Share your ARM64/AARCH64 experience for FreeBSD

That's not unexpected. The Cavium TX and TX2 were never meant for production workloads in the manner which the industry has come to expect of modern hyperscaler-grade rackmount hardware, and perhaps more unfortunately those chipsets suffer from performance issues which have been solved in later iterations of the ARMv8.2 product development timeline. Quite a shame ... I was about to buy one a few years ago but noped out of it after engaging with some dev/eng friends who had been using them with Linux -- and even there they had stability and perf issues. Time and place, those were effective building blocks in the larger scheme of ARM64 dominance, brought in a lot of engineering talent to work on enterprise class ARM64 development, and so 3-4 years later we're seeing better results with hosts running ARM64 v8.2+

Hmm, that's kind of disappointing to hear. Maybe I should give up on this hardware and get something else? I need something powerful enough to build ports. What do you recommend?

It continues to explode on 15-CURRENT:

Consoles: EFI console
    Reading loader env vars from /efi/freebsd/loader.env
Setting currdev to disk9p1:
FreeBSD/arm64 EFI loader, Revision 1.1
(Thu Feb 24 05:14:55 UTC 2022

   Command line arguments: loader.efi
   Image base: 0xf2cc5000
   EFI version: 2.70
   EFI Firmware: American Megatrends (rev 5.13)
   Console: efi (0x20000000)
   Load Path: \EFI\BOOT\BOOTAA64.EFI
   Load Device: PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x7,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,FA-2C-B0-71-59-38-25-00)/HD(1,GPT,240C2F14-9782-11EC-9D4D-0C42A1E384A4,0x28,0x82000)
   BootCurrent: 0003
   BootOrder: 0003[*] 0002 0001 0005 0006 0007 0008
   BootInfo Path: HD(1,GPT,240C2F14-9782-11EC-9D4D-0C42A1E384A4,0x28,0x82000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTAA64.EFI
Ignoring Boot0003: Only one DP found
Trying ESP: PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x7,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,FA-2C-B0-71-59-38-25-00)/HD(1,GPT,240C2F14-9782-11EC-9D4D-0C42A1E384A4,0x28,0x82000)
Setting currdev to disk9p1:
Trying: PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x7,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)/NVMe(0x1,FA-2C-B0-71-59-38-25-00)/HD(2,GPT,30DB4D76-9783-11EC-9D4D-0C42A1E384A4,0x82028,0x1B800000)
Setting currdev to disk9p2:

Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
Loading /boot/device.hints
Loading /boot/loader.conf
Loading /boot/loader.conf.local

/  ______               ____   _____ _____
  |  ____|             |  _ \ / ____|  __ \
  | |___ _ __ ___  ___ | |_) | (___ | |  | |
  |  ___| '__/ _ \/ _ \|  _ < \___ \| |  | |
  | |   | | |  __/  __/| |_) |____) | |__| |
  | |   | | |    |    ||     |      |      |
  |_|   |_|  \___|\___||____/|_____/|_____/      ```                        `
                                                s` `.....---.......--.```   -/
 /---------- Welcome to FreeBSD -----------\    +o   .--`         /y:`      +.
 |                                         |     yo`:.            :o      `+-
 |  1. Boot Multi user [Enter]             |      y/               -/`   -o/
 |  2. Boot Single user                    |     .-                  ::/sy+:.
 |  3. Escape to loader prompt             |     /                     `--  /
 |  4. Reboot                              |    `:                          :`
 |  5. Cons: Dual (Video primary)          |    `:                          :`
 |                                         |     /                          /
 |  Options:                               |     .-                        -.
 |  6. Kernel: default/kernel (1 of 3)     |      --                      -.
 |  7. Boot Options                        |       `:`                  `:`
 |                                         |         .--             `--.
 |                                         |            .---.....----.
   Autoboot in 0 seconds. [Space] to pause

