Thank you very much for your detailed review.
I never had one of those myself, but stumbled over them several times.
Quite pricy, thought they were high quality brand.
50 million vs. 100 million per switch
Cherry MX specs are the same.
(Again: just because I was unsatisfied with my MX 1.0 kb doesn't mean the switches are bad;
they are not;
in fact C's MX are really high quality.
But I'm also (always) looking for alternatives.
Especially since I had a taste of Cherry's brown M
L switches I know, it can be even better than MX;
at least to me.
I will also checkout the Logitech kb beyond others Alain mentioned.
But this thread shall not be for me only.
The whole matter is very personal as nearly all posters intimated.
I just needed to make some start,
and at the same time leave some space for an open exchange,
which so far works pretty good.
Thanks to all participants so far.
I hope we will see some more.
as some here already pointed out additionally:
A good kb is not just the switches and the tactile feeling alone:
Some letters on my key caps are already unreadable by now.
Also several characters, including space bar, are already affected by double pressing, which is something a mechanical keyboard with that price tag should not suffer.
That's absolutely no go.
Not at this price range as I recall the prices I saw for "Das Keyboard".
Since even mechanical keyboards nowadays are throwaway products and therefore most of them high priced junk I guess it is in the long term cheaper to get a nice keyboard with a rubberdome or butterfly mechanism which roughly lasts as long as a mechanical keyboard until double pressing stuff starts to happen there. You will actually safe lots of money using this approach.
zirias@ also already pointed in that direction.
That's exactly one of the main targets I want to figure out with this thread.
Because on the one hand, of course a keyboard as a mechanical unit will be worn out some day.
But there is cheap crap - even high priced cheap crap - and there is engineered quality.
At least I hope so.
Since on the other hand I want to keep the waste to a reasonable minimum,
and can, and yet will not believe that there only is consumer junk on the market,
but no real high quality products.
When I walk through eletcronics shops ("radioshack") I also see all the similar looking gaming keyboards,
decoying by lots of additional media-key-feature-, and colorful blinky-blinky-fiddle-faddle. ?
That does not mean they are all cheap crap.
But to figure out what's not, and wich ones are not shall be the point here.
One of the points I already learned by this thread for me is
Lots of
real pros are here.
That's what I wanted to prevent with my start post:
Not to get an endless parade of all proudly posting their colorful illuminated toys.
My worries were reasonless.
No one talks consumer junk!

So let's find the quality stuff,
and sort out the crap! ?