I have huge respect for KDE. It's my fav opensource desktop.I don't use openbox I use KDE. I could tell you how to check it in KDE. If I load a graphics driver like drm-kmod's i915kms driver, it changes my resolution to a higher setting during the boot up process, but that all depends on what kind of graphics driver your system has.
The trouble is that I'm install FreeBSD on an old Lenovo T420 laptop which has only 8GB of Ram and I felt KDE a bit sluggish after the first install and I partially configured it to my liking.
When I saw this link "https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2018/03/29/freebsd-desktop-part-1-simplified-boot/" and the guy was using a similar Lenovo machine, with Openbox, made me think about light weight desktops and building one from scratch.
I will have to check the specs properly of the laptop. So far I guess I'm just using whatever resolution that comes as standard with the install.
I'm looking at certain elements of the desktop environment that needs addressing.
how do you get change the preferences for Xterm? I would like black background and white text, but so far I'm only having the white background with black text.
A suitable panel for my liking.
I've tried XFE and Thunar for the file manager. I'm thinking of moving over to Nemo instead. It seems to have everything that I need. Otherwise, I'll just install Dolphin and work with that.
Obmenu gives me an error every time I run it. It says that I'm missing the
file in the home/user/.config/openbox
So I'm not sure what to do there. If it is missing. How is it that I can still use a menu when I start Openbox to run Xterm? Where is that menu located?
How do we give Openbox the feature of snapping windows side by side as we do in Windows?