FreeBSD Screen Shots

Daisuke_Aramaki page: 4
The best fvwm theme i have ever seen!
Where i can find this theme & icons theme?
I use dwm but i want to try fvwm a lot of months now!
It worths or keep dwm?
What is the "best" of this 2? Just i want some opinions
sk8harddiefast said:
Daisuke_Aramaki page: 4
The best fvwm theme i have ever seen!
Where i can find this theme & icons theme?
I use dwm but i want to try fvwm a lot of months now!
It worths or keep dwm?
What is the "best" of this 2? Just i want some opinions

love both fvwm and dwm. for tiling i always go either the dwm way or scrotwm way. fvwm is an incredible beast that will take a while to get used to. but after that u will be amazed by what u can do with fvwm.

Anyhoo, first one from my side this month. Old school!

Daisuke_Aramaki said:
love both fvwm and dwm. for tiling i always go either the dwm way or scrotwm way. fvwm is an incredible beast that will take a while to get used to. but after that u will be amazed by what u can do with fvwm.

Anyhoo, first one from my side this month. Old school!

Where can I get that wallpaper? :)
During last week I had big breakthrough in (currently multimedia/playd, I requested to rename it to

I added few features, fixed gazillion bugs, and resolved issues related to file names with special characters. This work inspired me to fix one of my very old sh scripts for fvwm -

After spending many hours, yesterday at about 2-3am, I finished rewriting it.

Here are screenshots of fvwm music menu generated by script:

in screenshots 1 you can see, that Down-Low albun It Ain't over is using backquote which is special character not only in sh but in fvwm as well. To avoid problems, I used quotes (single where possible, double otherwise) and encoded some characters with sed, later, when i needed real file path, I decoded arg1, again with sed
I think that this script is pretty nice sh-fvwm hack

Previously I used static menus for radio stations, but since few days ago playd can recognise different kinds of playlists, now I can use to also generate radio menu same way I make music menu :D To add new radio station, I just need to download playlist, and place it in /files/radio folder (or subfolders) :D

To achieve portability and flexibility doesn't call music player directly. Instead it calls Fvwm functions, PlayerPlay and PlayerAppend and pass them one argument (file or directory)

fvwm config:

if someone is interested in more details, let me know
A screenshot of my desktop :). Running conky, upgrading some ports, using scrot to take the screen cap.


This is the setup I've been running for the past two months.

Xfce, 8-STABLE, zfs + amd64 on a T61.

Everything works great.