XMPP is said to have a lot of overhead, in part because it uses XML. Also, each message must pass through servers that were used for establishing the connection, rather than more directly afterwards.
Telegram markets itself as being very secure, but I've seen past comments that were dubious about this. Aside from that, Signal is a better alternative than Telegram. Signal is secure by default, while Telegram leads the assumption that it is, when it isn't.
MQTT, which is lightweight, is intended for IOT (small device communication). The project Eclipse Paho http://www.eclipse.org/paho/ is a rare example of its use for messaging. MQTT's security is too basic for secure conversation.
Matrix is basically a proprietary derivative of XMPP.
Also discussions about TOX.
Telegram markets itself as being very secure, but I've seen past comments that were dubious about this. Aside from that, Signal is a better alternative than Telegram. Signal is secure by default, while Telegram leads the assumption that it is, when it isn't.
MQTT, which is lightweight, is intended for IOT (small device communication). The project Eclipse Paho http://www.eclipse.org/paho/ is a rare example of its use for messaging. MQTT's security is too basic for secure conversation.
Matrix is basically a proprietary derivative of XMPP.
Also discussions about TOX.
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