What is your preferred science-fiction serie or movie.

The various Stargate TV series are pretty cool IMO.

Too bad Emmerich has now decided to do nothing with the rights and also not license them out or sell them:

Huh... I have completely another background which (I suppose) could hardly be understood. My favorite SciFi movies are Soviet ones. They are usually not so entertaining as "Star Wars" but their content has a completely different focus. If Western films are mostly dystopian, then Soviet films talk about a bright future.

Moscow: Kassiopeya (1974), Guest from the Future (1984), Youths in the Universe (1975), The Mystery of the Third Planet (1981) etc.
Besides the usual fare: Star Wars / Trek / Gate ... so many good ones for so many reasons.
There will be a few here not mentioned yet that should jog a few memories.

Definitely BladeRunner
Dune (the first one)
Guardians of the Galaxy (esp. the first one)
Serenity (no, not Serendipity, which isn't a sci-fi, but is also good. They should have made a sequel to Serenity!)
The Time Machine (2002 version. Okay the original too)
The Chroniciles of Riddick (will there be a 4th?)
The Fifth Element
The Matrix (haven't seen the 4th yet)
Logan's Run
Silent Running
Aeon Flux
The Fountain (not sure if that qualifies as a sci fi)
The Philadelphia Experiment (sci-fi? maybe not)
Alien(s), Predator, and AVP's
Battlestar Galactica
Space 1999
Prince Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (some cringy acting (not incl. Rihanna), but some good stuff throughout)
2001: A Space Odysee
And of course, the Babylon 5 series - yes!
Re/ that ...

I suggest checking this out ( OceanofPDF ), the first 3 pages and one on the 5th have B5 books you can download. Not sure if any of those are the one you're looking for.
I think I heard a rumour that they're doing an updated version of this. Not sure I'd want to see that, but ... might be tempted.
Re/ Foundation ... saw some previews for that as well. Have always hoped that someone qualified / competent would take on that project. Will avoid though because don't want to ruin the memory of the books, esp. if they're "digressing" from them. Why create a mutated version of a loved creation by a respected creator?
And speaking of books: Battlefield Earth which became a movie starring John Travolta. Didn't do justice to the books.
But then I found out that the author, L. Ron Hubbard was also the founder of Scientology, which of coures ruined so much more.

And just for fun:
Flash Gordon, Barbarella, Buck Rogers (biggy, biggy, biggy, hey Buck!)
Would Marvin the Martian count?? :D
Serenity never will have an sequel - i wish it had ... if you talk about Firefly. I think there was a rumors about sequel or prequel but it was only rumors. Serenity was created to kill Firefly series :(
Matrix 4 - dont watch it its a waste of time unless you want just binge watch it for peace of mind and close a chapter in Matrix :)
Prince Valerian - best part of it - Visuals as its amazing and i will watch it again when ill get myself an OLED :)
Aeon Flux - i think there is animated series just dont know its pre or post movie.
Babylon 5 / BTG / Stargate / Star Trek - im not sure we will see anything like this again due to woke stuff and everyone wants to make remakes etc. I was watching Batman animated on Amazon - just released, could not watch for more than few mins as some characters are now females and it did not fit my need.
For us, the remake of Lost In Space was very enjoyable.
We have so many favorites.. picking one is impossible.

Right now, we are binging on the 1950s schlock sci-fi and having a laugh fest.
Matrix 4 - dont watch it its a waste of time unless you want just binge watch it for peace of mind and close a chapter in Matrix
After seeing the previews, and about 5 or 10 mins of it near the middle/end when it was on tv, that's the impression that I had. If it's on again and I'm bored, I'll probably watch it. Like you said ... closure. Wonder if someone "from the future" will want to do a remake, spinoff, or culturally updated, droid inclusive, AI friendly "reimagining" of it.

Babylon 5 / BTG / Stargate / Star Trek - im not sure we will see anything like this again ...
Surely someone with untapped talent will appear and assemble the right magic combo team and cast and storyline and create something incredible and worthy again. And hopefully in our lifetime, hah!
Re/ Bablyon 5 ... I'm surprised Minbari hasn't commented in this thread yet. ;)

The episode is called "in 100 years, in 1000 years" and contains the fall of earth civilization back to the middle ages and rise to vorlon like levels.
I watched it >20 years ago and still remember it.
Yeah, it's funny sometimes the movies and clips and scenes and quotes that leave an impression and are still remembered decades later.

