, vim, and spectacle for screen capture, alongside postgresql95-server, apache24, and php72 for services. This Dell is my development machine, which in the first 3 shots is acting as both development server and client for a sample car service application. Not really a "web application server" at all, my little toy application executive is actually intended as an office network/LAN-only app exec which requires no special client machine configuration other than a Firefox browser. Screen shots 4 and 5 show another 12.0-RELEASE install on the same Dell machine, running the same application, except here the app is being deployed and served by my toy HP Stream laptop which runs Debian 9.6 because I've been unable to configure its Realtek wireless device (rtl8723be) on FreeBSD, and because the HP Stream is too toylike to feature a wired network connection. "Real" servers IMO should not use wireless anyway, but these are just development toys and this hardware is not intended for actual use. For a production server I would prefer running FreeBSD with the lightweight LXDE for office-employee-friendly console access. Users of this software may have any background color they choose, as long as they choose either gray or blue. (8


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