How long will Xorg live?

Despite the bajillion amount of Linux distros in existence; BSD is probably one half of the user base in mindshare. I'd say will still be around for a while.
Or... FreeBSD doesn't swim upstream and just does work to make Wayland by default-able.

It is not typical that FreeBSD needs to do work to support 3rd party ports; it is the other way round.

Besides, FreeBSD has already inadvertantly done the required work half a decade ago. It already has a working libdrm capable subsystem. It is what Xorg modesetting uses and what most Wayland compositors use (they are more similar than most people believe).

FreeBSD won't swim upstream. It doesn't need to swim at all; it is up to 3rd party projects to be ported to it and like most of the guys in the Wayland ecosystem, their work is lethargic because they rather talk rather than do (that, and the scope of individual Wayland compositors is unsustainable and developers know it!).
Why not X12? It is strange that thousands (or millions) of programmers are working on any projects most of them insignificant or unnecessary but there are no people for X11 improvements or development of X12.
Why not X12? It is strange that thousands (or millions) of programmers are working on any projects most of them insignificant or unnecessary but there are no people for X11 improvements or development of X12.
Indeed. To be fair, I do see Xenocara as an "X11R8" just because it is a tidy up (even if much of it is build system).
For most guys, who want to keep decent software working, that is enough.
Why work on X12 when you can work on Wayland? That seems to be the question developers pose to themselves.