
  1. axel.edstrom

    I can not run Python

    So, I'm pretty new to FreeBSD and got a task to make a game in Python. I have installed Python and got a file saying "Run python" within my applications in KDE Plasma, but when I press it nothing happens. How do you set it up and get it running? Or did I install it in the wrong way?
  2. kitzo57

    Python PyQt5

    Hi! Can I install PyQt5 on FreeBSD? I need to know before changing my OS. Thank you!
  3. E

    Python (and php etc.) default version

    We use poudriere to build packages for 80+ VM's. Currently we set the default versions for python, php, postgresql, mysql and bdb explicitely. Our default python version in poudriere is 3.9. We did this originally for python and php because there was some problem during an upgrade one time, I...
  4. L

    Python39 poudriere build failure /usr/local/lib/ not found

    I'm getting the following error when building lang/python39: ===== env: USE_PACKAGE_DEPENDS_ONLY=1 USER=root UID=0 GID=0 ===> python39-3.9.19 depends on package: pkgconf>=1.3.0_1 - not found ===> Installing existing package /packages/All/pkgconf-2.2.0,1.pkg [13-default-job-01] Installing...
  5. decuser

    How to install a virtual Python environment

    You probably don't want to mess with your system Python environment as that can lead to system instability. You probably do want to use multiple versions of Python if you are developing in Python. This note is a very quick note on getting a virtual instance of Python up and running using the...
  6. vukodlak

    Bash Python script I made to create a menu in the terminal window

    Thought maybe some other ppl people might appreciate this. I just use it for common commands instead of using aliases. I bound it to the m key to start it up. Easy to edit for your own commands. #!/usr/bin/env python3 import curses import subprocess import os def main(stdscr)...
  7. codetrotter

    Unable to update python39 on Raspberry Pi

    I keep getting this error. Is the package itself broken? Even after I clean out /var/cache/pkg and run pkg upgrade again I get the same error [36/38] Fetching sqlite3-3.41.2,1.pkg: 100% 1 MiB 1.1MB/s 00:01 [37/38] Fetching glib-2.76.2,2.pkg: 100% 3 MiB 3.5MB/s 00:01...
  8. DtxdF

    Python Python With Appjail | FastAPI

    Hi, I share this post from my (new) blog to show how to use AppJail and its Makejails to develop an API using FastAPI. Python With Appjail | FastAPI
  9. goshanecr

    Port request : security/radicale-dovecot-auth and security/radicale-imap-auth

    Hi Friends! Can anyone having time to generate ports to these python plugins? They needed for using with www/radicale: - security/radicale-dovecot-auth - security/radicale-imap-auth Thanks!
  10. Aroflote

    Why do I get "Module not found" after python installation in venv?

    Hello Goal My goal is to set up a Python application in a virtual environment in FreeBSD, and run it from there. Setup I have created the virtual environment, activated it, installed pip within this and ran pip install -r requirements.txt The installation went well, and I could list out all...
  11. First_Law_of_Unix

    How to Install Caffe (Deep Learning Framework)?

    Hello, I'm trying to build Caffe from it's github source (This is the OpenCL version of Caffe): Getting the following error after doing: cmake -DBLAS=open -DUSE_OPENCL=ON -DUSE_CLGEMM=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DUSE_TIMER=ON...
  12. E

    py-jmespath: Unknown flavor 'py39', possible flavors: py38

    I'm using poudriere to build my packages. My DEFAULT_VERSIONS looks like this: DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= php=7.4 python=3.8 python3=3.8 pgsql=14 mysql=10.3m bdb=18 I have devel/py-jmespath@py38 and devel/py-jmespath@py39 both in my buildlist. devel/py-jmespath@py39 fails to build with the error from...
  13. S

    Can't get salt-api to detect cherrypy

    One of the pre-requisites for salt-api to work is installing cherrypy. Currently salt is using python38 while the latest cherrypy package uses python39. I have both installed however when I run salt-api with debug logging I see the following error [ERROR ] Not loading...
  14. C


    Hello! I've seen that the port has been tried by a FreeBSD community member: Is there anyone who knows if there exits a port of PyTorch or could make it work otherwise on FreeBSD? Many thanks!
  15. H

    Need easy help to "port" my Bible app to Freebsd

    Hi guys :) I'm new to FreeBSD and need a quick help (no coding, just info and maybe easy testing) to "port" my app to FreeBSD. The topo: My app exists on several packages: PyPI, Snap, Flatpak. It's a python app using ncurses and sqlite3. The app is of course free and under GPL3...
  16. B

    node16 depends on python310 and python38 simultaneously

    I use python310 as system default (/etc/make.conf). When I try to build node16 from ports it tries to build and install dependant python38 port. I have already HATED python! All packages try to install ALL versions of python to my system at the same time!!! When will this stupid python language...
  17. L

    Solved lldb python scripting

    Hi there, I'm currently experimenting with lldb and wanted to try out its python-API. So, I followed the tutorial on the lldb website. However, when trying to import the script into the python interpreter, I'm getting an error message: >>> import tree_utils [string "buffer"]:1: syntax error...
  18. E

    python libraries conflict

    I'm trying to update mail/mailman3 port to 3.3.5 It requires updating a few ports it depends on, including mail/py-aiosmtpd and www/py-falcon. After updating py-falcon to 3.0.1 and running make install I get: pkg-static: py38-falcon-3.0.1 conflicts with py38-aiosmtpd-1.2_1 (installs files...
  19. Nick-6

    Solved How to properly install and use python modules in FreeBSD?

    Hello, I'm a newbie in both FreeBSD and programming. I'm now taking CS50 and trying to write code in VSCode. I would like to know how to properly install python modules. pip install <python-module> or doas pkg install py38-<python-module> And in case if there is no pkg version, what should I...
  20. M

    Another reason not to use python?

    This could possibly go in the scripting topic. According to these folks ( and to quote: This is an on-going issue with repositories (and has been since Perl years ago) and languages that are based...