Xfce Disable random notification about Sticky Keys?

Sometimes (presumably when pressing certain keyboard keys) I get a desktop notification about Sticky Keys being disabled. As far as I know Sticky Keys isn't being enabled, I never enabled it, and Xfce Settings -> Accessibility has everything unchecked/disabled.

I've seen suggestions with Linux about disabling the Notification for xfce4-settings-helper, but that sounds like a workaround and might hide anything else important coming from that.

I'm wondering what causes the Sticky Keys Disabled notification to sometimes appear, and if there's a way to disable that notification properly (doesn't seem like it should be happening with SKs already disabled)? I was thinking disabling Accessibility or SKs from xkbset or something might work (Linux-specific suggestions), but those programs didn't exist on my system and I'm thinking there's something else more FreeBSD/Unix-specific already included to use instead?

I'm on FreeBSD 14.1 with xfce4 and Xorg from packages.
What's the display manager?

Is any other desktop environment installed?

Is there any key swap setting in BIOS?

The upstream issue with x11/xcape (if that's installed) isn't a match for the apparent randomness in your case.

… (presumably when pressing certain keyboard keys) …

If you press and hold the Shift key, do you get what's not wanted?

You inspired me to discover a command-line workaround to a Plasma bug that I suffered for years. A keyboard shortcut dialogue, for a widget, that does not respect what's set.
I saw this on Debian 12.9 Xfce a bit ago and guess it's Xfce-specific. I think it happened when I pressed Ctrl to copy text, but it still seems random/not easy to reproduce.