Right now, we are binging on the 1950s schlock sci-fi and having a laugh fest.
I was watching a few of those about a yr or so ago. Yeah, some of them are a hoot! :)
Huh... I have completely another background which (I suppose) could hardly be understood. My favorite SciFi movies are Soviet ones.
I have not had the pleasure of seeing any Soviet SciFi films, but I very much enjoyed the SciFi novel “Prisoners of Power”, by the Strugatsky brothers. In fact, it is one of the few novels I kept when I relocated from the US to Belize and had to pare my physical book collection down from two rooms full of books to one bookshelf.
I have mixed feelings about the 1970 Gerry Anderson show UFO. (I always liked his earlier marionette-based shows like SuperCar and Fireball XL5, and this was his first show with live actors.)

I liked the concept, the sets, the characters, and the fashions. But too many of the plots revolved around characters getting brainwashed by the aliens and suddenly going rogue and trying to destroy the place. I found that to be at the same time unpleasant and monotonous.

The uniforms for the women are interesting. Today, we would call mandating skin-tight catsuits, miniskirts, and fancy eye makeup (and purple wigs) corporate-sponsored sexual harassment. But I remember coming of age in the ‘70s, and the women my age that I worked with at old, stodgy General Motors used to wear some amazingly revealing clothes to work. It was a different era.

(BTW, if you are a fan of the Fireball XL5 series, there is someone on YouTube by the name of HarborsidePressLLC who re-stages the old episodes using the Reallusion iClone 3D animation software, retaining the original soundtrack. Pretty cool, I think.)
I find that I most fondly remember the old, black-and-white SciFi movies of my youth. I don’t think they were necessarily better; some, like “Gog”, clearly were not, even though I remember them fondly.

I think it is more related to my age when I saw them. That, and the fact that some things that seem trite in SciFi weren’t, the first time around.

For example, I remember a movie were a male and a female astronaut are exploring a strange, uninhabited planet and they get stranded there. It turns out they are Adam and Eve. We find out at the end when the narrator says “And where do you think you came from?”

You really can’t pull off an ending like that more than once.

(They used a related concept in a “Twilight Zone” episode where a family is being invaded by tiny aliens. An the end, you see that the markings on the tiny flying saucer say “United States Air Force”.)
Interstellar, 2014, highly recommend it.
One of the five worst movies I've ever seen.

Nice special effects, nice acting, but the rest:
real hardcore bogus.

The movie claims to be taken serious by not being a comedy, and by telling the audience physical facts,
while at the same time construct perfunctory cheapest glue to tape up an endless series of mismatches.
In the theater I needed all my self-control not to burst out laughing loudly when those giant waves came in knee-deep water 😂
For some mediocre SciFi that's okay - but not for one that was hyped as this one.
But to make it into my top worst five it was the message the movie inculcates:
"All problems can be solved by just keep on growing."
A fluffy xmas-tale about wishes come true if you ignore reality for adults refuse to grow up.
"Dream on!"

To be taken serious as art
science fiction has to be either a critical reflection on the present (e.g. Brazil, Bladerunner, 1984),
or completely not to be taken serious at all, so be comedy (e.g. Futurama), or fantasy (e.g. Star Wars).
The latter demands new ideas.
'Interstellar' have nothing of those.
It was just a slushy commercial blockbuster to gather money from naive dreamers.
Ouch. I feel your pain. I know people who would go mental about this 😭
It wasn't easy. I grew up surrounded by books. The love of books was almost like a religion in our house. My dad's favorite Saturday hobby was "dusting the books". He would dust a few books, then pull one out and read it for a while, then dust a few more, and read another one. I had to get rid of 40 boxes of books. (I gave them to a used book store, so they could bring joy to someone else.) I have re-bought a lot of books on Kindle, but Kindle is just not the same as a real book, especially an old book with nice typography, good paper, and a good binding. (My dad used to be an amateur bookbinder, so I really appreciate good bindings. I used to love the bindings on McGraw-Hill technical books. They were not works of art, but they were solid as a rock and would last forever, unlike some modern books that fall apart after a couple years.)

But shipping 40 boxes of books to Belize would have cost a ton of money, and I would not have space for them, since I moved in with my girlfriend (now wife) at the same time. Also, the humidity of the tropics is hell on books. (Not so good on vinyl LPs, either, and I had to get rid of about 600 of them. I gave them to the same bookstore.)

So yes, it was pretty rough, and still is pretty rough from time to time, but living in paradise with my wife makes it a worthwhile sacrifice.
It wasn't easy. I grew up surrounded by books. The love of books was almost like a religion in our house.
Same here... lots of books in the house, being read to by parents from a very young age, reading in bed with a torch after going to bed, the whole family going down the public library once a week and bringing piles of them home. Books for xmas and birthday presents... I've still got too many of them... lots up in the loft..! And then I got started on electronics and computers... Life in Belize sounds nice!