FreeBSD Screen Shots

Whish is the wallpaper? The home icon (logotype of FreeBSD) where download? :)


FreeBSD icon was found somewhere on the web…
Wallpaper is an edited version of one of the GNOME 3.16 (or 3.14) default wallpapers pack,
Inscription at the bottom left says "Om Namah Shivaya" on Sanskrit.

By the way, now I use the same desktop as ~6 months ago —


A volume indicator — is an audio/osdmixer, you can easily customize its source code to satisfy your needs.

As a desktop handler & file manager I use x11-fm/pcmanfm, it is the most stable GUI FM for FreeBSD IMO.
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ILUXA said:
By the way, now I use the same desktop as ~6 months ago —

Elegant system finish , maybe you have any guide personalized of this model of presentation system with this graphical desktop on english? :)
Maу be I'll create it one day, somewhere here, on FreeBSD forums...
Thanks, teo, I'm glad you like it.

There is nothing difficult, after x11-wm/windowmaker installation,
just configure it with /usr/local/GNUstep/Applications/,
search for some nice dock apps with % pkg search -c dockapp,
install your favourite software, ???, PROFIT! :D

To change dock background, also use WPrefs,
use 64x64 images, you can create them with graphics/gimp for example, here is mine:

As a composite manager use x11-wm/compton,
My ~/.config/compton.conf:
backend = "xrender";
vsync = "opengl";
xrender-sync = true;
dbe = false;
paint-on-overlay = true;
glx-no-stencil = true;
detect-transient = true;
sw-opti = true;
detect-rounded-corners = true;
detect-client-opacity = true;
detect-client-leader = true;
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
mark-ovredir-focused = true;
dbus = true;

frame-opacity = 1;
inactive-opacity = 1;

shadow = true;
clear-shadow = true;
no-dnd-shadow = true;
no-dock-shadow = true;
shadow-ignore-shaped = true;
shadow-radius = 5;
shadow-opacity = 1;
shadow-offset-x = -8;
shadow-offset-y = -8;

shadow-exclude = [
        "class_g *?= 'Fvwm'",
        "class_g *?= 'Conky'",
        "class_g %= '*.exe'",
        "class_g = 'Mate-notification-daemon'",
        "class_g = 'Notification-daemon'",
        "class_g = 'Gnome-screenshot'",
        "class_g = 'Wine'",
        "class_g = 'Firefox' && argb",
        "class_g = 'Seamonkey' && argb",
        "class_g = 'Thunderbird' && argb",
        "class_g = 'Plank'",

fading = true;
fade-delta = 5;
no-fading-openclose = false;
fade-in-step = 0.03;
fade-out-step = 0.03;

fade-exclude = [
        "class_g = 'Altyo'",
        "class_g = 'Wine'"

        tooltip = { fade = false; shadow = true; opacity = 0.9; };
        popup_menu = { fade = false; shadow = true; };
        dropdown_menu = { fade = false; shadow = true; };

As a file manager/desktop handler, use x11-fm/pcmanfm,
to start desktop automatically, add " pcmanfm --desktop" to autostart.

If I'm missing something, just ask me.
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George_ember said:


Simple things. Fluxbox with xcompmgr with xfce4-panel and xfce4-terminal following dark pastel palette
Excellent, as achievement customize and configure as you see that cute Fluxbox window manager? Try it many times and I could not with the little information of FluxBox on the internet. You have available the procedures that you did for the stop as well? :)
Excellent, as achievement customize and configure as you see that cute Fluxbox window manager? Try it many times and I could not with the little information of FluxBox on the internet. You have available the procedures that you did for the stop as well? :)

My Εnglish is not very good but If I understood right you want to learn how to configure Fluxbox?
Yes, as you customize and configure FluxBox as shown in the picture? Perhaps you have noted all the steps you did to stop that as well. :)

To configure the Menu:
Τo set a wallpaper you should use graphics/feh

set something similar to your .xinitrc file
exec feh --bg-scale /home/user/Pictures/picture.png

To change themes (styles as they called in Fluxbox) put the themes into /home/user/.fluxbox/Styles

To configure the theme on gtk apps use x11-themes/lxappearance

For lock screen application I use x11/xtrlock/

Finally if you want to change font or font size etc on Fluxbox, you should change it on every style on font section
A personal combination of numix-icon-theme and numix-icon-theme-circle. That I made was to use as base the numix-icon-theme and replace all apps folders with this of numix-icon-theme-circle. (Need some hacking on index.theme and on scalable folder).

My GTK theme is named Siva and can be found here:

Finally the dockbar is the famous Plank dock (Can be found in ports).
Please would you be so kind to share your numix icon package? Thanks!
Please would you be so kind to share your numix icon package? Thanks!

That's a pretty old post, so you're not likely to get an answer from the original poster. But finding the Numix icon theme is easy enough. It's got its own website and GitHub repository, and can be downloaded from about a half-dozen places at this point.

My FreeBSD 11.0 RELEASE-p9 Gateway/Acer clone running Fluxbox, Gkrellm, Eterm, Xfe and xmms.

My trusty 10 year old Sony Vaio running FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p9 with Fluxbox, Gkrellm, Eterm, Xfe, and xmms.
yes,i know that still today is very popular but make me remember that old days when i use it in Mandrake..Red hat And Debian

That's back in the day when I first started using it. I do use Audacious on my other BSD boxen but only because it isn't available.