do you use fvwm?
I finally decided to use it, now I actively study a configuration and ability. I think it good choice, fvwm use only professionals and old-school Unix users. Before I use Fluxbox.
ye, i use it for almost 2years.
and finally i see my config something like i want to...
[there are still some things to improve, but major part is done]

i would lobe to have some true transparency, but i'm not fancy using patches to upgrade fvwm, I rather wait till they get merged (it's taking them to long already to merge them in main tree, lazy devels)
I use FvwM too.
Here is a screenshot:

In case you can't see the picture, you can follow this link:
and How do I post a attachment? I don't wanna post a long .fvwm2rc here as plain text. It's totally hideous.
sly < could you remove that big screenshot and make thumbnail liked to it.
or just leave like to screenshot

It's very annoying, loading it every time, i access this topic
  • Thanks
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Thanks very much for the tip, killasmurf86. That site's very cool.
I couldn't edit the post anymore so I deleted the screenshot.
You can refresh the page and get rid of it now.
And here is the screenshot I made last year.
killasmurf86 said:
sly < could you remove that big screenshot and make thumbnail liked to it.
or just leave like to screenshot

It's very annoying, loading it every time, i access this topic

my spelling **** at late nights

What do you think of this one
Nice, I love it! Can you post your conf for that? That is all I want from a window manager, a clean background and just a little panel showing programs currently running. No icons och menues :-)
killasmurf86 said:
my spelling **** at late nights

What do you think of this one

Hmmm. Dunno. This one seems a bit vacuum.
The wallpaper looks cool.
I'm not sure about the title. It takes a lot of space (personal opinion. I prefer title free windows a lot more, like my own.)

Here is another screenshot, which is one year after the last one:

DemoDoG said:
I mean is there some effect on your desktop that makes non-focused windows appear small?

Small icons are windows that you minimize
However i believe it's pretty simple to make so that unfocused windows would be iconified, however it would make desktop hard to use.

EDIT: hmmm, just noticed, that for some reason my last screenshot is corrupted...
I will update as soon as i get home
Okay I understand, well that was what I ment: that they become like that when you minimize them. that´s cool I havent seen it before, usually when you minmize it goes into a taskbar panel or becomes a much smaller icon. is that something uniqe in fvwm?
If you search for fvwm screenshots you will find that most fvwm configs use this, because it's beautiful.

I haven't seen other window managers doing this.
and btw. fvwm does this with script :)
scripts can be bough in fvwm config or external sh scrip.
for example my wallpaper menu is external sh script, that i wrote.

I do. I've tried KDE, it's cool but isn't so much sharped to suit my needs.
the screen decoration is minimalistic, with many comfortable shortcuts in mind.

I'd love to learn other cool things with FVWM from others :)