I'm upgrading Perl as advised in UPDATING using the following:
I have python2.7 installed already (and therefore sphinx),
so upgrading I get:
I mean, I didn't really want python in the first place, but if I must then I don't really want sphinx, but if I must, how can I upgrade Perl?!
portmaster -bdgyf `pkg shlib -qR libperl.so.5.28`
- which re-builds net-snmp
- which re-builds mysql
- which re-builds cmake
- which requires python
- which requires py37-sphinx
I have python2.7 installed already (and therefore sphinx),
# pkg info \*sphinx\*
so upgrading I get:
===>>> net-snmp-5.7.3_19 6/48 >> mysql55-client-5.5.62_1 >> cmake-3.13.4 >> textproc/py-sphinx (59/130)
===>>> Returning to dependency check for textproc/py-sphinx
===>>> Dependency check complete for textproc/py-sphinx
===>>> net-snmp-5.7.3_19 6/48 >> mysql55-client-5.5.62_1 >> cmake-3.13.4 >> textproc/py-sphinx (69/130)
===> Installing for py37-sphinx-3.0.4,1
===> Checking if py37-sphinx is already installed
===> Registering installation for py37-sphinx-3.0.4,1 as automatic
Installing py37-sphinx-3.0.4,1...
pkg-static: py37-sphinx-3.0.4,1 conflicts with py27-sphinx-1.6.5_1,1 (installs files into the same place). Problematic file: /usr/local/bin/sphinx-apidoc
*** Error code 70
make: stopped in /usr/ports/textproc/py-sphinx
===>>> Installation of py37-sphinx-3.0.4,1 (textproc/py-sphinx) failed
===>>> Aborting update
I mean, I didn't really want python in the first place, but if I must then I don't really want sphinx, but if I must, how can I upgrade Perl?!