
  1. S

    Issue with NFS mount

    Hi Community, The directory /iso from the FreeBSD server has been mounted to a Rhel server. I mounted the directory about a month and a half ago. It has been working. Yesterday I created a new directory /share and wanted to replace /iso with /share. I removed /iso from /etc/exports file and...
  2. M

    NFS connection not possible

    Hello forum users, I use FreeBSD 14.1. The system runs an XFCE desktop. I would like to use Thunar to access an NFS share from my NAS server. Unfortunately, I get the following error message with Thunar: Permission denied: "This computer may not be authorized or a privileged port is expected."...
  3. M

    ZFS zfs sharenfs property ignored when mounting encrypted datasets

    Hi, I'm on 14.0-RELEASE and wondering if that is intended behaviour. I have an encrypted dataset with "sharenfs" property set (and indeed intent to share once mounted) but after loading the key and mounting, the dataset is not automatically exported (/etc/zfs/exports is empty) so I have to issue...
  4. W

    practical to nfs share /usr/local ?

    I have some bhyve guests running FreeBSD. As the guest disk sizes are fix and cannot grow (true?) I'd like to keep them small and nfs mount as much as possible from the host. I wonder now if it is possible and practical to save some guest disk space by nfs mounting /usr/local from the bhyve...
  5. nathanpc

    NFS exports with wildcard domains

    Hello, I have a very simple automated system at home where all my servers and computers get assigned domains based on their type (for example all workstations follow the naming convention, servers are hostname.srv.lan, etc.). Since I already have this domain-based organization...
  6. Sparkee

    encrypt NFS in transit

    Has anyone worked on encrypting NFS via transit? Goal: have the traffic between the NFS server and client encrypted.
  7. D

    PF NFSv4 vs PF

    Hello Friends, I'm kinda new on FreeBSD firewall and i'm having some issues setting up a NFSv4 file server with a PF firewall. Every time I enable my firewall I get dropped from NFSv4. My pf.conf is very simple and it looks its working for both SSH and SMB but not for NFS: block in all pass...
  8. cbunn

    NFS issues with macOS clients

    I've been running a FreeBSD NAS for a long time now with ZFS filesystems shared via NFS. In the past, macOS had no issues connecting, though the default when using Finder was NFSv3. Good enough for me. But I've recently upgraded from Mojave (10.14) to Ventura (13.2) and have been having trouble...
  9. spmzt

    gssd can't work as nfs client with -h flag (PNFS+KRB)

    Hi, I have setup a PNFS server (NFSv4 only) with kerberos (heimdal) and I have a problem with gssd. I want to use kerberos on PNFS MDS as a NFS client to its PNFS DSs and as a NFS Server to its NFS clients which is connect to the PNFS MDS itself. But let's break down the problem. I can not use...
  10. M

    FreeBSD 13.1 : ZFS NFS : .zfs/snapshot : Stale file handle

    Hi, since upgrading to 13.1-RELEASE of FreeBSD I can't anymore access to .zfs/snapshot folder over NFS. On Ubuntu or Debian client when I tried to acces do .zfs/snapshot I obtain : Stale file handle medic:/home/user1 on /home/user1 type nfs...
  11. A

    Discard/Trim is not working on NFS4.2 server (FreeBSD 13.1)

    Hello As one may know NFS version 4.2 supports discards (trim). It was acknowledged to work on many Linux distros - RHEL 7, Opensuse 15, ovios etc. In FreeBSD version 13 (13.1 in my case) we also have NFS server ver 4.2 but discards doesn't work. Is it a bug or? p.s. I'm not the only one...
  12. B

    NFSv4 File Contents not Updating Automatically

    I have some NFS shares exported on my server (13.1-RELEASE), and one of them exports my code to my workstation. I primarily use the vscode package for editing my code. My workstation is also running FreeBSD. I was using 14.0-CURRENT earlier, but as a moderator pointed out, issues such as that...
  13. B

    Solved NFSv4 User Mapping Issues

    I'm running FreeBSD14.0-CURRENT on both my client and my server, and I export some ZFS directories via NFSv4. I've been having a weird issue with things such as vscode, where the file is not automatically refreshing (and this means I need to manually refresh git, and it leads to a lot of file...
  14. H

    Using jail nullfs mounts with autofs

    I've been trying to implement an NFS-based mounting system for some shared data between jails, and have found a mostly working solution that comes with a problem. Goal: Share an NFS-mounted directory between two jails: $jail0 and $jail1. NFS share: $ip:/path/to/share containing some common...
  15. blind0ne

    ZFS I've uploaded files and then they multiplied

    Hi, please could someone explain me what happend with this files that I've uploaded by NFS from windows host to my freebsd as a NFS server. 1 file was: FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso; and then 2 files apear 1 kb each: FreeBSD-13.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso:SmartScreen...
  16. vlig

    Solved Can't mount Pi4's neither Samba nor NFS shares

    So, a Pi4 box is a server (, a FreeBSD 13.0 laptop is a client ( As far I understood, mount Samba is absolutely impossible? Because mount_smbfs still doesn't know what is SMB2+ 😣 (I don't want to use smbclient, really). OK, let's try NFS. No way too. It just hangs...
  17. T


    Hello, I am currently having an issue mounting a remote (LAN) file directory from a Truenas server on to a freebsd virtual machine (13.0-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p3) unaltered kernel. I set /etc/fstab in this manner: /home/user/backup nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0 I...
  18. angelvg

    ZFS How export by NFS the content of ZFS recursively?

    Hello friends, I need to export by NFS the home for a remote server... The creation process was as follows: Create the pool called 'storage' zpool create storage da1 See the pool mounted df -h | egrep 'Filesystem|storage ' Filesystem Size Used Avail...
  19. scotia

    Other mount_nfs deadthresh option missing

    Hi all, the man page of mount_nfs shows a -D option and a -o deadthresh option. However running the command on 12.2 shows: # mount_nfs -D 1 server:/path /path -D deprecated, use -o deadthresh=<value> mount_nfs: nmount: /path, mount option...
  20. samTopaz

    Can't write to directory mounted via NFS

    Hello, I've just setup a NAS running NFS on NetBSD. I can automatically mount the directory over NFS with the fstab entry: x.x.x.:/samsMegaStorage /mnt/storage nfs rw 0 0 (where x.x.x.x is the Ip address of the server) However when I mount it using sudo mount -a the owner of...