FreeBSD Screen Shots

Discussions about deleting ports and dependencies do not belong in this thread. We have an entire sub-forum for that, where the issue has been addressed, let's say: quite frequently. So back on topic, please.
I hope it's not OT since I'm sending my screenshot.

I also hope you can help me in setting my desktop (it's my 1st time with bare WM, I've been using GNOME and KDE only earlier). I want to put Conky on the top of the screen and autostart xterm (or other terminal emulator on the bottom). I would also like to set the wallpaper permanently. I've downloaded a sample .fvwm/config file and modified it. Menu is now modified quite heavily, still, I can't set the wallpaper and can't find anything on autorunning programs and positioning it. Thanks in advance.

You should post the thumbnail code from imageshack here. Not the direct image link. It should be done this way

Please edit your post again.
I made the edit and copied your link over, D. I don't think poster will still have the page with the original upload open to copy the thumbnail link from ;)
Ready for a bastardized desktop environment? ;)

For my login manager I use ddm (dynamic display manager) which is basically a maximized xterm && (modified)dwm running 'login' (of my own creation)

Just after login and a few erroneous commands it looks like this... (on ttyx1)

And so day to day work (with tmux and vim) looks like this...

Notice the xcalc which can be placed overlaying the terminal? Quite handy if you *need* to run X apps whilst using a terminal (like the googly eyes widget). Basically everything other than the original terminal "floats".

So any security risks with root running xterm running 'login'? Probably :D

It basically functions the same as if the computer was running a high resolution framebuffer console, but since it is infact running X11, it has the added benefit of running GUI software and is as simple as


The whole thing also looks great on my theoretical 9999 inch widescreen monitor. (Which admittedly my theoretical GeForce X9999 does struggle with, but I blame Nvidia's poor theoretical driver support lol)

But most importantly.. Who wants my wallpaper?
Since all the displays are managed by dwm, I can move windows around with the usual ALT-Mouse1. I can resize windows with ALT-Mouse2 etc...

Unless the windows give hints as to where they want to appear (such as firefox), then they just pop up in the top left corner.

The underlying dwm also allows me to use ALT-1,2,3 etc... to switch to a different ttyx# (Basically another xterm running 'login'). GUI windows can also be moved to the different ttyx screens so to avoid clutter.
sk8harddiefast said:
Pfff :( @Seeker I cannot find this emerald theme :(
Anyone who knows where I can find it?
Because it's not in a ports tree and it's not just an emerald theme, as it applies only to header of windows(min, max, close, etc ...), but is paired with non-ported gtk2 theme.
Here is OpenCDE on FreeBSD 8.2. I love CDE.
fossala said:
How do you get the colour in uname and other programs in OpenBSD?

Sorry about the delay mate. I use colorwrapper for command output coloring. Just search for colorwrapper(cw) in google. FreeBSD has a port(cw) under sysutils. OpenBSD has no port, but building it should be no problem at all.

My current screenshot. Apart from new colors, the setup is very similar to my recent screens. CWM on OpenBSD 4.8.


gnome with xearth on dual display

I been wanting to check this look out for a while. Its was difficult finding the right settings to use. The last thing I needed to do was shift the xearth to the right in one display.

gconftool-2 -s --type bool /apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager false 
gconftool-2 -s --type bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false
gconftool-2 -s --type bool /desktop/background/draw_background false
gconftool-2 -s --type bool /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/background/active false


  • Screenshot-11.jpg
    94 KB · Views: 299
For those who are interested in using DWM as a login manager (i.e rather than xdm, gdm or kdm) then I have finally got round to uploading the source of ddm to my account (port 22 was blocked) (screenshots are above)

Since this is tailor made to FreeBSD, it is very simple to install even though it isn't a port (though a port can follow)

# tar -xf ddm-0.5.3.tar.gz
# cd ddm
# make
# make install

To start it up, you can either run as root (make sure no X11 is running)
# ddm

Of you can add to /etc/rc.conf:-

To change settings, just have a browse through /usr/local/etc/ddm.conf
Here you can change the number of virtual terminals too.

To change to a different tty, hold ALT and press a number key. (e.g <ALT>-3 to go to ttyx3)

The only issue I know of with ddm is that the first time it is ever run, it takes about 10 seconds (presumably whilst it generates fonts). Every time after that it starts up quickly. Even after reboots.