This screenshot is missing the two transparent urxvt terminals that stick and are on the bottom layer, but that's the code. Volume control is in the bottom right corner.
I will try x11-wm/tinywm next.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- The root menu. -->
<RootMenu onroot="18">
<Program label="Thinglaunch">thingylaunch</Program>
<Program label="Terminal">xterm</Program>
<Program label="URXVT">urxvt</Program>
<Menu label="Office">
<Program label="Leafpad">leafpad</Program>
<Program label="Apache Office">openoffice-4.1.3</Program>
<Program label="PDF">epdfview</Program>
<Program label="Dia">dia</Program>
<Menu label="Internet">
<Program label="Firefox">firefox</Program>
<Program label="XMPP">pidgin</Program>
<Menu icon="folder.png" label="Utilities">
<Program label="Calculator">xcalc</Program>
<Program label="Charmap">gucharmap</Program>
<Menu label="Applications">
<Program label="VLC">vlc</Program>
<Program icon="lock.png" label="Lock">
xscreensaver-command -lock
<RootMenu onroot="2">
<Restart label="Restart"/>
<Program label="Reboot">shutdown -r now</Program>
<Program label="Shutdown">shutdown -p now</Program>
<Exit label="Exit" confirm="true" icon="quit.png"/>
<!-- Options for program groups. -->
<!-- Tray at the bottom. -->
<Tray x="+1" y="+1" autohide="off">
<TrayButton label="JWM">root:1</TrayButton>
<Pager labeled="false"/>
<TaskList maxwidth="256"/>
<Pager labeled="false"/>
<Clock zone="UTC" format="UTC %R"></Clock>
<Tray x="+1" y="-1" autohide="off">
<TrayButton label="JWM">root:2</TrayButton>
<Pager labeled="true"/>
<TaskList maxwidth="100"/>
<Clock format="%b %d %a %R"></Clock>
<!-- Visual Styles -->
<!-- Path where icons can be found.
IconPath can be listed multiple times to allow searching
for icons in multiple paths.
<StartupCommand>urxvt -tr -sh 25 -geometry 85x21+90+30</StartupCommand>
<StartupCommand>urxvt -tr -sh 25 -geometry 90x21+2-25</StartupCommand>
<StartupCommand>osdmixer d d d d</StartupCommand>
<!-- Virtual Desktops -->
<!-- Desktop tags can be contained within Desktops for desktop names. -->
<Desktops width="2" height="1">
<!-- Default background. Note that a Background tag can be
contained within a Desktop tag to give a specific background
for that desktop.
<Background type="image">/home/mydirectory/waterfall.png</Background>
<!-- Double click speed (in milliseconds) -->
<!-- Double click delta (in pixels) -->
<!-- The focus model (sloppy or click) -->
<!-- The snap mode (none, screen, or border) -->
<SnapMode distance="10">border</SnapMode>
<!-- The move mode (outline or opaque) -->
<!-- The resize mode (outline or opaque) -->
<!-- Key bindings -->
<Key key="Up">up</Key>
<Key key="Down">down</Key>
<Key key="Right">right</Key>
<Key key="Left">left</Key>
<Key key="h">left</Key>
<Key key="j">down</Key>
<Key key="k">up</Key>
<Key key="l">right</Key>
<Key key="Return">select</Key>
<Key key="Escape">escape</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Tab">nextstacked</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:1</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F2">window</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F10">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Right">rdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Left">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Up">udesktop</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Down">ddesktop</Key>
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