Things you find creepy/scary

Fidel Castro, Che Guevara
Castro was a lawyer by training, and Guevara was a doctor from Argentina (just look that up on Wikipedia). Guess who was cool-headed, and who was a firebrand?

flying cockroach
Makes me grateful for geckos, they keep those in check. That's a reason to be nice to geckos.

As for this thread, what I find creepy is extreme dogmatism that triggers 'Holy War' responses. Healthy discussion, and airing of opinions and concerns is OK. It's OK to be pretty motivated to do something to make your own situation better. But going on the warpath, imposing your will and overriding everybody in sight because somebody disagrees with you - that's what I find creepy and scary. I prefer to ignore people like that, if I can.
People who blindly follows "authorities" and "laws" (legal positivism).
History wise, "the government" killed more of it's own people then people from countries ruled by "enemy governments".

I don't fear people like Hitler, Stalin, Pinochet, Mobutu Sese Seko, Franco, Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Papa Doc And Babe Doc, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong-un..... I fear the millions of people who blindly follows them in the name of common good, in the name of social justice, in the name of stability, to avoid climate change...... Without the later, the first ones are nobody!
Jordan Peterson said something really thought-provoking in one of his lectures about this. "Everyone thinks they would be the ones hiding Anne Frank from the Nazis". It's so true. We all just assume "Yeah I'm a great person. I'm like those people." And we forget that just like the rest of the "sheeple", we'd rather not get eaten alive by dogs, starved and worked to death, subjected to cruel medical experiments, forced to look at the dismembered bodies of our loved ones... I could probably list a dozen other worse things that dictators have been known to do to their enemies, but it would only get censored.
The people who are refusing to shelter Anne Frank are not, by and large, bad people. They're just frightened people with a lot to lose.
I'm not a fan of swimming in the open ocean (sharks)! Spiders are vile creatures, disgusting to look at. I saw the Exorcist in a theater in 1973, I was 16 years old. That movie scared me badly.

Since I assembled screen doors at our windows (esp. bedrooms),
we cannot only keep the windows open by night with lights on in summer,
we also have significantly reduced the number of spiders in the flat close to zero.
Because those little critters like to creep into the warm.
Especially in spring and autumn.
I wanted to delete this post but I guess I have to edit it.
I don't like things like Jan 6th, mass shootings, etc.
Its upsetting and scares my in away I don't understand.
Violence? lack of control? the insanity? Uncertainty?
Ida Know?
Maybe I should just say the Nightly Network News programs.
Creepiness gets constructed in your brain. There is nothing wrong about getting some false alarms, but as an adult you could have learned by time

I see the video today ? ... these take me to there:

Stallman enjoys Rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants)
You realize that this basically amounts to being a sommelier? wine is made from harvested grapes, which means the grapes are dead? What about tea? if tea leaves are dried, the tea plant is dead, it no longer grows, it's not a living plant? And tea leaves smell pretty nice when dried?

Smell plays a vital role in the food industry. Since times immemorial, people have been eating dead plants, processing them, and enjoying the smell.

'Nasal sex' is nothing more than sniffing, while 'dead plants' can be dried tea leaves, tobacco, hops...

:rolleyes: Connect the dots to the wider world out there, people!
You realize that this basically amounts to being a sommelier? wine is made from harvested grapes, which means the grapes are dead? What about tea? if tea leaves are dried, the tea plant is dead, it no longer grows, it's not a living plant? And tea leaves smell pretty nice when dried?

Smell plays a vital role in the food industry. Since times immemorial, people have been eating dead plants, processing them, and enjoying the smell.

'Nasal sex' is nothing more than sniffing, while 'dead plants' can be dried tea leaves, tobacco, hops...

:rolleyes: Connect the dots to the wider world out there, people!
So rhinophytonecrophile it is just another word for smoker or pothead? Cool.
Windows 10 at the office, that after an update destroys user settings from several programs, and workers that don't notice and/or don't complain.

The absurdism of society not-reacting to bad software.
This doesn't scare me but it is oh so true. The statistics say "Windows is popular" but that is only because Microsoft flooded the market in the early 90's and people use Windows because they think there are no alternatives. They accept it warts and all and just think badly performing software with an incredibly inconsistent UI is the norm.
Uneducated common masses is why hospitals have to have pretty tight security. Brain surgeons gotta be able to work in peace, and not worry about the public expressing shock and disgust at the mere sight of actual brains. This is why experts have disdain for the uneducated masses.
This doesn't scare me but it is oh so true. The statistics say "Windows is popular" but that is only because Microsoft flooded the market in the early 90's and people use Windows because they think there are no alternatives. They accept it warts and all and just think badly performing software with an incredibly inconsistent UI is the norm.
Yeah, just like we accept FreeBSD's faults like crappy wifi and dependency hell.
Scary to me is cars with computers the owner can't control.
They will rat you out and your data will be used against you in a court of law.
No Thanks.
Sincerely 2000 RAV4 owner.
I can fix every bit of it and no black boxes.