What is your preferred science-fiction serie or movie.

but i really enjoyed playing Captive on my Amiga 500 back in the days. A masterpiece!
Mindscape, Microprose, Bullfrog...
...the times when softwarehouses dared to make games for players to play,
the times before EA, Ubisoft and Microsoft snapped up everybody,
force them to sell off unformed beta-rubbish to undiscriminating kids...
That's why there is dosbox, wine,... - 640x480 @ 16 colors 2D graphics may suck, but the games were great.
And often the tunes were hypnotic.

Science fiction: the final frontier.
And with books and now computergames the infinite has been widened...

What about to be more specific?
I hereby propose an official 'Star Trek Bashing Thread' 😁
I start:
"Captain, the Bogsians have an unsolvable problem.
Their moon will crash into their planet and will kill all life."
"Engineer! Do something!!"
"Well, if we modify the warp core's phase emitters to become osmotic oscillators we could synchronize the magnetic particle accelerators of the tractor beam generators
with the gravity waves of their moon. Amplifying those could make the static field collapse so the moon would be catapulted into the sun."
"Of course! Let's do it!"
The show runners are clearly amazed by the success of Game of Thrones series and we can see the G.O.T influence in the drama between characters and the choatic narration, but since I'm also a GOT fan I find this aspect okay
OK, I almost got used to it, you know ))) No reason to complain... we still have the book. And the movie is not all that bad. Characters develop, accept changes etc. Waiting for the 2nd season )
"Well, if we modify the warp core's phase emitters to become osmotic oscillators we could synchronize the magnetic particle accelerators of the tractor beam generators
with the gravity waves of their moon. Amplifying those could make the static field collapse so the moon would be catapulted into the sun."
"Of course! Let's do it!"
Takes too much typing, I'm afraid
There were two stages for ST scripts. When the writers were done, it was like "Captain! The tech is overteching!". Then the science advisors would fix that.
Like most people, it's almost impossible for me to choose just one. Three for now. Ask me tomorrow and one of the three will be different.

I got a box set of Out of the Unknown before it sold out. As a collection, it's not my favourite.

An episode that's missing from the collection might be my all-time favourite mind-twister. It certainly twisted my mind around the age of five. When I find the title, I'll post it.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

So much to love. Klaatu's parting words. To any young reader who has seen neither the original nor the remake: don't watch the linked spoiler, watch the original first.

It's easy to mock the special effects of the 1950s, but the remake lacks much of what made the original special.

(If history is true: someone as well-known as Keanu Reeves would have been turned down for the original.)

The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)

A few years ago, someone commented privately under a blog post that's now private:

The closing monologue has haunted me since I first saw the film as a boy. I'm surprised it's not a "bigger deal" culturally speaking as it pre-dates and perhaps predicts the hippie revolution and it's exploration of non-Western, non-Christian ideas including reincarnation, pantheism, etc. It's surprising that such a philosophical position went unchallenged at the time. Who was this shrinking man to tell us what God thought? How dare a sic-fi film wander into "religion's territory." I would love to find someone discussing it in relationship to the ending to 2001, the space-baby (both book and movie). Sci-fi theology. Good stuff.

In a public forum, I can't recommend watching the entire movie whilst suitably stoned.

The closing words may be more inspiring, more philosophical, than those of Klaatu, but realistically, now: there's no time for such beautiful contemplation if someone drops a bomb on you.