FreeBSD Screen Shots

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My X61 running FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p10. It serves as my .mp3 player and is never online so I leave well enough alone. It sits next to my recliner with headphones plugged in so I usually don't bother to turn the music off when I take off the headphones. The next time I pick them up the music is already playing.

It's from the Rob Zombie film Lords of Salem and that's his wife Sheri. It may not seem very Christmas-like to you, but I was thinking of my ex who shares the same name and does to me...
Looks like she had a rough night ;-)
Nice. I haven't used XMMS since my Mandriva Linux days. I recently discovered xfe also through this forum too. I must say I am enjoying FreeBSD a great deal. This is my first week of using it! ???
I really like the moc music player (audio/moc). It's a music server with a terminal front end, and attempts to give smooth playback whatever the system load. When your boss walks up behind you and looks at your screen it looks just like a file manager :)
I really like the moc music player (audio/moc). It's a music server with a terminal front end, and attempts to give smooth playback whatever the system load. When your boss walks up behind you and looks at your screen it looks just like a file manager :)
Like this...


  • moc.gif
    173 KB · Views: 480
I really like the moc music player (audio/moc). It's a music server with a terminal front end, and attempts to give smooth playback whatever the system load. When your boss walks up behind you and looks at your screen it looks just like a file manager :)
Thanks for that. I decided to stick with musicpd and ncmpcpp because I can't sort tracks I with moc. And the FreeBSD version has resampling disabled by default. ?
Thanks for that. I decided to stick with musicpd and ncmpcpp because I can't sort tracks I with moc. And the FreeBSD version has resampling disabled by default. ?
Well that's interesting.. I'll go check out those programs you mentioned. Maybe there's better things than moc now. thanks!
Here is updated FVWM Vertex theme with dock and menu icons.

It uses Droid Sans font, so x11-fonts/droid-fonts-ttf should be installed.

The only thing that you need to configure for your screen resolution in ~/.fvwm/config, is "IconBox"
Not anymore, just replace
Style * IconBox 852x64+0-0, \
IconFill r b, IconGrid 1 1
Style * IconBox 0 0 -514 -2,\
    IconFill r b, IconGrid 1 1

Apps that dock uses:
1. x11/stalonetray
Here is my ~/.stalonetrayrc:
kludges force_icons_size
no_shrink  true
skip_taskbar true
sticky true
dockapp_mode simple
parent_bg true
transparent false
geometry 2x2
max_geometry 2x2
icon_size 26
slot_size 26
scrollbars horizontal

With this config you're able to scroll tray applications if you launch more than 4 tray apps,
with button on right and left of stalonetray, with mouse wheel or left click.
2. audio/wmsmixer
3. astro/wmmoonclock
4. x11-clocks/wmclockmon


Apps from mini buttons:
xterm, xdg-open $HOME (open your home dir with your default file manager), geany, firefox, chromium, iftop, audacious, htop, tigervnc.
Also mini buttons uses icons from x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme, so it should be installed.
To run applications (Alt+F2) install x11/gmrun, to show your keyboard layout in tray (stalonetray), install x11/sbxkb.

So to use it:
1. Install GTK Vertex theme:
# pkg install automake autoconf pkgconf gtk-murrine-engine
% git clone --depth 1 && cd vertex-theme
% ./ --prefix=/usr/local
# make install

2. Install x11-themes/lxappearance and choose Vertex theme.

3. Download attached zip archive ( and extract .fvwm/ dir to your home dir (~/.fvwm).

4. Install and start FVWM: # pkg install fvwm, % startx /usr/local/bin/fvwm2.

5. Enjoy!

To move titlebar buttons to right

##########Titlebar buttons pixmaps
# Close
ButtonStyle 1 Pixmap button.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 1 Inactive Pixmap button-unfocused.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown Pixmap button-close.png -- Flat
# Iconify
ButtonStyle 3 Pixmap button.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 3 Inactive Pixmap button-unfocused.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 3 ActiveDown Pixmap button-iconify.png -- Flat
# Maximize
ButtonStyle 5 Pixmap button.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 5 Inactive Pixmap button-unfocused.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 5 ActiveDown Pixmap button-maximize.png -- Flat
##########Titlebar buttons actions: Close/iconify/maximize
AddToFunc CloseButton
+ C Close
AddToFunc IconifyButton
+ C Iconify
AddToFunc MaximizeButton
+ C Maximize

Mouse 1        1    A    CloseButton
Mouse 1        3    A    IconifyButton
Mouse 1        5    A    MaximizeButton
##########Titlebar buttons pixmaps
# Close
ButtonStyle 2 Pixmap button.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 2 Inactive Pixmap button-unfocused.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 2 ActiveDown Pixmap button-close.png -- Flat
# Iconify
ButtonStyle 6 Pixmap button.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 6 Inactive Pixmap button-unfocused.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 6 ActiveDown Pixmap button-iconify.png -- Flat
# Maximize
ButtonStyle 4 Pixmap button.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 4 Inactive Pixmap button-unfocused.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle 4 ActiveDown Pixmap button-maximize.png -- Flat
##########Titlebar buttons actions: Close/iconify/maximize
AddToFunc CloseButton
+ C Close
AddToFunc IconifyButton
+ C Iconify
AddToFunc MaximizeButton
+ C Maximize

