Does FVWM have certain features that simply do not exist in some of the other more user friendly stacking wm, such as Openbox?
Yes, many. FVWM and Openbox are two completely different WM-s, for example,
there is no buttons/dockapp support in Openbox, while it is pretty usable in FVWM,
and FvwmButtons is only one of many others FVWM modules, which of course
doesn't exist in Openbox. For example, it is possible to control your FVWM WM via terminal,
using such modules like FvwmConsole (it should open WM console) or like FvwmCommand,
with FvwmCommand you're able to enter WM commands via your regular console directly
(for example, % FvwmCommand 'All Iconify' should minimize all windows), it
is very useful to check some FVWM functions before adding it to config.
So while Openbox is pretty regular and pretty limited WM (nothing special IMO),
FVWM is a much more than a regular WM, because it is extremely much more customizable and usable.
FVWM seems like such a daunting wm to learn to configure.
There are quite a few tutorials and many sample configuration files. No one will sue you if you copy their configuration files, you know. ;) With time and patience (and RTFM), you'll learn to understand what every line means and you'll be able to customize these files or create your own from scratch.

Does FVWM have certain features that simply do not exist in some of the other more user friendly stacking wm, such as Openbox?
Fvwm can do pretty much anything other WMs do. Every look and feel out there can be emulated. You can give it a twm-like or NeXTSTEP-like retro look or you can make it look like Windows 9x/XP/7/10, macOS etc.
It's a very complete WM and if you ever need something that's not readily available you can extend its functionality through Perl scripting.
How do you all feel about cwm vs fvwm?

I've gotten so accustomed to tiling WMs I don't think I can change permanently, but I've been considering giving cwm a whirl.
I've gotten so accustomed to tiling WMs I don't think I can change permanently, but I've been considering giving cwm a whirl.
I could never get used to the limitation of tiling WMs.
Don't get me wrong; I like the idea of dividing the screen into non-overlapping frames for most applications. And that's exactly how I use Fvwm: all applications (Internet browser, file manager, terminal emulator, etc.) have their geometries set by Fvwm so that each one fits a specific part of the screen and everything snaps to the screen grid.
But I always need to be able to use applications as floating windows, so I see no advantage to having a "strictly tiling" WM.
I mostly got accustomed to them for the benefits it brings laptops - I hate using that touchpad. But you're right, they're limiting in other applications so I want to move my desktop machone away from them...
I am repeatedly switching between Window Maker and (currently) dwm on my 15-inch laptop. I just can't decide. The problem is that I don't have many benefits from running more than just terminals in a tiled mode within the limited space. "Hating the touchpad" is not really good enough, especially since most non-tiling window managers have a good amount of configurable hotkeys for anything. Hmm!
I am repeatedly switching between Window Maker and (currently) dwm on my 15-inch laptop. I just can't decide

I was in the same boat on my development machine. I do almost everything code related with the terminal/vim but because I develop a lot of 3D graphics software I kinda need a stacking window manager to test things and run 3D model tools etc.

I tend to use FVWM and have alt-1 to alt-9 as normal desktops ("desktop mode") but alt-0 as a full screen terminal ("Terminal mode") using tmux.
I also use the FvwmAuto module to change to "desktop mode" when a new GUI window appears.

One of the best things about this is that the terminal maximizes from the bottom left rather than top left so you don't get a massive gap between the tmux bar and the bottom of the monitor. Those simple things... ;)
I am repeatedly switching between Window Maker and (currently) dwm on my 15-inch laptop. I just can't decide. The problem is that I don't have many benefits from running more than just terminals in a tiled mode within the limited space. "Hating the touchpad" is not really good enough, especially since most non-tiling window managers have a good amount of configurable hotkeys for anything. Hmm!
Most of my laptop use is covered by instances of xterm and a few applications that function fine in tiling mode, like Firefox. I can see if you're using applications that essentially "Require" stacking mode like Gimp often it can be incredibly annoying.
Does FVWM have certain features that simply do not exist in some of the other more user friendly stacking wm, such as Openbox?
Also there is a very nice feature in FVWM, it is possible to change your X session
environment variables on fly, just change it in ~/.fvwm/config and restart FVWM.
Set your variables like this:
SetEnv Variable 'Value'
Unlike sh scripts, it is possible to use ' ' quotes with variables in FVWM config file,
for example '$Variable'. After FVWM restart, every newly launched application will use new
environment variable. To restart FVWM use its "Restart" function. Be careful when changing $PATH,
it should contain necessary dirs like /bin and /usr/bin or FVWM will crash on restart.
If you're using tmux, you should restart tmux completely,
to use new environment variables in tmux.
FVWM embedded drop-down terminal​

