upgraded firefox and now have no audio playback.


I upgraded my pkgs this AM and when I tried to play a video on youtube.com using Firefox I discovered that the audio no longer is heard. There have been no changes made to the sound system configuration. How can I fix this?
From firefox' pkg-message:
## Audio backend

Currently used audio backend can be inspected on `about:support` page.
Supported backends and default probing order is as follows:
- `pulse-rust` if `pulseaudio` package is installed (PULSEAUDIO option)
- `jack` if `jackit` package is installed (JACK option)
- `sndio` if `sndio` package is installed (SNDIO option)
- `alsa` if `alsa-lib` package is installed (ALSA option)
- `oss` (always available)
To force a specific backend open `about:config` page and create
`media.cubeb.backend` preference.

Short of some actual bug in the newest version, this should be all you need to fix it. Wouldn't surprise me if your upgrade somehow pulled in pulseaudio and it's somehow broken 😏 but that's just guesswork...
about:config has media.cubeb.backend is set to oss. Pulseaudio is installed but removing it causes this:

# pkg remove pulseaudio
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
Deinstallation has been requested for the following 75 packages (of 0 packages in the universe):

Installed packages to be REMOVED:
    alsa-plugins: 1.2.2_8
    bomber: 22.12.0
    bovo: 22.12.0
    brasero: 3.12.3_2
    chromium: 104.0.5112.101
    gnome-settings-daemon: 42.2_1
    granatier: 22.12.0
    gtk-vnc: 1.3.1
    hplip: 3.22.10
    kalzium: 22.12.0
    kapman: 22.12.0
    katomic: 22.12.0
    kblackbox: 22.12.0
    kblocks: 22.12.0
    kbounce: 22.12.0
    kbreakout: 22.12.0
    kdegames: 22.12.0
    kdiamond: 22.12.0
    kf5-kbookmarks: 5.101.0
    kf5-kdeclarative: 5.101.0
    kf5-kdelibs4support: 5.101.0
    kf5-kdesignerplugin: 5.101.0
    kf5-kdewebkit: 5.101.0
    kf5-khtml: 5.101.0
    kf5-kinit: 5.101.0
    kf5-kio: 5.101.0
    kf5-kirigami2: 5.101.0
    kf5-knewstuff: 5.101.0
    kf5-knotifications: 5.101.0
    kf5-knotifyconfig: 5.101.0
    kf5-kparts: 5.101.0
    kf5-ktextwidgets: 5.101.0
    kf5-kwallet: 5.101.0
    kf5-kxmlgui: 5.101.0
    kf5-plasma-framework: 5.101.0
    kfourinline: 22.12.0
    killbots: 22.12.0
    kiriki: 22.12.0
    kjumpingcube: 22.12.0
    klickety: 22.12.0
    klines: 22.12.0
    kmahjongg: 22.12.0
    kmines: 22.12.0
    knavalbattle: 22.12.0
    knetwalk: 22.12.0
    knights: 22.12.0
    kolf: 22.12.0
    kollision: 22.12.0
    konquest: 22.12.0
    kpat: 22.12.0
    kreversi: 22.12.0
    kshisen: 22.12.0
    ksirk: 22.12.0
    ksnakeduel: 22.12.0
    kspaceduel: 22.12.0
    ksquares: 22.12.0
    ksudoku: 22.12.0
    ktuberling: 22.12.0
    kubrick: 22.12.0
    libkdegames: 22.12.0
    linphone: 4.4.8_2,1
    lskat: 22.12.0
    nautilus: 42.2
    obs-studio: 27.2.4
    palapeli: 22.12.0
    picmi: 22.12.0
    pulseaudio: 14.2_4
    py39-qt5-pyqt: 5.15.7
    qt5-speech: 5.15.7p1
    speech-dispatcher: 0.11.2_1
    spice-gtk: 0.37
    totem: 3.38.2_2
    virt-manager: 4.1.0
    virt-viewer: 11.0_2
    webcamoid: 8.8.0_2
about:config has media.cubeb.backend is set to oss. Pulseaudio is installed but removing it causes this:
If it isn't used, there's no need to remove it as it isn't the culprit here. You could even try explicitly configuring it for firefox, maybe it works? Or try alsa instead which is IIRC also a default port option. It's perfectly possible that firefox' OSS implementation currently has some bug 🤷‍♂️