
  1. S

    Solved Attempting to port a few libxcb utilities and windowmanagers

    Trying to port fswm (full screen window manager from and other XCB window managers and programs. I got through many steps, but get errors after a successful make stage. It fails on make install. The previous error of pkg-static: Unable to access file...
  2. dnb

    How long will Xorg live?

    I heard that Xorg is no longer being developed and will eventually be discontinued in favor of the newfangled Wayland. Whether I use FreeBSD or Gentoo, I usually install xorg + tiling wm (awesome or xmonad). Both of them (awsome and xmonad) won't work on Wayland. Don't care about Gentoo, I...
  3. S

    Adding NeXtaw option to ports as Athena Widgets, and porting to XCB

    I want to add Nextaw (x11-toolkits/neXtaw) options to applications that use Xaw (x11-toolkits/libXaw) in ports. I've thought about working on adding port customizations since starting the thread athena-xaw-implementations.81588. To start with, I learned a lot about adjusting Makefiles by using...
  4. S

    libXCB (X C Binding library)

    XCB (X-protocol C-language binding) was intended to fully replace Xlib for X11: so far, XCB has gradually replaced some parts of it. Its purpose was to be more efficient and to be easier to program. X11 is a protocol. Xlib and XCB are both API's and library sets. Xlib (also called libX11) is...
  5. S

    Other Screenshots of BSD Window Managers for X11 (nonviral licenses)

    Thread for screenshots of BSD style window managers for X11. Common ones are listed below, organized by type. Floating; Mouse x11-wm/blackbox - C++, developed on FreeBSD x11-wm/enlightenment; x11-wm/e16 - C, EFL x11-wm/fluxbox - C++, previous fork of blackbox x11-wm/jwm - C, Xlib - uses XML...
  6. christhegeek

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ?

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ? Tried to compile bspwm-rounded-corners misses some dev libraries which I don't know if they are available on FreeBSD. Tried to search for...
  7. O

    Some problems for installing bspwm on freebsd

    After sudo pkg install bspwm, bspwm said it's configure file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bspwm/bspwmrc, but I found XDG_CONFIG_HOME enviroment variable is null. How to fixed it? What is XDG_CONFIG_HOME?
  8. A

    Solved Gnome/GTK-free Desktop

    Is it possible to have a Gnome-Free Desktop? Suppose you have a non-Gnome desktop (i3, KDE, etc). Is there any specific program in Gnome project that has no usable alternative in other projects e.g. KDE. What about GTK? For example is there enough Qt-based applications out there, to be able to...
  9. K

    libinput breaks keymapping in sxhkd

    Hello. I'm using Thinkpad T430 with bspwm window manager and sxhkd hotkey daemon, which has several hotkey mappings: ... # focus/swap window in the given direction super + {_,shift + }{Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east} ... # control speaker volume super +...
  10. A

    Using lemonbar with xft support

    Hey guys, I know there is already a FreeBSD port for Lemonbar, however it does not support xft fonts. I'd like to get support (most likely through the githubfork here: However, I keep getting errors like the one down the bottom when trying to compile...
  11. talsamon

    Solved This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in ""

    The recent update of the qt5* ports puzzled some things, could not update cause of net/qt5-networking is broken with security/libressl. I reverted the partial update. After this I got the error. Problem with multimedia/vlc and graphics/xpdf (maybe, with some more). How to fix?
  12. rigoletto@

    Solved Polybar: I want to give it a try.

    Hi! There is this very nice bar called Polybar. It currently does not build in FreeBSD but someone already gave some HINTS on how to make it possible: Adding an #ifdef _FreeBSD_ for sys/endian.h statement. Disabling -Werror and pedantic errors, I guess the author uses gcc and clang has...
  13. r0g3r

    Lemonbar xft

    Hi, how do I install the lemonbar xft in FBSD
  14. S

    Trouble Starting the Awesome Window Manager Under Current

    Not sure if this is a configuration issue, or if there is legitimately something wrong. 1) Installed Xorg no problems. Default window manager boots and works as intended. 2) Built awesome window manager. No errors on build. 3) Configured .xinitrc as such: xterm & exec awesome 4) Run...
  15. I

    Issue with Nvidia settings

    So I've recently installed FreeBSD. I'm currently running kernel 10.2-RELEASE-p9 with userland 10.2-RELEASE-p13. This is the amd64 version. Anyway, I've recently installed the Nvidia drivers from Nvidia's website due to the ones available from pkg being pretty outdated. The driver works fine...
  16. D

    Solved bspwm problem

    EDIT: i I changed #! /bin/sh to /usr/bin/env tcsh this is my second day with free bsd FreeBSD, I installed it yesterday but I didn't know it has tcsh instead of bash, I don't know if this did the trick but now x11-wm/bspwm works as it should. Hi, I installed bspwm but the problem is that I...
  17. G

    Lecture: X Security - It's worse than it looks

    Having seen this presentation at 30C3 a/o 2014/12/29 I made my mind not touching xorg anymore until the situation has gotten better. This was expected to be midyear 2014. Although I could not find any information about the state of cleaning up the xorg server mess. Does someone have more...
  18. N not found

    When startx I get error shard object "" not found required by XDMCP requests will be grantedxserver died during startup what should I do?
  19. X

    Shared object "" not found

    Hi, My version of FreeBSD 9.2 stopped running X and gnome2 recently. Instead of displaying the login dialog it now displays a command-line login prompt. And when I type startx I get the following error: Shared object "" not found, required by "" Searching for this...
  20. U

    Solved [Solved] missing

    Over the last few weeks I've been slowly migrating my users off Linux and to FreeBSD and the install always went down the same route: 1. boot from the DVD, install including sources tree. 2. Change pkg repository to release/0, run pkg and install xorg and gnome2. Today I am working from home...