
  1. C

    What is the BSD tty font called?

    Hi everyone! The first time I installed BSD (It was OpenBSD), I was amazed by the font in the tty. It is so much more rounded and elegant than the one I see in Linux. I was wondering; does it have a name? I would be interested in using it in some documents. You are free to call me a psychopath...
  2. Sergei_Shablovsky

    How to setup using different font size (and possible different fonts) in different vt ?

    Dear FreeBSD Gurus! This mean (for example) “8x16” in ttyv1 (autologon btop user w/ restrictions) and “10x18” in all others ttys. Thank You all for detailed explanation! ;)
  3. Russian_Man

    Solved How to change vt console font size?

    Friends, good day! How can I change console font size to bigger?
  4. B

    Solved xterm kerning (letter spacing)

    Hello! While configuring my system I managed to screw up fonts in xterm. I wasn't touching fonts or xterm itself, so I guess I happened to pkg remove a package that took a crucial font setting or resource with it. Now, no matter which font and size I choose in .Xresources, xterm has ugly...
  5. lockna

    Solved i3: Specificed font and mouse cursor is ignored

    Hello guys! I recently installed my first BSD System with FreeBSD! Almost everything worked perfectly, but I got one minor problem. I noticed that, when I installed Visual Studio Code the font for Firefox, Chromium, PavuControl changed. They use the same font as VSCode (as can be seen in the...
  6. D

    MATE LibreOffice GTK3 - Black fonts on Dark UI

    I compiled the LibreOffice port with GTK3 support and while it mostly looks fine, there are a few buttons with black text and they seem to be hard-coded with black text. Perhaps there is a way to change them, but I couldn't find anything online. The theme I use is Skeuos on MATE, but any dark...
  7. Sergei_Shablovsky

    How to solve local terminal output mess for btop (bpytop formerly) resource monitoring tool ?

    After changing screen resolution to more night (640x480 text -> 1600x1200 graphics), output from btop app (formerly bpytop on-screen real-time monitoring tool) look like mess (see attached screen photos). The same behavior for current btop app and for previous version - bpytop. Only one...
  8. D

    Solved Fonts changed after installing linux-dwarffortress

    Among other issues I'm having with linux packages, after installing linux-dwarffortress my terminal and web browser fonts have been replaced. In my web browser on some pages, I get text that looks like this: And in Alacritty, it acts as if my terminal font is missing. I use...
  9. D

    Solved No UI text in Blender after building port

    I'm having an issue after building the graphics/blender port. Particularly I see no text at all, and when running in the terminal I get the following: blf_load_font_default: 'fonts' data path not found for 'droidsans.ttf', will not be able to display text blf_load_font_default: 'fonts' data...
  10. D

    Solved x11-fonts/terminus unusable after update, unable to get working with Xorg config

    I'm on FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE on the quarterly branch, and I use x11-fonts/terminus in the terminal because I think it's quite nice looking for CL use. This morning there was a large packages update, and after completing the upgrade Terminus is no longer seen in Xfce4's Terminal nor any font menu...
  11. S

    Increase terminal font with allscreens?

    How do I increase the terminal font size by using the allscreens variable in rc.conf? In my file, I have allscreens_flags="green" which sets the font to green. If this is put into /boot/loader.conf, will these settings occur sooner during boot up?
  12. 53hornet

    Pango Unicode Characters -- Rendering Errors

    Greetings. I have been trying to configure a few of my applications (namely x11/rofi and x11-wm/i3-gaps) with an icon font called Material Design Icons Desktop. It's a font made up of numerous Unicode glyphs, similar to Font Awesome. The problem is those glyphs render with these strange "Unicode...
  13. N

    Converting OTF/TTF fonts to FNT for usage in vt

    I'm currently setting up a new FreeBSD 12 install, and would like to use a custom font in the vty. The font in question is Hack, and I'm using vt as vty console driver. I've looked through all relevant manpages I found (vt, vtfontcvt, vidcontrol, vidfont), and tried different ways and tools of...
  14. fnoyanisi

    Guake does not display UTF-8

    Hi there, I have x11/guake installed but UTF-8 characters are not properly displayed in the terminal. More specifically, the characters in the editors/vim airline extension appear as question marks. Similar problem exists for the Tagbar extension of editors/vim as well. I have tested these...
  15. N

    Solved Recommended Xorg Font Configuration Method

    As suggested in many posts, many times on this forum and in the Handbook - I removed my old /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf configuration file, and let Xorg do its auto-detection thing. However, after running startx, Xorg ran OK but I couldn't open x11/xterm or x11/rxvt-unicode and my window...
  16. EmeraldBot

    Solved Fonts Look Fuzzy and Blurry

    Hello! Alright, here's a problem I've been struggling with. Fonts look very fuzzy and blurry when antialiased, and I've tried the whole gamut of works to fix it: Subpixel rendering, LCD Filtering, the various modes of hinting, disabling and enabling the autohinter, replacing some fonts with...