Other LSBLK(8) Command for FreeBSD

I think you need to load the geom_part_bsd64 kernel module for GEOM to understand the DragonFlyBSD disklabel.
# kldload geom_part_bsd64

Indeed. Error checking is still warranted though.
jrm@bravo ~ % lsblk
DEVICE           MA:MI SIZE TYPE                      LABEL MOUNT
ada0              0:63 466G GPT                           - -
  <FREE>           -:- 3.0K -                             - -
  ada0p1          0:65 512K freebsd-boot             gpboot -
  <FREE>           -:- 492K -                             - -
  ada0p2          0:67 466G freebsd-ufs            gprootfs <UNMOUNTED>
  <FREE>           -:- 3.5K -                             - -
ada1              0:6a 149G MBR                           - -
  ada1s1          0:71 149G freebsd                       - -
    ada1s1a       0:74 768M dragonfly-ufs                 - <UNMOUNTED>
    ada1s1b       0:ac  16G dragonfly-swap                - <UNMOUNTED>
    ada1s1d       0:ae 132G dragonfly-hammer              - <UNMOUNTED>
    <FREE>         -:- 4.0K -                             - -
  <FREE>           -:-  10M -                             - -
I also notice ada0p2 0:67 466G freebsd-ufs gprootfs <UNMOUNTED> when
jrm@bravo ~ % mount | grep gprootfs
/dev/gpt/gprootfs on / (ufs, local, soft-updates)
It still has trouble locating the mountpoint with the curve ball mounts from /dev/oddity/label. If I use the canonical /dev/da0p3 instead of /dev/gpt/TIKKU_3 for the usb stick, it shows up correctly.

This is 10.1-p10. No fstyp command. The /dev/msdosfs/MSDOSBOOT is a twin of /dev/mmcsd0s1, it's from an MBR formatted RaspberryPI-B image, type !12. Cameras also pop up in /dev/msdosfs.

Wait... My glabel output is garbled: The following would be ok, if I asked about mmcsd0, not da0.
hopo $ glabel list da0p3s1
Geom name: da0p3s1
1. Name: msdosfs/MSDOSBOOT

hopo $ glabel list da0p3s2a
Geom name: da0p3s2a
1. Name: ufs/rootfs
da0p3s1 or 2a should not exist. I might have broken it myself, by copying the rpi image to the stick swap for speed test or something. Apologies for wasting your time.


Zeroed the usb stick swap, replugged stick and card, now glabel behaves ok :)
@ junovitch
I will submit a request for a port, but I must rewrite it first, current version is work in progress.

I tried different approach with stats for each /dev/DEV variant but that does not show free space ... which is less useful.

I will now mix both approaches to provide the final version, give me several days ...

as we all know there is no single command to show storage devices on FreeBSD system. Some grep(1) the dmesg(8) command, some check /var/run/dmesg.boot file, some try camcontrol(8) command and so on ... as I struggle to create any empathy for Linux systems I really like the lsblk(8) command and I always missed in in the FreeBSD land. As I got a free afternoon I started to write one from scratch and after several hours it works on my systems as designed. Below You will find the attached lsblk(8) implementation with BSD license and example outputs. As this is implementation from scratch we may come with better then lsblk name ... I hear your propositions ;)

If you have time, please test it on your systems and report bugs so I will be able to fix them.

It's attached to this thread as lsblk.sh.txt file as files with .sh extension are not allowed on this forum.

As this forum configuration CODE tags are useless (only up to two consecutive spaces allowed) check attached screenshot for formatted output -
lsblk.sh.examples.png also displayed below.

Way to go man! Why don't you create a port out of it?
Interesting script, but the lsblk.sh script does not work perfectly on my system.
The mount column is not correct.
# lsblk.sh
da2p1 0:b0 5.5T freebsd-ufs 6T <UNMOUNTED>
# mount
/dev/gpt/6T on /mnt/6T (ufs, local, noatime, noexec, nosuid, nosymfollow, read-only)
The lsblk.sh script does not work perfectly on my system.
The mount column is not correct.
# lsblk.sh
da2p1 0:b0 5.5T freebsd-ufs 6T <UNMOUNTED>
# mount
/dev/gpt/6T on /mnt/6T (ufs, local, noatime, noexec, nosuid, nosymfollow, read-only)