Loading kernel...
/boot/kernel/kernel text=0x318 text=0x97a668 text=0x2bb5c8 data=0x1718e0 data=0x0+0x371000 0x8+0x1645c8+0x8+0x194c7b-
Loading configured modules...
/boot/entropy size=0x1000
/boot/kernel/if_oce.ko text=0x5181 text=0x10cd4 data=0x960+0x118 0x8+0x25e0+0x8+0x18b9
/etc/hostid size=0x25
No valid device tree blob found!
WARNING! Trying to fire up the kernel, but no device tree blob found!
EFI framebuffer information:
addr, size     0x40000000, 0x12c000
dimensions     640 x 480
stride         640
masks          0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0xff000000
GDB: no debug ports present
KDB: debugger backends: ddb
KDB: current backend: ddb
Copyright (c) 1992-2024 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT #0 main-n271640-54a543d5ea3a: Sat Aug 10 02:32:36 EDT 2024 arm64
FreeBSD clang version 18.1.6 ( llvmorg-18.1.6-0-g1118c2e05e67)
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
VT(efifb): resolution 640x480
module scmi already present!
real memory  = 68648960000 (65468 MB)
avail memory = 66846564352 (63749 MB)
Starting CPU 1 (100)
Starting CPU 2 (200)
Starting CPU 3 (300)
Starting CPU 4 (400)
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Starting CPU 10 (a00)
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Starting CPU 25 (1900)
Starting CPU 26 (1a00)
Starting CPU 27 (1b00)
Starting CPU 28 (1c00)
Starting CPU 29 (1d00)
Starting CPU 30 (1e00)
Starting CPU 31 (1f00)
INFO:    Node: 0 :: REP: 0x0, REP-FAIL: 0x0, MBIST: 0x0, MBIST-FAIL: 0x803c3c
Starting CPU 32 (1)
Starting CPU 33 (101)
Starting CPU 34 (201)
Starting CPU 35 (301)
Starting CPU 36 (401)
Starting CPU 37 (501)
Starting CPU 38 (601)
Starting CPU 39 (701)
Starting CPU 40 (801)
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Starting CPU 42 (a01)
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Starting CPU 45 (d01)
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Starting CPU 48 (1001)
Starting CPU 49 (1101)
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Starting CPU 51 (1301)
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Starting CPU 58 (1a01)
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Starting CPU 60 (1c01)
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Starting CPU 62 (1e01)
Starting CPU 63 (1f01)
Starting CPU 64 (2)
Starting CPU 65 (102)
Starting CPU 66 (202)
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Starting CPU 69 (502)
Starting CPU 70 (602)
Starting CPU 71 (702)
Starting CPU 72 (802)
Starting CPU 73 (902)
Starting CPU 74 (a02)
Starting CPU 75 (b02)
Starting CPU 76 (c02)
Starting CPU 77 (d02)
Starting CPU 78 (e02)
Starting CPU 79 (f02)
Starting CPU 80 (1002)
Starting CPU 81 (1102)
Starting CPU 82 (1202)
Starting CPU 83 (1302)
Starting CPU 84 (1402)
Starting CPU 85 (1502)
Starting CPU 86 (1602)
Starting CPU 87 (1702)
Starting CPU 88 (1802)
Starting CPU 89 (1902)
Starting CPU 90 (1a02)
Starting CPU 91 (1b02)
Starting CPU 92 (1c02)
Starting CPU 93 (1d02)
Starting CPU 94 (1e02)
Starting CPU 95 (1f02)
Starting CPU 96 (3)
Starting CPU 97 (103)
Starting CPU 98 (203)
Starting CPU 99 (303)
Starting CPU 100 (403)
Starting CPU 101 (503)
Starting CPU 102 (603)
Starting CPU 103 (703)
Starting CPU 104 (803)
Starting CPU 105 (903)
Starting CPU 106 (a03)
Starting CPU 107 (b03)
Starting CPU 108 (c03)
Starting CPU 109 (d03)
Starting CPU 110 (e03)
Starting CPU 111 (f03)
Starting CPU 112 (1003)
Starting CPU 113 (1103)
Starting CPU 114 (1203)
Starting CPU 115 (1303)
Starting CPU 116 (1403)
Starting CPU 117 (1503)
Starting CPU 118 (1603)
Starting CPU 119 (1703)
Starting CPU 120 (1803)
Starting CPU 121 (1903)
Starting CPU 122 (1a03)
Starting CPU 123 (1b03)
Starting CPU 124 (1c03)
Starting CPU 125 (1d03)
Starting CPU 126 (1e03)
Starting CPU 127 (1f03)
Starting CPU 128 (10000)
Starting CPU 129 (10100)
Starting CPU 130 (10200)
Starting CPU 131 (10300)
Starting CPU 132 (10400)
Starting CPU 133 (10500)
Starting CPU 134 (10600)
