Using FreeBSD as Desktop OS

You are right, I forgot I deleted gnome and xfce for some reason. So the .desktop files are gone.
However, for example, sublime has no .desktop file.
But it is sublime2, as sublime3 does not work (nothing shows up). (Edit: PR done now)

So I have to say, the situation apparently has improved.
A few years ago even some KDE apps like K3b had no desktop file iirc.

Anyway, I am still working on a releasable version of the microcode updater.
(After that I'll swallow the systemd toad to hibernate on desktop. I hope it doesn't get stuck in my throat :oops: )

Well, if you cut the second level menus, could this be why leafpad is gone?
LOL you lost me there, Snurg. Could you please point out one of my screenshots that looks anything remotely like a Windows desktop? I fail to see any comparison in look or feel.

It is these crosses which make me feel uneasy :)
If I mis-click, it makes a loud BANG and that shocks me :)
Icons remind me of Windows, and personally, I cut out all the 2nd level and beyond sub-menus from my menu. It looks neater to me that way.

I don't like nesting too.
Solved this by having the most recent started apps in the first level. The second level you see offers the most recently opened files for that app in addition of starting the app only.
This way the menu adapts to my workflow.
So editors/leafpad actually installs a desktop file, as does editors/gedit. After installation they appear automatically in Xfce's app menu without me doing anything. You should be way more concrete here. Which applications do not install one or only install incomplete ones? Then start filing bugs. Just repeating the same thing over and over again here will change nothing.
My bad.
I removed Gnome and XFCE because after I installed both a login manager appeared and that freaked me out.
And big kudos to you how fast you fixed the sublime PR!
FreeBSD does imho very well as desktop OS.
It's just that suspend stopped working with Nvidia on the desktops. And the laptop's battery bleeds empty if I sleep it and forget to plug it into mains.
This is the reason why I am going to eat toad, as I do not like apples.
Well, if you cut the second level menus, could this be why leafpad is gone?

Snurg, if it was ever present on the default menu from the time I first booted to the desktop there wouldn't be a need to summon it from the terminal. I cut the sub-menus from my custom menu.

This is the menu I had it generate the other night. I posted my custom menu in the link I provided to the last time the menu question was asked.


IMHO, the best move FreeBSD could actually do in the Desktop domain would be to create two WMs (one tilling and other not) and the basic utilities (like bar, file manager, compositor) totally integrated with the system (see the Lumina-fm with integrated ZFS snapshot history support - I think the idea came from Solaris), and simply drop everything else: Gnome, KDE, XFCE, Openbox etc.

Wants KDE (or anything)? Port it and maintain, and if become poor maintained --> drop.
TOTAL madness, IMHO. lumina is crap, or, if you want — "shit". It is very good that FreeBSD comes without GUI. You're able to install it easily.
But, as said before, it is good that such OS-es like Шindow$ and Macos®© are exist,
more than 90% of people are idiots IMHO, they need it, they are easily manipulated by everything,
like TV, ads, radio, etc, they need something stupid to make it work.
But, as said before, it is good that such OS-es like Шindow$ and Macos®© are exist,
more than 90% of people are idiots IMHO, they need it, they are easily manipulated by everything,
like TV, ads, radio, etc, they need something stupid to make it work.
Lol wtf?
Excuse me if I get into other people's talk, but i want to say something: why use a specific type of system makes you more fool or more intelligent? What does it have to do the OS with the user?
I came from using Windows, and Linux. That makes me an idiot, or i can't understand your *strange* kind of sarcasm?
All right. When i saw it, i thought, "this is obviously a joke".
Thanks for the clarification.

BTW, how it is BETTER to say
1. All, that I write — is jokes.
2. All, that I write — are jokes.
I got problems with english, I don't understand this kind of language very well.
BTW, how it is BETTER to say
1. All, that I write — is jokes.
2. All, that I write — are jokes.
I got problems with english, I don't understand this kind of language very well.

Everything that I write is a joke.

All that I write can be considered a joke

Jokes are all I write.
BTW, how it is BETTER to say
1. All, that I write — is jokes.
2. All, that I write — are jokes.
I got problems with english, I don't understand this kind of language very well.
Really? Aren't you speaking English now? Then you don't have so problems.
Don't worry. Just try to make an effort, use google translator if you want, and read some books of this language. At the end, this is like mathematics, or even like informatics: it is a language.

Or, I see it like that.

Edit: what i mean when i told that you're speaking this language, it is because for understand some kind of language (whatever it is) you need to think of that way.

Do you understand informatics languages? Then you must have the kind of logic implicit in the understanding of mathematics and/or informatics.

I'm not so good in that aspect. But remember that i said: it is a language, and i'm no bad in languages, even in Spanish. And recently, I'm bettering in mathematics (god, finally i can).