Mouse 1        2    A    CloseButton
Mouse 1        6    A    IconifyButton
Mouse 1        4    A    MaximizeButton

Also it is possible to use gnome3 native applications, because it also uses Vertex theme,

just add
to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
To move buttons to right, use

As a composite manager I use x11-wm/compton,
here is my:
dbus = true;
backend = "xrender";
vsync = "opengl";

glx-no-stencil = true;
detect-transient = true;
sw-opti = true;
detect-rounded-corners = true;
use-ewmh-active-win = true;
detect-client-opacity = true;
detect-client-leader = true;
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
mark-ovredir-focused = true;

fading = true;
fade-delta = 5;
no-fading-openclose = false;
fade-in-step = 0.03;
fade-out-step = 0.1;
frame-opacity = 1;
inactive-opacity = 1;

shadow = true;
clear-shadow = true;
no-dnd-shadow = true;
no-dock-shadow = true;
shadow-ignore-shaped = true;
shadow-radius = 4;
shadow-opacity = 1;
shadow-offset-x = -6;
shadow-offset-y = -5;

shadow-exclude = [
    #"!name ~= ''",
    "name = 'Notification'",
    "class_g %= '*.exe'",
    "class_g = 'Gnome-screenshot'",
    "class_g = 'Wine'",
    "class_g = 'conky'",
    "class_g = 'Firefox' && argb",
    "class_g = 'Seamonkey' && argb",
    "class_g = 'Thunderbird' && argb",
    "class_g = 'chromium-browser' && argb"

    tooltip = { fade = false; shadow = true; opacity = 0.85; };
    popup_menu = { fade = false; shadow = true; opacity = 0.9; };
    dropdown_menu = { fade = false; shadow = true; opacity = 0.9; };
    utility = { fade = true; shadow = true; opacity = 0.85; };

Also there is embedded drop down xterm in configuration, press F1 to show it, you need to adjust it size to fit yout screen, search for "# Drop-down terminal function", you need to configure
+ I None (drop_down_term, CurrentDesk) Exec exec xterm -name drop_down_term -geometry [b]195x33[/b]
+ I All (drop_down_term, !Maximized) ResizeMove [b]100 65 0 0[/b]
Also, please add
 + I All (drop_down_term) FlipFocus
to this function (because I forgot).

Most of menu icons where taken from Vivacious Colors GTK Icon Theme.
Interesting use of dockapps, thanks for the details on how you configured all this, I might borrow bits of it.
Better try my FVWM config from here, it's much more polished.


It installed OK, except for one thing, wmclockmon has vanished from repository, or at least, it barfed trying to install that, once I deleted that from the line of things to install it went on fine.

Yes I like it. Although I miss some of the menu options in the default fvwm config, you have changed it so that we have to go edit the config file. But I guess it's no big deal. I ran your xdg menu generator, but since I don't have any gnome apps installed I ended up with an empty xdg menu. Good stuff all round.
It installed OK, except for one thing, wmclockmon has vanished from repository
When I'll have some time, I'll update config and remove it. I'll replace it with x11-clocks/wmclock
Peek 2019-06-11 02-36.gif

but you can do it by yourself —
*Dock: (3x3, Frame 2, Swallow(UseOld,NoClose) wmclockmon\
        'Exec exec wmclockmon -bw -nl', Action(Mouse1) 'Exec exec wmclockmon-cal',\
        Action(Mouse3) 'Exec exec wmclockmon-cal')
Replace these lines with
*Dock: (3x3, Frame 3, Swallow(UseOld,NoClose) wmclock\
        'Exec exec wmclock -24')

I ran your xdg menu generator, but since I don't have any gnome apps installed I ended up with an empty xdg menu
Install the lxmenu-data package, as written here:
You also need to install following applications to have a fully working dock and some functions:
# pkg ins wmcpuload wmsystemtray wmmemload wmsmixer wmMoonClock wmclockmon sbxkb dmenu py27-xdg lxmenu-data liberation-fonts-ttf rxvt-unicode
Then restart FVWM and you'll be able to generate a menu.

Although I miss some of the menu options in the default fvwm config, you have changed it so that we have to go edit the config file
Yes, just edit menu file and add whatever menu options you want ;)
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Alain De Vos, One of my biggest pet peeves with OpenBox is that all the default themes seem to favour really thin borders. Are you able to easily grab the 1px side border and resize windows or do you need to fall back to ALT-grab? I notice you have compositing, possibly this can increase the border grab width (like is done on the Raspbian version of OpenBox?).

Normally I would just increase the border width but OpenBox is quite limited in that it also adds padding under the title and then it doesn't look good aesthetically.
Alain De Vos, One of my biggest pet peeves with OpenBox is that all the default themes seem to favour really thin borders. Are you able to easily grab the 1px side border and resize windows or do you need to fall back to ALT-grab? I notice you have compositing, possibly this can increase the border grab width (like is done on the Raspbian version of OpenBox?).

Normally I would just increase the border width but OpenBox is quite limited in that it also adds padding under the title and then it doesn't look good aesthetically.
I use the theme Clearlooks-3.4
border.width: 1
window.handle.width: 4
Grabbing a corner is easy