FreeBSD Screen Shots

Finally settled on i3 after realizing i don't need all the stuff that most Desktop Environments provide. Still need to fix some colors, find a better font and add a bit more useful information to i3bar.

I was going to post mine as I've used it for years and am very fond of it. However, a verbal description takes up less bandwidth. :) I use KDE with a single colour (currently an easy-on-the-eyes green) and nothing else except a very thin control bar down the left side. Since I've never understood the minimizing thing I just use 10 desktops as that's easier for my simple mind to understand. Anyway, picture a plain green screen with nothing on it.
Display Menager: KDE
icons: Simply Elegant based on Lastic Grey Icon
window: Radial
Conky config:
Machine is Dell 1950 but I use it as desktop after restriction speed cooler, it has a PCIe x8 and it is cheap and good :)
>Anyway, picture a plain green screen with nothing on it.

Your father's monochrome monitor. This is the interface of a Sysadmin.
Not as clumsy or random as an emulator; an elegant interface for a more civilized age.
For over several decades the Sysadmins were the guardians of peace and justice on the old servers.
Before the dark times... before the Internet.

But really, I'm with you on the uncluttered desktop. Mine is just a basic black background.