Starting CPU 135 (10700)
Starting CPU 136 (10800)
Starting CPU 137 (10900)
Starting CPU 138 (10a00)
Starting CPU 139 (10b00)
Starting CPU 140 (10c00)
Starting CPU 141 (10d00)
Starting CPU 142 (10e00)
Starting CPU 143 (10f00)
Starting CPU 144 (11000)
Starting CPU 145 (11100)
Starting CPU 146 (11200)
Starting CPU 147 (11300)
Starting CPU 148 (11400)
Starting CPU 149 (11500)
Starting CPU 150 (11600)
Starting CPU 151 (11700)
Starting CPU 152 (11800)
Starting CPU 153 (11900)
Starting CPU 154 (11a00)
Starting CPU 155 (11b00)
Starting CPU 156 (11c00)
Starting CPU 157 (11d00)
Starting CPU 158 (11e00)
Starting CPU 159 (11f00)
INFO:    Node: 1 :: REP: 0x0, REP-FAIL: 0x0, MBIST: 0x0, MBIST-FAIL: 0x823c3c
Starting CPU 160 (10001)
Starting CPU 161 (10101)
Starting CPU 162 (10201)
Starting CPU 163 (10301)
Starting CPU 164 (10401)
Starting CPU 165 (10501)
Starting CPU 166 (10601)
Starting CPU 167 (10701)
Starting CPU 168 (10801)
Starting CPU 169 (10901)
Starting CPU 170 (10a01)
Starting CPU 171 (10b01)
Starting CPU 172 (10c01)
Starting CPU 173 (10d01)
Starting CPU 174 (10e01)
Starting CPU 175 (10f01)
Starting CPU 176 (11001)
Starting CPU 177 (11101)
Starting CPU 178 (11201)
Starting CPU 179 (11301)
Starting CPU 180 (11401)
Starting CPU 181 (11501)
Starting CPU 182 (11601)
Starting CPU 183 (11701)
Starting CPU 184 (11801)
Starting CPU 185 (11901)
Starting CPU 186 (11a01)
Starting CPU 187 (11b01)
Starting CPU 188 (11c01)
Starting CPU 189 (11d01)
Starting CPU 190 (11e01)
Starting CPU 191 (11f01)
Starting CPU 192 (10002)
Starting CPU 193 (10102)
Starting CPU 194 (10202)
Starting CPU 195 (10302)
Starting CPU 196 (10402)
Starting CPU 197 (10502)
Starting CPU 198 (10602)
Starting CPU 199 (10702)
Starting CPU 200 (10802)
Starting CPU 201 (10902)
Starting CPU 202 (10a02)
Starting CPU 203 (10b02)
Starting CPU 204 (10c02)
Starting CPU 205 (10d02)
Starting CPU 206 (10e02)
Starting CPU 207 (10f02)
Starting CPU 208 (11002)
Starting CPU 209 (11102)
Starting CPU 210 (11202)
Starting CPU 211 (11302)
Starting CPU 212 (11402)
Starting CPU 213 (11502)
Starting CPU 214 (11602)
Starting CPU 215 (11702)
Starting CPU 216 (11802)
Starting CPU 217 (11902)
Starting CPU 218 (11a02)
Starting CPU 219 (11b02)
Starting CPU 220 (11c02)
Starting CPU 221 (11d02)
Starting CPU 222 (11e02)
Starting CPU 223 (11f02)
Starting CPU 224 (10003)
Starting CPU 225 (10103)
Starting CPU 226 (10203)
Starting CPU 227 (10303)
Starting CPU 228 (10403)
Starting CPU 229 (10503)
Starting CPU 230 (10603)
Starting CPU 231 (10703)
Starting CPU 232 (10803)
Starting CPU 233 (10903)
Starting CPU 234 (10a03)
Starting CPU 235 (10b03)
Starting CPU 236 (10c03)
Starting CPU 237 (10d03)
Starting CPU 238 (10e03)
Starting CPU 239 (10f03)
Starting CPU 240 (11003)
Starting CPU 241 (11103)
Starting CPU 242 (11203)
Starting CPU 243 (11303)
Starting CPU 244 (11403)
Starting CPU 245 (11503)
Starting CPU 246 (11603)
Starting CPU 247 (11703)
Starting CPU 248 (11803)
Starting CPU 249 (11903)
Starting CPU 250 (11a03)
Starting CPU 251 (11b03)
Starting CPU 252 (11c03)
Starting CPU 253 (11d03)
Starting CPU 254 (11e03)
Starting CPU 255 (11f03)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 256 CPUs
random: unblocking device.
random: entropy device external interface
kbd0 at kbdmux0
acpi0: <ALASKA A M I >
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
acpi0: Sleep Button (fixed)
acpi0: Could not update all GPEs: AE_NOT_CONFIGURED
psci0: <ARM Power State Co-ordination Interface Driver> on acpi0
gic0: <ARM Generic Interrupt Controller v3.0> iomem 0x400080000-0x40008ffff,0x401000000-0x401ffffff,0x441000000-0x441ffffff on acpi0
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: No valid page size for table 1
device_attach: its0 attach returned 22
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: No valid page size for table 1
device_attach: its1 attach returned 22
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
generic_timer0: <ARM Generic Timer> irq 10,11,12,13 on acpi0
