How to prevent service/system output while working in interactive shell.

is there any way to prevent the system from printing to vt?
It's quite annoying when I edit files in vi or ed and the system suddenly tells me that a USB device has disconnected, overwriting the interactive shell.
The same goes for services like samba_service.
Can anyone tell me how to prevent this from happening? I don't have much experience with freebsd.

Additionally, some messages can be prevented by disabling this line in /etc/syslog.conf:
*.err;kern.warning;auth.notice;mail.crit                /dev/console

Certain (kernel) debug messages however are always printed on the console, regardless of this syslog.conf(5) line.
It's worth mentioning that, at least by default, if you're logged on the console and even when using vi editor while that happened you can clear it by pressing ctrl+l.