FreeBSD Screen Shots

Somewhere i have a official microsoft DVD.
Time to install the OS on USB & try to get the off the fonts.
Zirias would it be possible to describe the procedure i have to use.
Probably some cp & mkfont ?
Time to install Windows 7 Home Edition [Just to get the fonts ...]
Alain De Vos with Xft, it's really dead simple, just drop the .ttf file somewhere below /usr/local/share/fonts and X applications can use it. I created a subdir msfonts there to install several of Microsoft's fonts.

Many applications will just give you a font selection dialog. For x11/xterm, I use this in ~/.Xresources:
XTerm*faceName: xft:Consolas:size=10
XTerm*forceXftHeight: true
Not sure the second setting is necessary for the original font, as I said, I patched it with nerd-fonts, so maybe the patcher broke something...
I hate microsoft. I just deleted some unknown partitions because the Windows installer gave the wrong disk info and size.
[Shame] Luckely everything is back-uped with zfs snapshots towards another drive. Well this was terrible.
- No audio in Chromium when you open a new session and have not yet played audio with another app
Nope, window manager has nothing to do with audio. (just some start pulse-audio, which nobody wants)
That may be the explanation. I specifically need to play an audio file in Firefox before Chromium has audio. The audio in Chromium doesn't work if I first play audio with Rhythmbox.
DWM has the same problem, which might make sense since awesome wm is based on DWM.

I currently only have 4GB of RAM so I might be better off sticking with a very lightweight WM like DWM. In the future it wouldn't matter anymore. I bought like 16GB DDR5 RAM @6000 Mhz for a new build, I'm just waiting for cheaper CPUs and motherboards that are compatible with DDR5 to become available.

But I think I might stick with DWM for good, it has around 84MB of active RAM usage and that's when Compton is running in the background.
It should also be faster than many other windows managers:
On my computer, XCB is 25 times faster than Xlib.
I notice that certain DWM browser benchmarks are consistently on average 3.2% faster than what I see on MATE.
It is also useful to open many terminal windows. This is the default layout:

But with one simple key combination I can switch to several other layouts, such as this layout:

One thing for me with window managers is 'screen tearing' because I'm currently using Nvidia. But this Compton configuration solved it for me:

It works if I use this as autostart syntax: compton -b --config /home/mozes/.config/compton.conf
I already had no screen tearing with videos in fullscreen mode in DWM anyway. But I did have tearing on YouTube videos in the default layout.
This solved it completely and also gives beautiful transparency in terminals and menus of GTK apps.

One thing I notice about DWM is that it's really lightning fast (unlike awesome wm).
It seems logical to me that you will see the difference more in tests that measure graphics performance. So today I tested MotionMark 1.2 in MATE and in dwm on the exact same PC and OS (GhostBSD).

This was the result in MotionMark 1.2 in Chromium:
MATE: 231.03
dwm: 272.48

It is important to know that in the test with dwm I enabled compositing via Compton, and that I do not have screen tearing with dwm + Compton. The MATE test setup that scored 231.03 here has hard screen tearing on my Nvidia card. The performance difference may be more than the 18% I observed if you take these things into account.
A single graphical test of browser performance isn't the whole story, but MotionMark 1.2 is an extensive test.

To be sure, I also tested the performance in a game. These are my results in Xonotic (with the same settings and the second run so no more caching happens).

MATE + screen tearing: 194 avg fps.

Screenshot at 2022-12-31 14-34-32.png

dwm + Compton (without screen tearing): 210 avg fps


That's 8.25% extra performance you get on top of not having screen tearing. I can definitely recommend dwm to FreeBSD users.
It is also completely stable and the login is lightning fast too. And it has higher graphics performance than MATE.

I wonder if Wayland is that fast in current implementations. KDE + Wayland used to be quite slow because the implementation was still not very polished.
It may be that dwm is the fastest window manager available for BSD and Linux.

If you guys find anything significantly faster than dwm I'd love to hear it.
Awesome WM, while compiling iridium-browser,
Release: 13.1-RELEASE-p5
Version: FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 releng/13.1-n250174-753d65a19a55 MYKERNEL
Arch: amd64
Host: freebsd.ala
Shell: zsh
User: x
Packages: 1679
Uptime: 0d 8h 29m
RAM: 16054 MB
Loadavg: 6.30 6.72 6.47
CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400
Cores: 12 of 12 processors online
