After resetting the system, these are my current configurations for how I setup elasticsearch and kibana (haven't installed logstash yet, just trying to get one piece at a time up)
elasticsearch.yml: ELK-Lab master /var/db/elasticsearch
path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch
path.scripts: /usr/local/libexec/elasticsearch
And kibana.yml:
server.port: 5601 "localhost"
server.basepath: ""
elasticsearch.url: "
elasticsearch.preserveHost: true
Also a list of pkgs installed (most are from the install of elasticsearch):
alsa-lib-1.1.2 ALSA compatibility library
bash-4.4.12_2 GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell
c-ares-1.12.0_2 Asynchronous DNS resolver library
ca_root_nss-3.32.1 Root certificate bundle from the Mozilla Project
curl-7.55.1 Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs
dejavu-2.37 Bitstream Vera Fonts clone with a wider range of characters
elasticsearch5-5.3.0 Full-text search engine for Java
expat-2.2.1 XML 1.0 parser written in C
fixesproto-5.0 Fixes extension headers
fontconfig-2.12.1,1 XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
freetype2-2.8 Free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
gettext-runtime- GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
giflib-5.1.4 Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
htop-2.0.2 Better top(1) - interactive process viewer
icu-59.1,1 International Components for Unicode (from IBM)
indexinfo-0.2.6 Utility to regenerate the GNU info page index
inputproto-2.3.2 Input extension headers
java-zoneinfo-2017.b Updated Java timezone definitions
javavmwrapper-2.5_2 Wrapper script for various Java Virtual Machines
kbproto-1.0.7 KB extension headers
kibana5-5.3.0_1 Browser based analytics and search interface to ElasticSearch
libICE-1.0.9_1,1 Inter Client Exchange library for X11
libSM-1.2.2_3,1 Session Management library for X11
libX11-1.6.5,1 X11 library
libXau-1.0.8_3 Authentication Protocol library for X11
libXdmcp-1.1.2 X Display Manager Control Protocol library
libXext-1.3.3_1,1 X11 Extension library
libXfixes-5.0.3 X Fixes extension library
libXi-1.7.9,1 X Input extension library
libXrender-0.9.10 X Render extension library
libXt-1.1.5,1 X Toolkit library
libXtst-1.2.3 X Test extension
libfontenc-1.1.3_1 The fontenc Library
libnghttp2-1.26.0 HTTP/2.0 C Library
libpthread-stubs-0.4 This library provides weak aliases for pthread functions
libuv-1.14.1 Multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O
libxcb-1.12_2 The X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) library
libxml2-2.9.4 XML parser library for GNOME
lsof-4.90.m,8 Lists information about open files (similar to fstat(1))
mkfontdir-1.0.7 Create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfontscale-1.1.2 Creates an index of scalable font files for X
node-8.6.0 V8 JavaScript for client and server
openjdk8-8.144.1 Java Development Kit 8
pftop-0.7_8 Utility for real-time display of statistics for pf
pkg-1.10.1 Package manager
recordproto-1.14.2 RECORD extension headers
renderproto-0.11.1 RenderProto protocol headers
sshguard-pf-1.7.1 Protect hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using pf
sudo-1.8.20p2_3 Allow others to run commands as root
xextproto-7.3.0 XExt extension headers
xproto-7.0.31 X11 protocol headers
If anything else is needed, please let me know.