I'll never forget, decades ago, a salesman coming to work and pushing that as a feature for us to buy terminals from him.You’ll notice also my terminal is green-on-black
I'll never forget, decades ago, a salesman coming to work and pushing that as a feature for us to buy terminals from him.You’ll notice also my terminal is green-on-black
Unfortunately you probably wont either. The cutting edge (Gnome 3) is a mess and once it becomes perfect, it will be replaced by Gnome 4 which will be entirely broken again. This happened with Gnome 2 -> Gnome 3 and was quite disappointing.I'm not finding anything with the similar polish and feel as MacOS.
I'm seriously thinking of moving over to FreeBSD from MacOS as my primary. However after trying Gnome, KDE as well as fluxbox & openbox, I'm not finding anything with the similar polish and feel as MacOS.
% man fvwm
and you'll find almost anything you need.I'm using Enlightenment (not the ports version - it is buggy, but built from Git some month ago) on my primary FreeBSD laptop and Mac OS X on the secondary one. I can state that there are many things impossible in Mac OS X that I can do with E. Finally I fill more comfortable working on E now. But it takes time to manually install it and configure everything.
Correctly configured Terminology is genial. XFE is really good to replace mc (but I'm using mc too).Enlightenment_FM , Terminology, Rage, Ephoto are good to have applications, though I'm still preferring mc, xterm and mpv to the first 3.
Ever since about 2008 when I first used Linux I’ve preferred docks full of icons over the Microsoft taskbar paradigm.
It's not useful for lunatics and werewolves only,I like the clock and the moon phase thing. Useful for werewolves/lunatics etc.
% man wmmoonclock
.I noticed. I just wanted to admit moon power more preciseJust to clarify, I was joking
Probably multimedia/xmms as you can see in the output of top(1)What’s the lil music player called in the bottom right?
Some religions also rely on the Moon.Just to clarify, I was joking, it wasn’t meant maliciously (hard to convey in plain text). I knew the moon affected things like tides and possibly women’s menstruation too (?) and if I had stayed in school I would probably know several other uses for the moon...
Mine is a black screen with a mouse cursor. i.e. cwm. No icons, no window borders/titles, no taskbar ...etc. Exec key and first couple of letters to identify a program and Enter to launch it. Most windows maximised and alt-tab between them. 1 pixel gap at the top of screen to left mouse click on (desktop) to show/switch to any from a list of active windows. Alt left mouse to move a window, alt-right mouse to resize. Mostly browse, so in effect full screened browser + its tabs is pretty much my desktop. I have a calculator (html) tab, text editor (html) tab. Use the browser to play mp4's, online email tab ...etc. Otherwise mostly mc/cli (tmux). Looks bland, but works well.Personally, I can't stand icons or docks with them on my desktop. I like plain text and minimalism. I do have a taskbar but hide it till my mouse hits the bottom of the screen.