For Youtube I like to use multimedia/minitube. Matter of taste of course. It requires Google API key...I prefer to have two browsers open on my system. One to watch youtube videos and the other for everything else.
So I'm using Chromium for youtube, because I figure it would be the best for that and Firefox as my browser of choice for everything else.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; FreeBSD amd64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; FreeBSD amd64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; FreeBSD amd64; rv:107.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/107.0
Tried to install it from ports. Builds OK, but gives an error when started. Seems to be broken.Switched to www/luakit but somehow there lives a nasty conflicting code in my box. Luakit is a very nice browser, like the fastness and vi-keybinds.
$ luakit
[ 0.040514] I [core/luah]: Loading rc: /usr/local/etc/xdg/luakit/rc.lua
ERROR:common/util.c:67:strip_ansi_escapes: assertion failed (err == NULL): Error while compiling regular expression ‘[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]’ at char 3: unrecognized character following \ (g-regex-error-quark, 103)
Bail out! ERROR:common/util.c:67:strip_ansi_escapes: assertion failed (err == NULL): Error while compiling regular expression ‘[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]’ at char 3: unrecognized character following \ (g-regex-error-quark, 103)
I installed pkg luakit-devel and it works.I'm the port maintainer of luakit and luakit-devel. A glib update broke both luakit and luakit-devel. This was patched upstream in the luakit-devel version (a sort of "rolling release"), but not in the "stable" luakit 2.2. So if you install luakit-devel from ports it should work fine (it does here). The "stable" luakit version 2.2 hasn't been updated so that one is broken until it gets updated upstream. Probably version 2.4.
I would say the one that gives me the least amount of grief when browsing a specific website. Having said that, the state of the "web" is horrible these days especially on mobile devices. My phone or tablet is large enough to handle desktop format but sites insist on pushing crapped up mobile formats that make the browsing experience horrific especially with all the embedded ads or pop ups. And web browsers (desktop or mobile) seem to go through cycles where they all "work" for a period and then they all diverge where they don't work. Lately I find that Chrome can't handle certain websites where Firefox can....or vice versa. And for specifically Microsoft sites like, I resort to **blech** Edge.
That's not my experience. As long as you stick to major browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox), the bulk of all mainstream web pages function correctly. Even though these days they use a lot of scripting, but the big browsers are all compatible enough, and good scripting techniques are now understood, scripting has become unproblematic.I agree, the problem is not the browsers, is the evolution of the web ...
and yeah, some sites works with firefox..others with chrome , ...
Which sites? That should never happen anywhere but from "some guy on the internet" who doesn't know what he's doing.some sites works with firefox..others with chrome , from a blank page to everything rendered out of place(buttons,images,etc)
Which sites? That should never happen anywhere but from "some guy on the internet" who doesn't know what he's doing.
For the rest of us who did this for a living, we would test in all the major browsers going back at least two versions. And we did that multiple times a day as we developed. Often multiple times while writing the markup and code.
I agree, I never say that was a browser problemwolffnx Well then that's not a browser problem.