Most likely due to licensing reasons. While plenty of things of the VSCode application is open source, many of the additional stuff isn't.Why can't we have the same VS Code that's available for Windows and Mac without the missing stuff?
Most likely due to licensing reasons. While plenty of things of the VSCode application is open source, many of the additional stuff isn't.Why can't we have the same VS Code that's available for Windows and Mac without the missing stuff?
Fair enough, but as it's not FreeBSD distributing the extensions, it's curious how this reduction in available extensions from the "store" is peculiar to this instance. The licensing onus would be on the end-user, and as I have those extensions on my other computer, then I've already agreed to them?Most likely due to licensing reasons. While plenty of things of the VSCode application is open source, many of the additional stuff isn't.
I would move anywhere I can use some XML plugin (SPL) that I use on VSCode, can you recommend any alternative besides Emacs? ?Is anyone using Lapce instead? It's still in infancy, but maybe the more people start using it, the more chance people contribute and move development along, maybe we could have a solid replacement for the long run.
I use helix as a safe bet, but lapce got more stable these past 3-4 releases (sometimes it crashed losing unsaved work before that on freebsd) and I think they moved to a new UI framework and it shows in performance (floent, from druid unless I'm thinking about something else). There are some cons, but maybe it just needs some love.
It has a plugin system using wasm/wasi, so any language that compiles to wasi can be used to write plugins.
Let us pray.
$ uname -a
FreeBSD minibrix 14.0-RELEASE-p6 FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p6 #0: Tue Mar 26 20:26:20 UTC 2024 amd64
[root@minibrix (-bash) /usr/ports/editors/vscode]# pkg info|grep electron
electron28-28.3.0 Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
If the build is failing or taking too long time, is there a status page where I can see this?
can you elaborate on this one ?My crystal ball tells me that one day packages will be missing from quarterly because they buld for more than 3 months...
I sure can. While this is certainly over the top, I still have systems in service that will take most of the day to build world, and will take a day to build llvm. When you need to build llvm, chromium, node, electron and some more, you will wait for more than a week. If it works at all with 2GB of memory. So, given the speed at which llvm, chromium and co are growing, there will be a point in time where current high end HW will not be able to build it all in a quarter. What then? This may be in 5 years, or 10. But the current rate of software bloat will one day lead to a collapse.can you elaborate on this one ?
Electron is less about "frills and eye candy" and much more about laziness. Don't get me wrong, "being lazy" is a good thing in general and very much drives engineering. But not at any cost. So you develop some "web app" for whatever reason, then decide to bring it to the desktop and your solution is "oh, just bundle a browser" (which is basically what electron is), then you're doing it completely wrong, IMHO.This will make them think twice about adding more frills and eye candy.