You have the freedom to install 14-current on a machine that you expect to be issued at your workplace??? OK, now I'm beginning to see the picture. Thing is - you're gonna be largely on your own for adequately securing that machine to comply with your workplace policies, don't expect any privacy (a company has the right to inspect and properly maintain any equipment it issues, including laptops). And if there's a network area that you can't connect to for some reason, even if your work account supposedly has the right permissions - you'll be largely on your own to make sure that your company-issued equipment is working correctly. I work in a place with that kind of reality.Thanks,
September 2020: "There's a possibility of me gaining use of this notebook (no other)" was when, if I recall correctly, the HP ProBook 440 G7 was standard issue at my place of work.
Non-standard would have required a business case. July 2021:
More accurately:
There's more, but essentially:
– and on whatever I receive, I'll run FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT.
- if I do not attempt to make a business case, what I like is irrelevant – I'll be given a standard issue HP, which FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE can not boot
- I'd like additional memory, and additional storage
- I'll make a case for additional memory
If your position allows you to get away with having 14-CURRENT on your work machine, then I'm envious. My work priority would be to have a machine that works correctly. If it doesn't - my workplace will give me a new machine that does, and it will be their problem, not mine, 'cuz they will still have to pay me.