FreeBSD Screen Shots

I have almost the same setup:

= Openbox, Conky, lxpanel

- Nautilus (don't want)


+ xfe
+ hsetroot
+ automounter
+ xlockmore

(advantage: most Gnome dependencies are not needed; don't need the whole poettering software and Gnome session crap; replaced gdm by slim to accomplish this)

+ gtk-murrine-engine
+ Orta GTK2 theme (downloaded manually)
Here's my latest experiment:

This is x11-wm/wmii-devel configured and controlled with ruby19 (Current config is here)

I must admin, that I like wmii more than xmonad. I love stacking windows feature :D
I wrote my Ruby config from scratch (wmiirc is ugly) with some peaking at original ruby config.

I'm most sattisfied with fact, that I managed to implement per desk (tag, view... whatever you call it) workdir :D (i.e. apps are launched from this dir)

This tilling WM supports floating windows better than any other I've tried.
vermaden said:
Maybe functional, but its so ugly that it rips my eyes off my face ;)
(I have tried using its themes but they all look the same)

Yes, that's true. What makes it look better is when you use TrueType fonts. But it stays ugly because of the design.

I've even been thinking about writing my own FM, because everything sucks very badly or needs some heavy-weight dependencies around it. I don't like nautilus because it pulls in half of Gnome and stuff which I don't like at all, like GVFS and HAL.

I also realized that it is getting increasingly difficult for people to use something else than the large desktop environments on FreeBSD. There is some work to be done about it in the FreeBSD ports collection.
nakal said:
Yes, that's true. What makes it look better is when you use TrueType fonts. But it stays ugly because of the design.

I've even been thinking about writing my own FM, because everything sucks very badly or needs some heavy-weight dependencies around it. I don't like nautilus because it pulls in half of Gnome and stuff which I don't like at all, like GVFS and HAL.

I also realized that it is getting increasingly difficult for people to use something else than the large desktop environments on FreeBSD. There is some work to be done about it in the FreeBSD ports collection.

There is also pcmanfm which is currently in the process of total rewrite, I also can not live without thunar mass file renaming feature.
alie said:
I set it to terminus 10, whats wrong with the font ? is it ugly ? :( any recommended settings ?

The picture is blurry to make out anything conclusive properly. However, the font definitely doesn't look like Terminus. What do you have in your Xdefaults or Xresources file?
my Xresources


Xcursor.theme: Vainilla-DMZ-AA Xcursor.size: 22


!color0 = 30m 
!color8 = 1,30m
!color1 = 31m
!color9 = 1,31m
!color2 = 32m
!color10 = 1,32m
!color3 = 33m
!color11 = 1,33m
!color4 = 34m
!color12 =1,34m
!color5 = 35m
!color13 = 1,35m
!color14 = 36m
!color6 = 1,36m
!color7 = 37m
!color15 = 1,37m

*color0:       #151515
*color8:       #8b8f93
*color1:       #a82200
*color9:       #ff3300
*color2:       #086870
*color10:      #0eb8c7
*color3:       #a86500
*color11:      #ff9900
*color4:       #30569c
*color12:      #4B86F3
*color5:       #655799
*color13:      #9e88f0
*color6:       #4ca4a8
*color14:      #73f7ff
*color7:       #888888
*color15:      #e1dddd

!!!Config Urxvt!!!

!URxvt.depth: 32
!URxvt.background: rgba:1500/1500/1500/ffff

*background:   #151515
*foreground:   white
URxvt.font: xft: Terminus:pixelsize=10:antialias=false
URxvt.geometry: 80x20
URxvt.scrollBar: true
Urxvt.secondaryScroll: true
URxvt.scrollBar_right: true
URxvt.scrollBar_floating: true
URxvt.scrollstyle: plain
URxvt.scrollColor: #252525
URxvt.cursorColor: #404040
I didn't have problems with a similar definition. For what it's worth, try defining your font like this, without extra knobs for pixelsize and aliasing etc.

URxvt*font: -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

Can you post a better screenshot where the original resolution can be seen? Use omploader.
vermaden said:
The Openbox 3.5.0 supports icons in the menu.

I've been playing with this since it hit the ports. I wish you could put a logo next to the menu title.

What icon set are you using?