So, my conclusion, it's that if you want to be better speaking in English, you have already do the first step: you're actually speaking it. The second you need to do it's deepen on it. But before that, you can be slow and go at your own rythm. Because (i think it) that really there's no person idiot, everyone has its own rythm for understand something. Some people catch it almost in the moment, others can take even years. But if you put hands on it, someday you'll success on understand it.

So, don't worry. Take the time you need to.
I apologize. I got my information from here, which is up-to-date to 2017:
Although various taxes and fees on the electrical bill can easily change these rates significantly.

I checked these figures for my country (PL) and they are quite accurate. Of course there is no single price plan that gives this amount (for instance I have cheaper energy at weekends, nights and national bank holidays, and more expensive than that in remaining periods, but on average it is gives something like those give in the table)
And in the article, taxes are included for households, they stated
Note that prices presented in this article include taxes, levies and VAT for household consumers, but exclude refundable taxes and levies and VAT for non-household consumers.
My FreeBSD install went really well. But predictably.. I returned to MacOS as soon as my computer could get it running. I like Fluxbox. It had pretty much the look that I was going for. But I think that I need a good list of apps that I need to install to get Fluxbox up to the level of the standard DEs like Mate or Gnome.

Apart from Fluxbox, I need a Login Manager and settled on xdm. I like it.
What do I use as a file manager?
What is the best email client? ( I need something that can handle Exchange server)
How does it handle notifications?
I need a app launcher like D-menu or MacOS' Spotlight.

Is there a chance of getting Compiz working on Fluxbox?
Don't go back to MacOS.... it's not worth doing so? ;)

I have (mostly) completed transition from XFCE to Fluxbox.
- For login manager I use slim x11/slim - far less dependencies and switching between Fluxbox and XFCE (or others) is just a key stoke
- For file manager I use DoubleCommander x11-fm/doublecmd. It is two plane file manager so might not be natural if you come from MacOS but it is also very configurable so probably you can make it appear the way you like
- email - I use Thunderbird, I think it has some add-on for MS Exchange but I have not tested that
- How does it handle notifications - if you think of Bubble Messages coming from System Tray area then not well... At least I could not trigger such notification from Tray
- Application lanucher: you may want to add to to your
# F12 runs a command
None F12 :exec fbrun
or have Root menu pop-up and then you can just start typing and fluxbox will highlight those mathing
In my case I have (Left-Win + Right_Menu) key binding, also in keys file
Mod4 117 :RootMenu
so that you can have RootMenu wherever you are without going to Desktop, like below while editing this post
Tried a FreeBSD installation yesterday. I could not get it to work beyond the installation of xorg.
I tried it about 4 times.
Then on the 5th attempt, I took ti slow and methodically, but I could not get it to work. I decided that I wanted OpenBox as the environment, but the moment that I created the ~/.xinitrc file with "exec openbox-session" and it just does not work. I just get a black screen which shows a mouse, but even the mouse does not move or anything...
I know I did everything.. followed all the steps in the following links.

My system has a nvidia GTX1050 as well. Maybe that was the issue. Everything worked when I was trying to install fluxbox. I am just not certain what I am doing wrong for Openbox.
Tried a FreeBSD installation yesterday. I could not get it to work beyond the installation of xorg.
I tried it about 4 times.
Then on the 5th attempt, I took ti slow and methodically, but I could not get it to work. I decided that I wanted OpenBox as the environment, but the moment that I created the ~/.xinitrc file with "exec openbox-session" and it just does not work. I just get a black screen which shows a mouse, but even the mouse does not move or anything...
I know I did everything.. followed all the steps in the following links.

My system has a nvidia GTX1050 as well. Maybe that was the issue. Everything worked when I was trying to install fluxbox. I am just not certain what I am doing wrong for Openbox.
What happens when you just start X? (remove openbox from .xinitrc) and do
from the console. It should start X with xclock and terminal emulator windows. Then you know that X is installed correctly and works.
And try to avoid generating xorg.conf, I found it not necessary and sometimes even a bad idea.
The instruction you refer to suggests installing a lot of additional components. Do one at a time, check it works, do the next.
Consult chapter 5 in Handbook
After I install Xorg, I am able to "startx" and I see the 3 Xterm windows and the clock.. I use that to install OpenBox after edit the "rc.conf" file. I install the nvidia-drivers and after installing nvidia-xconfig I run it and generate the xorg.conf file. After that I create the "~/.xinitrc" file. Then I reboot and then try "startx" again.
That is when I'm stuck as it seems like the whole system freezes into a black screen with the mouse pointer. Try moving the pointer and nothing happens. It is frozen.

The last attempt was to do everything except install the nvidia-drivers and still the same result.