Timecounter "ARM MPCore Timecounter" frequency 200000000 Hz quality 1000
Event timer "ARM MPCore Eventtimer" frequency 200000000 Hz quality 1000
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
efirtc0: <EFI Realtime Clock>
efirtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.000000s
smbios0: <System Management BIOS>
smbios0: Version: 3.1
apei0: <ACPI Platform Error Interface> on acpi0
its0: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x400100000-0x40011ffff on gic0
its0: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its0 attach returned 6
its1: <ARM GIC Interrupt Translation Service> mem 0x440100000-0x44011ffff on gic0
its1: Could not allocate memory
device_attach: its1 attach returned 6
pmu0: <Performance Monitoring Unit> on acpi0
acpi_button0: <Power Button> on acpi0
acpi_ged0: <Generic Event Device> irq 0 on acpi0
acpi_ged0: Raw IRQ 89
WARNING: Unimplemented Standard Service Call: 0x84000130
pcib0: <Generic PCI host controller> numa-domain 0 on acpi0
pci0: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib0
pcib0: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=3, rid=24, start=4224100042230000, end=422410004223ffff, count=0000000000010000, flags=4040
pcib0: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=3, rid=24, start=4224000042210000, end=422400004221ffff, count=0000000000010000, flags=4040
pcib1: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 270 at device 1.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci1: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib1
pcib2: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 271 at device 2.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci2: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib2
pcib3: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 272 at device 3.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci3: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib3
pcib4: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 273 at device 4.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci4: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib4
pcib5: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 274 at device 5.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci5: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib5
pcib6: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 275 at device 6.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci6: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib6
pcib7: <PCI-PCI bridge> at device 7.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci7: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib7
pci7: <network, ethernet> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pci7: <network, ethernet> at device 0.1 (no driver attached)
pcib8: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 276 at device 8.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci8: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib8
pcib9: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 277 at device 9.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci9: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib9
pcib10: <PCI-PCI bridge> irq 278 at device 10.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci10: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib10
pcib11: <PCI-PCI bridge> at device 11.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pci11: <PCI bus> numa-domain 0 on pcib11
pci11: <network, ethernet> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pci11: <network, ethernet> at device 0.1 (no driver attached)
pcib12: <PCI-PCI bridge> at device 12.0 numa-domain 0 on pci0
pcib0: pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL: type=3, rid=32, start=0000000040000000, end=00000000420fffff, count=0000000002100000, flags=102
pcib12: failed to allocate initial memory window: 0x40000000-0x420fffff
Tried a Neoverse-N1 based cloud VPS.