If you're using x11-wm/fvwm2, there is no need to install any additional drop-down terminal,
because it is possible to use your favorite terminal emulator as drop-down terminal in FVWM,
and it will work much better than any separate drop-down terminal application, like x11/guake eg.
It is possible to create such function and then to bind it to some key, in this example I use F1 key.
# Drop-down function
AddToFunc DropDown
        + I None ($1, CurrentDesk) Exec exec $0
        + I All ($1, Focused, !Maximized) ResizeMove $2 $3 $4 $5
        + I All ($1, CurrentDesk, Iconic) Iconify false
        + I TestRc (!Match) All ($1, !Focused) Raise
        + I TestRc (!Match) All ($1) Iconify true
        + I All ($1) FlipFocus

# Drop-down apps
# Usage:
#   DropDown 'app_command <-flags>' app_class width(p) height(p) position_x(p) position_y(p)
Key F1     A     N     DropDown 'urxvt -name drop_down_term -geometry 185x33' drop_down_term 100 61 0 0

# Drop-down terminal appearance
Style drop_down_term !Title, !Borders, !Icon, WindowListSkip, Sticky, !Closable, PositionPlacement 0 0, EWMHMaximizeIgnoreWorkingArea
You need to set initial drop-down terminal geometry — "-geometry 185x33" to something that fits your screen.
In this example I use urxvt as drop-down terminal, but it is possible to use any terminal emulator,
that supports "-name" flag, like xterm, for example.
Also, it is possible to make this with any application :) like file manager, editor, messenger, etc…
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Never had any of your issues on several installations.
Probably your problem isn't with these applications.
wmmoonclock, pcmanfm and others you've listed are working
without any issues for me on FreeBSD, as well as on GNU/Linux
for more than a year, never noticed any problems.
But also I didn't try to use "skylake system", so maybe it is the problem.

P.S.: To use x11-fm/pcmanfm trash, you should install devel/gvfs,
if it is already installed, launch x11-fm/pcmanfm from console and try to "google"
output, that appears when pcmanfm is crashing, 99,9% you'll find what's causing this
on your system. IMO you got something misconfigured. Because in my experience
x11-fm/pcmanfm is the most stable GUI file manager on FreeBSD.

Also, it is very easy to replace any of dockapps in config file, just replace it in ~/.fvwm/config.

You are right. I had been using autofs/automount and not bothered to install any of the linuxy HAL, DBUS, ck stuff it expects.

pcmanfm works a lot better for me after I installed and enabled HAL and started using Console Kit to launch fvwm. No more cores and it even automatically mounts every USB device I can find. I don't use display managers to launch Xorg and had been starting fvwm with just exec fvwm in .xinitrc. Been rock solid for weeks now; thinking of getting rid of KDE.
I don't use HAL, I'm using autofs - https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/autofs-share-your-experience.61251/
Also I don't use "Console Kit to launch fvwm", also dbus is pretty necessary, because, for example,
even your file manager trash won't work, if dbus service isn't running.

I'm using
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session fvwm
in /usr/local/share/xsessions/fvwm.desktop, to start my FVWM session with x11/slim login manager.
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I've given up on autofs for now. I sometimes use dolphin (mostly by accident as Firefox wants to launch it to "Open Containing Folder") and it pops up 1000 dialog boxes about being unable to set permissions if I attempt to copy a folder with 1000 files onto a FAT-formatted USB drive.

If I stop hald, pcmanfm no longer reacts when I insert a drive, so I thought hal was needed.

pkg info pcmanfm
also lists HAL among its, err, features:
o Extremely fast and lightweight
o Can be started in one second on normal machine
o Tabbed browsing (Similar to Firefox)
o Built-in volume management (mount/umount/eject through HAL)
o Drag & Drop support
o Files can be dragged among tabs
o Load large directories in reasonable time
o File association support (Default application)
But I guess this is out of date.

I am just too confused about hal, dbus, and console kit. I think I got the last line to launch fvwm from Arch linux.

