
  1. I

    Forgejo failing to start as service / pid file not readable

    I am trying to get forgejo running as a service in a jail. When I manually start forgejo as the git user it runs as expected, however attempting to get it to run with the included rc file provided by the ports package it errors out. Forgejo Port rc.d script When I start forgejo manually it...
  2. D-FENS

    Solved Writing an rc.d script for a service wrapping multiple processes

    I am trying to implement an rc.d service script that starts multiple processes. The exact number of processes is determined dynamically from an rc.conf variable like so: dummy_process_count=5 I read the tutorial Practical rc.d scripting in BSD, but there is no example with multiple processes...
  3. rootbert

    ansible builtin service module problems with FreeBSD

    maybe someone can help me out with the issue I am having with the ansible.builtin.service module: with most services (like nginx, postfix, postgres, ntp, samba etc.) it works as expected, however, I have experienced problems with opensearch, graylog (both java based), zrepl and gitea. All four...
  4. jarmo

    "service postgresql start" hangs forever over SSH

    I'm trying to provision a FreeBSD 13.1 VM over SSH by running shell commands. Among many other things I'm executing commands like these: pkg install -y postgresql15-server service postgresql initdb service postgresql start It gets to service postgresql start, prints the following and hangs...
  5. Ishayahu

    Solved Creating service: problem with pid & output redirection

    I created a service: #!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: reklama # REQUIRE: DAEMON # KEYWORD: shutdown . /etc/rc.subr name="reklama" rcvar=reklama_enable start_cmd="${name}_start" pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" reklama_start() { /usr/local/bin/mpg123 -a /dev/dsp4.0 --loop -1...
  6. B

    Pushing an rc Script to the Background, Login Before Completion

    I have an rc script to autostart some jails. My only problem is that I can't login to my system until all jails are started. I'm sure this answer is out there in the ether somewhere, but I can't seem to get the search criteria quite right, seeing as how there's lots of language about backgroudn...
  7. T

    Solved How to run rc.d service as specific user?

    I am attempting to create two /usr/local/etc/rc.d services, using rc.subr(8) after reviewing Service B's process must always run as root, while service A's process must always run as another less privileged user (some_user). The other user must...
  8. A

    How to prevent service/system output while working in interactive shell.

    Hello, is there any way to prevent the system from printing to vt? It's quite annoying when I edit files in vi or ed and the system suddenly tells me that a USB device has disconnected, overwriting the interactive shell. The same goes for services like samba_service. Can anyone tell me how to...
  9. byrnejb

    Solved service reports cannot find /etc/rc.conf

    root@mx32 ~]# freebsd-version 12.3-RELEASE-p2 [root@mx32 ~]# uname -a FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE-p1 GENERIC amd64 I have recently begun to see this in one of our (iocage managed) jails while logged in via ssh. # service postfix status /etc/rc.conf: $...
  10. F

    Why people uses cron job while kernel modules exist and why not services?

    1)Cron job: So cron job be able to run a process accordance with certain time intervals or whatever the desired shape is. It can be able to run most of file types or all type of languages probably. 2)Kernel module: Kernel module also runs with kernel on the background. Its main target is making...
  11. A

    Solved Service does not exist or is not executable

    I am setting up a gemini protocol server written in go called "molly brown" link to git repository. I have placed its bianary file in /usr/local/sbin/molly-brown I placed its initscript at /etc/rc.d/molly This is its initscript: #!/bin/s#!/bin/s#!/bin/s#!/bin/s#!/bin/s#!/bin/s#!/bin/sh #...
  12. H

    Solved Tor not starting

    Hi, I just recently started using FreeBSD after coming from linux. I'm trying to run my traffic through tor, using the instructions in this post. After installing tor using pkg ins tor I made the following changes: To /etc/rc.conf: tor_enable="YES" To /etc/sysctl.conf: # prevent traffic...
  13. Hornpipe2

    Solved Make `service status` work for non-root

    I have a service running on my server (in this case, audio/icecast) via rc scripts. I want the non-root user to be able to see that Icecast is running. As root, if I type: service icecast status it gives me this response: icecast is running as pid 74983. As non-root, if I try the same...
  14. D

    net-mgmt/netbox: configure as a directory service (not vhost)

    Port net-mgmt/netbox is a nice tool widely used for IPAM and DECIM maintenance, so I tried to use it for maintenance purposes at work. I never got past the setup, since the example shown in FreeBSD's wiki ( only covers a setup as vhost, which...
  15. jjrabbit

    sysrc name_enable="YES" versus service name enable

    It appears both these commands do exactly the same thing. Which one do you guys prefer to use?
  16. B

    Package name vs service name in rc.conf

    Hi all, Can someone help me understand the reason why package names configured in rc.conf use an underscore while the service name uses a dash/hyphen? Examples: sysrc avahi_daemon_enable=YES sysrc emby_server_enable=YES but service avahi-daemon start service emby-server start I see the...
  17. GregTheHun

    ELK Stack crashes - Specifically with Kibana

    Hello all, Well, I have a problem, it seems that when installing elasticsearch I've had no problems. The on screen commands were pretty easy to do as well as getting the entries in fstab that were required were easy enough to get elastic running. However, when I tried to start Kibana after...
  18. L

    Restarting Services

    OK, I know this is very simple, or at least it should be, so apologies. I am running bind DNS. I made a change to the config file and now want to restart/reload the service. There is a script called 'named' in /usr/local/etc/rc.d. I tried service named restart and service named stop and...
  19. spanglefox

    Solved not found on boot for dnsmasq.

    Hi, Am using dns/dnsmasq as a local service. On boot I see an error message stating that the service can not start because of a missing file, Once the system logins in and service dnsmasq start is used the service begins. Also I get positive results for find /usr/ -name...
  20. justrjlewis

    rc.d daemon not processing command flags

    I started working with a great web server called caddy and started working on an rc.d script to get it running as a service. I put together a script that mostly worked seen here. The bug in this original script was that the service would start on boot/reboot, but it didn’t play well with the...