FreeBSD 14.1 base with encrypted ZFS works fine and fast.
xfce works fine, too. Java dacapo-23.11-chopin gives good results.
Unfortunately some important ports are missing. Chromium, VSCode, handbrake.
Eclipse does not work. Firefox tabs crash often.

For the missing or not working ports I am not going to keep the VPS.
A few words on what I use my Pi for.

I have a Pi 5. Not officially supported but works well enough. I have to boot off a USB stick and use a USB ethernet dongle. I mainly use ssh, so I haven't configured a desktop environment. I'm pretty much always using whatever is the highest numbered RELEASE version, so 14.1-RELEASE at the moment. I do have an sdcard with 15 on it, but statying current with CURRENT is too time consuming to do regularly.

The main thing that I used it for was, as mentioned earlier, to add arm64/FreeBSD support to Valgrind. I'm continuing the maintenance and also doing some general arm64 development. The tools that I use are
  • git
  • gmake
  • autotools
  • clang and clang++
  • gdb
  • objdump
  • readelf
  • Qt Creator
  • truss
  • ktrace/kdump
  • python3
  • lldb a little bit
  • dtrace maybe
  • bstack
  • firefox a bit
  • gcc a bit
I've probably missed a few.
Tried a Neoverse-N1 based cloud VPS.

FreeBSD 14.1 base with encrypted ZFS works fine and fast.
xfce works fine, too. Java dacapo-23.11-chopin gives good results.
Unfortunately some important ports are missing. Chromium, VSCode, handbrake.
Eclipse does not work. Firefox tabs crash often.

For the missing or not working ports I am not going to keep the VPS.
Is there some written information on how to setup and install FreeBSD 14.1 into a Neoverse-N1 hardware?

Arjun could use some help with that knowledge you have to share.
A few words on what I use my Pi for.

I have a Pi 5. Not officially supported but works well enough. I have to boot off a USB stick and use a USB ethernet dongle. I mainly use ssh, so I haven't configured a desktop environment. I'm pretty much always using whatever is the highest numbered RELEASE version, so 14.1-RELEASE at the moment. I do have an sdcard with 15 on it, but statying current with CURRENT is too time consuming to do regularly.

The main thing that I used it for was, as mentioned earlier, to add arm64/FreeBSD support to Valgrind. I'm continuing the maintenance and also doing some general arm64 development. The tools that I use are
  • git
  • gmake
  • autotools
  • clang and clang++
  • gdb
  • objdump
  • readelf
  • Qt Creator
  • truss
  • ktrace/kdump
  • python3
  • lldb a little bit
  • dtrace maybe
  • bstack
  • firefox a bit
  • gcc a bit
I've probably missed a few.
If you play a youtube video from a browser or from VLC, does sound come out the Television speakers (ie. HDMI Audio) on your Raspberry Pi 5?

I do have HDMI Audio ( VCHIQ subsystem working on the Raspberry Pi 4B hardware, by installing Marcos patch files for the FreeBSD kernel Source code. I am curious what work for HDMI Audio sound on the Raspberry Pi 5 hardware. Is there a solution? or just plug in USB headphones to hear sound? Really prefer using the fine existing Television speakers, solution. I do not have Raspberry Pi 5B hardware to test myself.

Using FreeBSD on multiple RPI3 and Zero as pricing displays in business, but it's barely supported. No graphics except a console framebuffer as primitive driver. Also no build environment that doesn't require a week for buildworld. Currently using a manually modified (5GB)) 13.1 RELEASE image. Good these are offline LAN nodes, otherwise it would be too much of a security risk and no option. I would like to enable SD-less PXE-boot from a remote volume but that will at least need a source-based build. Still thinking about how to replace this. Linux or a x86 mini PC? FreeBSD aarch64 pretty much seems to have given up, probably not enough dev capacity.
Using FreeBSD on multiple RPI3 and Zero as pricing displays in business, but it's barely supported. No graphics except a console framebuffer as primitive driver. Also no build environment that doesn't require a week for buildworld. Currently using a manually modified (5GB)) 13.1 RELEASE image. Good these are offline LAN nodes, otherwise it would be too much of a security risk and no option. I would like to enable SD-less PXE-boot from a remote volume but that will at least need a source-based build. Still thinking about how to replace this. Linux or a x86 mini PC? FreeBSD aarch64 pretty much seems to have given up, probably not enough dev capacity.
you can easily build on an x86 machine (at least kernel/world)
you can easily build on an x86 machine (at least kernel/world)
i did some years ago. Don't remember the problem that made me stay with 13.1. Does it keep on supporting the scfb driver in later versions? And still take the u-boot binary out of ports?
none of my arm boards run X. i don't really update u-boot if it still works and most of my arm boards are not supported in ports.
linux is a lot better supported than freebsd. even netbsd may have gfx acceleration on some broadcom pi boards