Solved FreeBSD release engineering

… upgrade the bootloader …

… Probably not required every minor upgrade.

I should probably recommend it for any boot disk that might be used with multiple computers. Bear in mind, the range of computers that 13.0-RELEASE could not boot.

The release notes say that the bootloader was updated with many improvements and that the boot time is cut to half comparing to 13.0. …

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I find it weird that the list of errata for 13.1 includes things that are not errors in 13.1.
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I find it weird that the list of errata for 13.1 includes things that are not errors in 13.1.
Well, ok. Nice to know that you find things "weired". ;)
But do you expect readers that each of them does a diff on the lists?

If you had posted your findings people might look at it.
I find it weird that the list of errata for 13.1 includes things that are not errors in 13.1.
It's a list of issues that have been fixed in this release (compared to a 'plain' 13.0-RELEASE). It's not a list of issues that need to be fixed, the fixing was already done before the release (they've been commited to 13-STABLE when they were discovered).
… this release (compared to a 'plain' 13.0-RELEASE). …

A comparision (advisories and errata notices):

The index page is now complete:

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  • seven of the eight pages are listed
  • the eighth (the announcement) is the 13.1 in the sidebar, I'll request addition to the list.
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