Could you send me (can be non public) output of sh -x /full/path/to/lsblk.sh command? Thanks.
It's rather lengthy,
lsblkoutput.txt :


Could you also send me lsblk.sh output without sh -x and also glabel status output.
Here you go,

/home/x/my_scripts #./lsblk.sh

ada0 0:80 932G MBR - -
<FREE> -:- 1.0G - - -
ada0s3 0:89 378G freebsd dufs -
ada0s2 0:83 176G ntfs ntfsa <UNMOUNTED>
<FREE> -:- 188G - - -
ada0s4 0:8a 188G ntfs ntfsb <UNMOUNTED>
<FREE> -:- 728K - - -
ada1 0:81 119G MBR - -
<FREE> -:- 60G - - -
ada1s3 0:8b 60G linux-data - <UNMOUNTED>
<FREE> -:- 344K - - -
ada2 0:82 466G GPT - -
<FREE> -:- 3.0K - - -
ada2p1 0:8c 236K freebsd-boot fboot1 -
<FREE> -:- 1.8M - - -
ada2p2 0:8d 80G freebsd-ufs mybsdx /
<FREE> -:- 256K - - -
ada2p3 0:8e 17G freebsd-swap fswap1 SWAP
<FREE> -:- 768K - - -
ada2p4 0:8f 1.0G efi efi1 /
ada2p5 0:90 110G freebsd-ufs fbsd2 /
ada2p7 0:91 2.0G linux-data sharext2 /
ada2p8 0:92 2.0G ms-basic-data sharfat /
<FREE> -:- 100G - - -
ada2p10 0:93 110G openbsd-data odatswap /
<FREE> -:- 44G - - -
cd0 0:73 - - - -
da0 0:94 - - - -
da1 0:57 4.5T GPT - -
da1p4 0:af 4.5T openbsd-data 5T <UNMOUNTED>
<FREE> -:- 232K - - -
da2 0:58 5.5T GPT - -
da2p1 0:b0 5.5T freebsd-ufs 6T <UNMOUNTED>
<FREE> -:- 3.5K - - -

#glabel status
Name Status Components
ntfs/ntfsa N/A ada0s2
ufs/dufs N/A ada0s3
ntfs/ntfsb N/A ada0s4
gpt/fboot1 N/A ada2p1
gpt/efi1 N/A ada2p4
gpt/fbsd2 N/A ada2p5
gpt/sharfat N/A ada2p8
gpt/odatswap N/A ada2p10
gpt/5T N/A da1p4
gpt/6T N/A da2p1
gpt/sharext2 N/A ada2p7
Thank You.

I just added UPDATE 2 - Code Reorganization and 75% Rewrite to the List Block Devices on FreeBSD lsblk(8) Style article.

The ?????(?) just got 75% code rewrite and 25% code reduction while having more comments.

Please report issues if there are any.

vermaden - you sir are on fire right now!

That older '1.0' lsblk.sh really needed that rework. In that '1.0' I found way too many ways to set/get these labels and mount points.

Now after all methods to set/get things are known it could be reworked into something elegant and well thought making '2.0' mature and stable ... I hope :)

... I just finally got a large block of free time :>


In the mean time I also added geli(8) support and reworked/fixed some of the internals regarding MOUNT and LABEL detection.

Grab the latest lsblk.sh at the same place.

Details in the ?????? ? - ????? ????(?) ??????? at the bottom of ???? ????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????(?) ????? article.

Preview below.


I don't know if it is supposed to work with fuse mounts

# /usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/ada0s2 /mnt/ntfs1
#/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g -o ro /dev/ada0s4 /mnt/ntfs2

# mount
/dev/fuse on /mnt/ntfs1 (fusefs, local, read-only, synchronous)
/dev/fuse on /mnt/ntfs2 (fusefs, local, read-only, synchronous)

ada0s2 0:83 176G ntfs ntfs/ntfsa -
ada0s4 0:8a 188G ntfs ntfs/ntfsb -

It returns no mountpoints
It looks like ntfs-3g does not keep record of the mounted block devices anywhere.
#mount only returns /dev/fuse
The only way to access it was this , I don't know if there is a a better way.
lsof | grep ntfs-3g | grep /dev/ada