
  1. SoBe

    Other startx will not run driver error

    Can you please help? I am using UTM on the Apple M1 I get the following error when I attempt to start startx. AddScreen/ScreenINT failed for driver 0 pkg install drm-kmod does not work Anyone know what graphics driver I should be using?
  2. baaz

    C Nukde .

    While not being an actual DE yet, my goal with this project is to make an set of "Unixy" immediate mode GUI programs for the BSDs . Codeberg . Github .
  3. C

    Solved FreeBSD does not boot into GUI

    Hello, I'm new to FreeBSD and the way it works(I mean, completely new; I don't even really understand what's going on in the handbook). I'm mentioning this because I've searched the threads to find the solution to my problem and I didn't get half the things that were said, so please be specific...
  4. Sivan!

    Solved Framebuffer error on startx command (solved)

    Installed freebsd 13 from the memstick img, pkg installed xorg following Instructions then installed xfce, startx command returns errors : EE can not run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs for all framebuffer devices. EE connection terminated with error (1) Please help.
  5. R

    Solved startx doesn't work and display a black screen

    Hi all! I've been stuck for hours trying to find how to solve this problem. I installed FreeBSD on a VM with VirtualBox (Version 6.1.32) on a Mac with an Intel Core i5 I carefully followed this tutorial ...
  6. sidetone

    Adding NeXtaw option to ports as Athena Widgets, and porting to XCB

    I want to add Nextaw (x11-toolkits/neXtaw) options to applications that use Xaw (x11-toolkits/libXaw) in ports. I've thought about working on adding port customizations since starting the thread athena-xaw-implementations.81588. To start with, I learned a lot about adjusting Makefiles by using...
  7. B

    MESA Loader Fails to Open amdgpu, Doesn't Detect /dev/dri/card0

    Specs: Ryzen 3960x, Radeon RX 5700, 13.0-RELEASE-p3 Problem is occuring inside jails. When I try to launch a GUI app (Falkon, Blender, etc), the app launches, but with significant lag for moving objects with mouse, videoplayback, and consuming large CPU resources even at idle...
  8. Dogers

    Solved Suggestions for a calendar software.

    Greetings to everyone. I was a long time user of google calendar. But I recently encountered some issue with. Indeed I lost all my data linked to my google calendar due to some bug in the app. Hopefully it was not a crucial lost, I mostly use calendar as a lifesaver in case I forgot an...
  9. C

    Solved JavaFX on FreeBSD?

    Does anyone of you guys have experience with JavaFX on FreeBSD? Does it work or need any particular packages on top of, i.e. java/openjdk11? I attempted to update and adopt the port for desktop/ganttproject and noticed that the latest version got rewritten to use JavaFX. I updated everything in...
  10. Mjölnir

    FreeBSD Kommunity Edition

    Let's just brainstorm... What would you expect a "FreeBSD Kommunity Edition" to be/offer? What would you like it to be/offer? Is there demand for such a thing? Would you like to see a *BSD Kommunity Edition? What is missing or should be better in base FreeBSD / in the KDE ports? Add your...
  11. B

    How To: Webcam and Microphone Inside of GUI Jail

    One-stop guide on how to get your webcam working inside of a GUI jail, including the microphone. Assumes you already have GUI set up inside the jail. My hardware: Ryzen Threadripper 3960x, NVIDIA 2080 RTX, Logitec C920 Webcam OVERVIEW - Background Info - Load Kernel Modules - Install...
  12. S

    FreeBSD desktop environment / workstation configuration how-to's

    Being in the process of doing that for myself, I think it can be useful to put together a list of the most recent / breadth-some links on how to run FreeBSD as a full-fledged workstation. (after having done the same for openbsd, although there probably are far less pages) Here is my first catch...
  13. Nick-6

    Xfce How to mount disks (ext4, ntfs, fat) from right click menu?

    I've installed sysutils/fusefs-ntfs and sysutils/fusefs-ext2. I've hald_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf and fuse_load="YES" in /boot/loader.conf. I can mount FAT disks with mount -t msdosfs /dev/da1s1 /media/usb, EXT4 disks with mount -t ext2fs /dev/ada0p3 /media/ExtHDD/ and NTFS disks with...
  14. eddietorial_net

    ssh -Y vbox_guest '<browser>' crashes host system

    When I attempt to load a GUI application (for example a browser like chromium or firefox) via ssh from a guest VM in VirtualBox , the host FreeBSD system crashes. This has happened several times after upgrading from 12.0 to 12.1. My host system is a ThinkPad E490 running 12.1-RELEASE-p3. The DE...
  15. V

    [SLIM + MATE with UEFI] SLIM starts but nothing on screen ?

    Greetings everyone, I'm a GNU/Linux user (Fedora), and I just wanted to give FreeBSD a try with a Virtual MAchine (VBox). First I tried to install FreeBSD with BIOS mode and slim and MATE desktop according to this guide :
  16. Cookie-Nerd

    Multiple user-interfaces

    Hi there! After much of trouble with the ports I installed BSD with success and I was able to boot Gnome. But I got bored so I started do wonder if I could install KDE next to Gnome. It worked to install kDE but now here's my problem: I commented out the lines "gdm_enable="YES" and...
  17. H

    Solved Xfce Won't Boot

    I was trying to install a GUI (KDE) but in the end it said DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the x server kde. I did run some commands but none of them help with the issue so I gave up on KDE and tried to install XFCE, I did pkg install xorg slim xfce, and enabled the slim...
  18. NIR

    Migrating to FreeBSD from TrueOS

    I'm confused with the way TrueOS is going so I'm thinking of migration to pure FreeBSD but I'm not very experienced in it (but I have more than 10 years of Linux experience). I'm the user of TrueOS 18.03 with FreeBSD 12.0 kernel on amd64 architecture (HP Pavilion notebook) I use: GOP...
  19. RedPhoenix

    Post your FreeBSD Desktop! :3

    Here's mine on my HP Laptop! :3 Note the blue Taskbar, and the gold Beastie Menu icon. :)
  20. S

    Need to install GUI for FreeBSD on AMD Myrtle board

    Hi All, I am trying to setup GUI for FreeBSD which is installed on AMD Myrtle board,but no luck. I tried all the possible ways which is mentioned in official docs but no luck. Please let me know if anything else required to debug or to...