My .xinitrc

# adds 1680x1050 mode for broken monitor

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

#Needed for QT theme control

xterm &
exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session fvwm -f ~/.fvwm/themes-rc
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session fvwm
in /usr/local/share/xsessions/fvwm.desktop, to start my FVWM session with x11/slim login manager.
BTW, here is my x11/slim slim theme, it's pretty simple and I've posted it
already couple years ago, but I still use it and I like it much more than themes from x11-themes/slim-themes.

Extract fbsd-logo dir from attached archive to /usr/local/share/slim/themes/
and add "current_theme fbsd-logo" to /usr/local/etc/slim.conf.
Logo was found on the web.


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FVWM keybindings and titlebar buttons

To bind keys when using x11-wm/fvwm2, you should use something like this:
#Keyname       Context     Modifiers     Function
Mouse 2          I             N         Destroy
In this example middle mouse icon click will kill iconified application.

To create some titlebar buttons, add something similar to your ~/.fvwm/config file:
# Titlebar buttons click actions
AddToFunc CloseButton
        + C Close
AddToFunc IconifyButton
        + C Iconify
AddToFunc MaximizeButton
        + C Maximize

#Keyname       Context     Modifiers     Function
Mouse 1          1             A         CloseButton
Mouse 1          3             A         IconifyButton
Mouse 1          5             A         MaximizeButton
With this you'll get 3 left titlebar buttons. Of course, it is possible to use just "Mouse 1 1 A Close", without creating any functions, but with these functions, titlebar buttons will be clicked only if you won't move mouse while clicking it, this prevents accidental clicking.

To customize titlebar buttons, for example, to add some png images, use something like this:
# Titlebar buttons pixmaps
ButtonStyle All ActiveUp Pixmap button.png -- Flat
ButtonStyle All Inactive Pixmap button-unfocused.png -- Flat
# Close button pressed
ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown Pixmap button-close-pressed.png -- Flat
# Iconify button pressed
ButtonStyle 3 ActiveDown Pixmap button-iconify-pressed.png -- Flat
# Maxmimize button pressed
ButtonStyle 5 ActiveDown Pixmap button-maximize-pressed.png -- Flat
You should add ImagePath $[FVWM_USERDIR]/dir to your config file, then add *.png or *.xpm (or *.svg, if FVWM built with svg support) images to ~/.fvwm/dir.

Here is another example
#Keyname      Context     Modifiers     Function
Key Q          A             4          ThisWindow Close
Super+Q will close current window.

First column should be key name, like "Mouse 1" or, for example, "Key F12", to find out key name, use x11/xev.

Second column called "Context", context means where this keybinding should be active, for example, in menu (M), on root window (R) (to use bindings with your file manager desktop, "D" should be used), in window (W), window border (S), window corner (F), while using titlebar (1357 - left buttons, 2468 - right buttons, T - titlebar in general), in icon (I), to make keybinding work everywhere, use "A".
|                                                                                  |
|                                                                   ________       |
|            F ___________________S___________________ F           | ______ |      |
|  R          |13579____T__________________T_____02468|            |        |      |
|             |                                       |            |   M    |      |
|             |                                       |            |        |      |
|             |       W                       W       |            |        |      |
|             |                                       |            |   M    |      |
|             |                                       |            |        |      |
|            S|                                       |S           |________|      |
|  R          |                                       |                            |
|             |                                       |                            |
|             |       W                       W       |                            |
|             |                                       |                R           |
|             |_______________________________________|                            |
|            F                    S                    F                           |
|                                                                   _____   _____  |
|                                                                  |     | |     | |
|  R                              R                        R       |  I  | |  I  | |
|                                                                  |_____| |_____| |

Third column is "Modifiers", this means what modifier should be used with a key, like control (C), alt (M), super (4), shift (S). To make all modifiers work with a key, use "A", if you don't want to use any modifiers at all, use "N".

Fourth column is "Function", desired function should be added here, like "Maximize", "Iconify" or some your custom function.

