FreeBSD Screen Shots

(click for full resolution.)

Xfce 4.10 with Clearlooks-Phenix theme and Cursor-Dmz theme. Lots of fonts.conf overrides for anti-aliasing. I usually prefer Audacious in the GTk interface mode, but the lack of a progress bar is a bit annoying. A customized Seamonkey is my escape plan once the next Firefox-ESR goes full-Australis (you never go full-Australis.) Tried to target as many GTk+2 non-GNOME apps as possible. Few exceptions on both. ja-ibus-mozc is the only Qt application. If only Anthy had an IME pad.
no1msd said:
vermaden said:
What is the bottom bar/launcher?

It's plank from elementary os's pantheon desktop environment. It's not in ports, I've found a custom repo but it didn't work for me, ended up compiling it by hand. It depends on Ubuntu's BAMF that's also not in ports. Worth checking it out though, it's a really great dock, simple, fast, polished. I'm using it with a theme called Darktheon.
Thank You.

Maybe You will be able to create a port from it?
After a day of installation and configuration... Although it's not my main system, but I like it.


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The in my view beautiful dock you are seing there is plank that is used f.e. in elementary os. A brilliant user named @olivierd has plank in his ports tree and seems to be working on ports for other software that is also used in elementary os, f.e. the pantheon terminal. To install plank at the moment, you have to download a certain library from the gnome project and you have to compile it (in fact I had to download and compile two files, but the second seems not to be necessary if one uses @olivierds ports tree), so currently this library is not in the ports tree yet. If you want plank and other software that @olivierd is porting to become regular ports, please help to convince the FreeBSD gnome team to port that special library file.
See and especially @olivierds comments for details on this subject.


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BSDBernd said:
The in my view beautiful dock you are seing there is plank that is used f.e. in elementary os. A brilliant user named @olivierd has plank in his ports tree and seems to be working on ports for other software that is also used in elementary os, f.e. the pantheon terminal. To install plank at the moment, you have to download a certain library from the gnome project and you have to compile it (in fact I had to download and compile two files, but the second seems not to be necessary if one uses @olivierds ports tree), so currently this library is not in the ports tree yet. If you want plank and other software that @olivierd is porting to become regular ports, please help to convince the FreeBSD gnome team to port that special library file.
See and especially @olivierds comments for details on this subject.

Yep, Plank is really good. Goes well with XFCE. I hope it makes it's way to ports. :)

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Wow you have a very nice configuration. What Xfce-theme do you use, especially concerning the top pannel (Edit: Oh, then answer is in your photo, it is the simplix theme)? I should also invest more time to beauty up things :). At the moment everything is standard in my setting. We should all convince the FreeBSD gnome group to port the things @olivierd needs.
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BSDBernd said:
Wow you have a very nice configuration. What Xfce-theme do you use, especially concerning the top pannel (Edit: Oh, then answer is in your photo, it is the simplix theme)? I should also invest more time to beauty up things :). At the moment everything is standard in my setting. We should all convince the FreeBSD gnome group to port the things @olivierd needs.

Yes, I'm using the simplix GTK theme with x11-themes/numix-theme icons + app icons from a pack called plex, and the numix WM theme, patched to match the gray of simplix. (I had to patch xorg-server too, there is a bug that prevents 1px window borders to display correctly with xfwm right now...) The top bar consists of three overlapping panels, one to provide the gray background, one for the clock plugin that's always centered and one for the application drawer + status icons. The status icons from left to right are: a custom patched version of audio/xfce4-mixer, two custom sysutils/xfce4-genmon-plugin scripts for Dropbox and network traffic, mail/xfce4-mailwatch-plugin, and the action buttons plugin. I put the systray to the bottom right on a transparent panel so the colored icons can't screw up my black-and-white top bar. :) I'm also using a small python script to provide a 60px margin on the bottom, so maximized windows wouldn't overlap with plank / the systray. The widget on the desktop is sysutils/conky with the Google Now config patched to work on FreeBSD. Oh, and the Dropbox client is actually running on a remote Linux server and I'm net/unison for two-way synchronization with that folder. A near-perfect solution without any hacky linuxulation.
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Another one with a very cool conky. I think one of my best setup.

This is my conky setup:

use_xft yes
xftalpha 0.8
xftfont Raleway:size=10
update_interval 1
default_color 000000
color1 000000
use_spacer right
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
double_buffer yes
no_buffers yes
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
alignment middle_middle
minimum_size 600 300
maximum_width 600
own_window yes
own_window_type override
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
#own_window_argb_visual yes
#own_window_argb_value 0
#border_margin 0
#border_inner_margin 0
#border_outer_margin 0
override_utf8_locale yes
imlib_cache_size 0


${font Raleway:weight=Light :size=100}${alignc}${time %H}${alignc}:${alignc}${time %M}
${font Raleway:weight=Light:size=32}${voffset -60}${alignc}${time %A %d %B %Y}\

${font Raleway:weight:size=20}${alignc}CPU: $cpu%    ${alignc}Memory: $memperc%    Swap: $swapperc%    HDD: ${fs_used_perc /}%
I am still addicted to Xmonad. :)

The powerful and flexible configuration and the scare of floating windows (resulting from the layouts and the automatisms I am adapted to) has kept me on Xmonad for more than a year now. It looks quite simple, but many things the WM handles are optimized for my daily work. The entire desktop configuration is versioned and fully transferable without a big hassle.
