TWM - Tab Window Manager

This is a default wm in Xorg although not so popular.
I love it for its quickness, stability, simplicity...
but it is lack of examples,
and the best tutor is no more than the manual of twm

I have no time studying the tiny toy recently:)
so send some links for sharing (in Chinese language)

Let's go further in this manager!
I can't believe someone actually like it

Have you tried FVWM, successor of TWM?
It's hard to configure for 1st and 2nd time, but it's wroth it
It's very easy to set FVWM to act same as in your .twmrc.
If you decide to give a try, i can help you with that.
you ca even make it look the same. lol

some ppl have made fvwm configs that emulate windows look and feel.
I've another seen guys config, that made fvwm look and act same as Mac Os X.
some use fvwm to emulate fluxbox etc....
I think it´s cool that some people still love twm. Its a little sad it´s not developed anymore since it is the default wm in xorg. shouldnt someone be intereted in making it better since it gotta be the most widly spread wm there is :-)
cpcnw said:
Maybe I am really sad - Lol!

Graham's TWM Page!

I saw that link a while ago on bsdforums but I could not find it again. That is really awesome. Much like you I am a strong believer in minimalistic computing and use of tools form the
base of the system and XOrg. Fortunately being OpenBSD user I have a great luxury of having most of the tools in the base including three different Window Managers. One of them CWM (Calm Window Manager) is my window manager of choice.. Never the less for a person which is using variety of different operating systems TWM is by a mile the best choice as a window manager.

The backside of having full freedom to choose which window manager you like is that even when you find a great one you can´t descide which one, and you are left with lots lots of config files and stuff. Perhaps its only me but I keep changing all the time. Altough now I have settled with fvwm2 fo ahwile. Now you tell me there is a calm window manager, I have to test that one too :-)
Thanks for your kind comments. I made that page over a weekend and had great fun doing it.

DemoDog: As soon as I read about cwm I also had to go and test that!

Its hard to choose when theres so much candy in the store !!!
I'm new to freebsd,however I have a major problem. Having been advised to install Windowmaker on an old laptop(IBM Thinkpad 380XD)I founf that I'm unable to install it. The laptop has 48mb of ram and a 4gb hard drive.The
laptop is not connected to the internet so I've had to put the tar.gz file
for Windowmaker and it's dependencies on CD. I copied the files into
/usr/ports/distfiles using the cp-R command. I then typed:

cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/windowmaker/make install clean

After I pressed "return" there was a search for the relevant files on the
Freebsd ftp site!! Obviously it couldn't find the files there because they were in Distfiles. After trying various other options I still have
the same problem. What have I done wrong? Why won't the computer look
in distfiles where I've put the Windowmaker files. Any help would be
appreciated and if any other detail is required I'll provide that. I do
have a lot of issues with the some aspects of Freebsd but I won't go into
that here. Hopefully I can sort things out and move forward.

Thanks in advance,

soliton said:
I'm new to freebsd,however I have a major problem. Having been advised to install Windowmaker on an old laptop(IBM Thinkpad 380XD)I founf that I'm unable to install it. The laptop has 48mb of ram and a 4gb hard drive.The
laptop is not connected to the internet so I've had to put the tar.gz file
for Windowmaker and it's dependencies on CD. I copied the files into
/usr/ports/distfiles using the cp-R command. I then typed:

cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/windowmaker/make install clean

After I pressed "return" there was a search for the relevant files on the
Freebsd ftp site!! Obviously it couldn't find the files there because they were in Distfiles. After trying various other options I still have
the same problem. What have I done wrong? Why won't the computer look
in distfiles where I've put the Windowmaker files. Any help would be
appreciated and if any other detail is required I'll provide that. I do
have a lot of issues with the some aspects of Freebsd but I won't go into
that here. Hopefully I can sort things out and move forward.

Thanks in advance,

You probably have the wrong version of the distfile:
look at x11-wm/windowmaker/distinfo
and make sure your distfile matches that/those.

Also, you should have started a new thread for this instead of tacking it on to a non-relevant one.
Windowmaker Install Problem.
Apologies for the error re threads.I'm not too clear how to start a new one other than to put a title in place at the top of this reply.
Thanks to those who did reply, and in relation to that:-
1)There are no files in distinfo at ALL(I'll check again to make
absolutely sure).
2)I'm not clear about killasmurf86's reply, I'm aware I need to use the
ports to install the tar files rather than install this as a package.
BTW I had LOADS of hassle with the pkg_add command which I'm still
unclear about so I'm steering clear of using that command for a while.
I'm going to go away and do more checking but any more suggestions would
be appreciated.

Many Thanks,


It might not help much (it's in Latvian), but
Here i install X with packages [using internet, but principle is the same]

[here i install ports, again from internet]

the difference for ports is you need to put archives in your distfiles
, for packages, you download package and use pkg_add to add software [without -r switch]

for packages you also need dependencies packages.

you can find packages on FreeBSD install CD's and DVD (at packages directory)

for example if you mount dvd to /mnt
pkg_add /mnt/packages/x11-wm/windowmaker-0.92.0_4.tbz
as root
I began using twm some days ago. Now that I read your configurations and see the results (screenshots), it seems more configurable than I thought.

cpcnw: Thanks for the new link. Since your ISP could eventually change your IP again, you might want to setup a dynamic DNS account on DynDNS, EasyDNS or a similar service.
Thus, you can have an URL that is independent from your IP address.