So adding keyboard shortcuts and titlebar buttons in FVWM is pretty simple ;)

FVWM focus policy

By default FVWM has pretty unpredictable focus policy, when you close or iconify any window, focus will be randomly switched to icon or to another window, which may be even overlapped by another one… To make focus work as in modern WM-s (when you close/minimize current window, focus will be switched to previous non overlapped window, that was in focus before). First, disable regular FVWM focus switching, add this to your ~/.fvwm/config:
Style * !FPReleaseFocus
Then add TransferFocus function:
# Send focus
AddToFunc TransferFocus
        + I Prev (CurrentDesk, AcceptsFocus, !Iconic, !Overlapped) Focus
        + I TestRc (!Match) All Reverse UseStack (CurrentDesk, AcceptsFocus, !Iconic) Focus
And add this new function to FvwmEvent module settings (it is possible to add actions to some events with this module):
# Switch focus when switch desk or iconify/close window
*FirstEvent: iconify TransferFocus
*FirstEvent: destroy_window TransferFocus
*FirstEvent: new_desk 'All Reverse UseStack (CurrentDesk, AcceptsFocus, !Iconic) Focus'
Also FvwmEvent module should be added to FVWM startup:
AddToFunc StartFunction
        + I Module FvwmEvent FirstEvent
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Due to lack of support or FreeBSD drivers for the real machine, I try to use the system for daily use on the virtual machine.
Hello :) What kind of hardware exactly are you using, which is not supported by FreeBSD? Is it some last generation Intel graphics?
1. Fetch and install Vertex GTK theme and its dependencies.
% sudo pkg ins automake autoconf pkgconf gtk-murrine-engine gdk-pixbuf2 git-lite
% git clone https://github.com/horst3180/vertex-theme --depth 1 && cd vertex-theme
% ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local
Hi there! I know this post is about 1 year old, still I understand you're using this stuff, aren't you? So the last command above ends up with error:
configure: error: invalid GNOME version: 3.24
In order to fix it one needs to do the following in the same directory:
ln -sn 3.22 common/gnome-shell/3.24
ln -sn 3.22 common/gtk-3.0/3.24
still I understand you're using this stuff, aren't you?
Yes, of course, on both of my machines, but i tried to build it for about year ago,
after that, there were no such need, because both of OS installations are still usable.
But, when I'll have some time, I'll try to investigate this deeper. Anyway, here is prebuilt version.


Yes, of course, on both of my machines, but i tried to build it for about year ago,
after that, there were no such need, because both of OS installations are still usable.
But, when I'll have some time, I'll try to investigate this issue deeper.
P.S.: It is possible to use some flags when building this theme,
for example "--disable-gnome-shell" or "--with-gnome=<version>", so you can try it.
Right, I've noticed that. But as I wasn't sure which is and which is NOT used by the gkt-related apps I've installed, I decided to leave it at its defaults ;);). Though I'm not using the GNOME DE in its fullest, there still are some configuration utilities& tricks that make the apps look good. So I'm not sure whether or not they're using hooks from --with-gnome and such. Just never have time to look deep enough into it. And I don't want that die-hard "minimalistic" desktop look styled after them good ol' days of when FVWM was first invented. I know, I know: it's HISTORY (all CAPS)... but it's never been my history, so I don't pretend lay no claim :D:D.
Just add --with-gnome=3.22 flag to ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local command.
But despite this flag, Vertex theme should work fine with newer GTK versions as well,
right now I'm using it successfully with gtk3-3.24.7. Added this flag to my first post in this topic.
Just add --with-gnome=3.22 flag to ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local command.
But despite this flag, Vertex theme should work fine with newer GTK versions as well,
right now I'm using it successfully with gtk3-3.24.7. Added this flag to my first post in this topic.
Yes it does, perfectly well. BTW, with lxappearance I've got now applications, configuration and other menus in pcman-fm, which wasn't there before. So, your ideas are excellent, much appreciated!
with lxappearance I've got now applications, configuration and other menus in pcman-fm, which wasn't there before
I don't think, that it's somehow related to lxappearance installation,
pcmanfm with all of its dependencies should be fully usable without any additional apps.
lxappearance is just a useful tool to quickly change GTK2/3 applications appearance.
lxappearance is just a useful tool to quickly change GTK2/3 applications appearance.
Don't get me wrong, I've nothing to complain about pcmanfm, I've been using it for some 5 years now and rather like it. It really goes a long way as a standalone file manager, I'm very thankful for it. It does provide everything you'll need in a file manager, that's true.
Can't post my desktop right now since I'm replacing hardware, but FVWM is my choice in desktop, been using it for a long time, it's just great, such fine grain control. If you can imagine it, FVWM can probably do it. Though it's had its ups and downs in terms of development support. Just hope it sticks with us for the duration.