BGP on FreeBSD VPS and OSPF over VPN?

Hello everyone,

Over the last year and a half I have learned a lot about IPv6, but unfortunately I am limited by my available ISPs (only dynamic IPv6 prefixes or prohibitively expensive business contracts).
So I was thinking about getting my own ASN and renting a PI /48 IPv6 prefix so I can use static GUA's instead of ULA's and do proper IPv6 WAN failover/multihoming without NAT66.

But since my ISP does not offer peering, I thought about using a FreeBSD VPS at a hoster like Vultr (which allows individual ASNs and prefixes) and do BGP peering that way.
To get all the traffic to arrive at my firewall, I thought about routing everything via OSPFv3 over an IPsec or WireGuard tunnel.

Would something like this work, and if so, would it even be a good idea/are there better ways achive do this?
I am still pretty new to dynamic routing protocols like BGPv6 and OSPFv3, so any advice is appreciated :)