There has to be a minimal_tested_target_level or something to have sepperate versions of the package uploaded for different freebsd releases, keeping it compatible.
I prefer FreeBSD 11.4 over newer because of SCO unix SVR compatibility, but a lot of BSD packages, I can't install. This is a main...
The package data in /usr/local/poudriere/data/packages – how best to make this available?
A symbolic link, maybe?
root@mowa219-gjp4-8570p:~ # date ; uname -v
Fri May 7 06:49:39 BST 2021
FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #94 main-n246499-097e8701c9f: Thu May 6 07:26:23 BST 2021...
I have been reviewing the documentation and have not been able to find anything relating to how capsicum is integrated into the OS nor how one needs to configure the program. When installing Firefox/Firefox-esr, I received a message from the pkg (line 9 is what I am referring to),
4 ##...
So I have these jails now, and I want to install Samba on my www jail.
I've upgraded to 12.2-p6, pkg -vv shows kernel 120200.
I've upgraded my jail with freebsd-update -b /jails/www
There was an error, some directories for the certificates under /usr/share/[certs]/[trusted/blacklisted] didn't...
In FreeBSD 13.0 there's two things about packages.
When installing new packages, for a newly available system, are latest and quarterly the same, until the next quarter comes out? Because it's too new, that it has only 1 set of pkg build on a new system? I changed my /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf from...
So I want to build an FreeBSD iso with hexedit preinstalled. I'm doing that to understand how to build custom iso's. I don't have so much idea about custom kernel build. I mean I don't know how can I do that. I take a look to GhostBSD-src and FreeBSD-src over github and see some tutorials to...
Hi everyone,
First post here - so I'm hopeful I'm for some help!
I have two FreeBSD servers running Rel 12, following output is identical on both:
# uname -a
FreeBSD <server-name> 12.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 12.0-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC amd64
# freebsd-version
Both systems have the...
Hi all,
I was wondering when quarterly 2021Q2 will be available in pkg. My 12.2-RELEASE-p6 machine is still showing packages from 2021Q1 quarterly, although the 2021Q2 branch is created a while ago.
Any thoughts?
Dear FreeBSD-community!
While upgrading the packages in my jails as usual, I ran over this problem:
$ for i in `jls jid` ; do sudo pkg -j $i update ; done
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
[jailA] Fetching meta.conf: 100% 163 B 0.2kB/s 00:01
[jailA] Fetching packagesite.txz...
Hello. New user here.
I recently switched to the latest branch of 12.2-RELEASE-p4 and updated all my installed pkgs. Then, I installed the port system because I wanted a version of berry (x11-wm/berry) with my own patches applied. All of it worked exactly as planned and installed fine.
Sometimes, pkg gets confused and thinks a process that has long since disappeared, still holds the lock on the package database.
$ sudo pkg install -yr FreeBSD net/ipxe
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
process with pid...
A new guy to FreeBSD world here well I could just say to the BSD world :/
So I've installed FreeBSD-13.0-RC1 and I use it since then, I've upgraded it and now I am on RC3, no problem so far.
Well of course not everything is setup as I would like yet but I am working on it but before going...
The output of uname -K in both host and jail is the same, currently 1202505, but when I run pkg -vv | grep OSVERSION inside the jail I get a different version:
OSVERSION = 1201512;
Any idea of what I could be missing within the pkg within the jail is returning a different version?
When trying...
Using freeBSD 12.2 I try to program a pkg plugin. So far it is found by the pkg tool and gets triggered by the install operation.
To be able to compare with best practices I'd like to see some source code for a pgk plugin which is triggered just before the installation of a new package.
Hello, whenever I run clinfo or clpeak I get this error:
Platform: Clover
Device: AMD CEDAR (DRM 2.50.0 / 12.2-RELEASE-p3, LLVM 10.0.1)
Driver version : 20.2.3 (FreeBSD)
Compute units : 2
Clock frequency : 650 MHz
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Hello, I have been trying to get OpenCL working and found out I needed graphics/drm-fbsd12.0-kmod in order to get OpenCL recognize my GPU.
The problem is, that module only works if it's built from ports and crashes when it's installed from pkg.
The other issue is for number of reasons I can't...
Hello, I wanted to check for updates on my server and ran pkg update but the output was:
The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]: y
Which I replied yes
Bootstrapping pkg from...
When trying to run
pkg update && pkg upgrade -y
I get this error:
I tried several methods to solve this and none of them worked out... I'm kinda lost here.
Unable to update repository FreeBSD
Error updating repositories!
root@:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg #
root@:/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg #...
Hello, I have been trying to build graphics/drm-fbsd12.0-kmod inside a Jail with make package but there I am having an issue:
===> radeonkmsfw/verde_smc (install)
install -T release -o root -g wheel -m 555 radeon_verde_smc_bin.ko...
Deleted member 62636
make package
pkgpkg error
port build
I'm doing some clean FreeBSD installs and pkg is very slow to download packages (400/500 kb/s). Is there any way to choose another mirror for faster installation?
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