Hi !...despite I don't think I'm going to move from flwm for quite a while, would you mind sharing a little personal review of dwm? I'm quite interested in minimalist WMs

Also which panel are you using?
Sure, I was previously using
x11-wm/fluxbox and dabbled with
x11-wm/i3 to get a feel for using a tiling window manager. Had seen some nice screenshots of
x11-wm/dwm desktops so installed it via
which was a mistake, as I didn't like the default keybindings and you cant change anything without recompiling from source. At that point I went back to
Decided to give
x11-wm/dwm another try when I had more time, so downloaded the
source and hacked away; Fixed some paths for the build on FreeBSD, changed keybindings to be more intuitive for me (Win+Q: Close, Win+Enter: terminal, Win+Tab: Focus Next, etc.), changed tags (kind of like workspaces) to the following: term, mail, web, code, games, music.
At this point I had no status bar info like cpu, ram, disk, date/time etc... So I cloned the
slstatus source and fixed up some of the components I wanted to use with FreeBSD, and also installed
x11-fonts/font-awesome for some cool looking icons!
Also installed
x11/dmenu for launching applications, and
graphics/feh for setting the desktop background.
I'm very pleased with
x11-wm/dwm now I put in the time to sort it out, it is super lightweight, has minimal dependencies, screen-space efficient (just the one tiny bar at the top for everything), and has the Monocle and Floating modes if you need them!
Here are my GitHub repos if you just want a copy of my current setup (checkout
freebsd branch not master);
Here is my
# Fix for Java GUI applications grey window with non-reparenting WMs (such as DWM below)
# Set background for DWM
feh --no-fehbg --randomize --bg-scale ~/Wallpaper/
# Start Status Bar
/usr/local/bin/slstatus &
# Start DWM
exec /usr/local/bin/dwm
Sensucht94: Great work on the FreeBSD Gaming screenshots btw!