reddit vs discord

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And US was the first out with the idea of paying less in grocery stores when you have a smartphone. I try to NOT participate, even as grocers/advertisers keep sweetening the deal.
Ups, why not? I thought You're the fan of this brave new world and all it's perks. *veg*

Groceries and clothes are not considered a utility expense in the US.

Those two are separate things. Don't conflate them.
No, just see the whole picture and where it leads to.

Whether the governemt regulates prices for utilities is a different matter, that concerns the question about free-market or not (or how much of it), that's something for economists to discuss, and it's an old discussions.

Frank Herbert had the idea that corporations might measure the utilisation of the severage(*) in order to figure out how many people go for a piss during the television ads, i.e. the efficiency of these ads. That was in times when mass media was mainly TV, and with a limited number of programs, and it was kind of a horror idea. Nowadays, with so much better technology, we're quite there. And I still don't like it.

(*) Santaroga Barrier
Whether the governemt regulates prices for utilities is a different matter, that concerns the question about free-market or not (or how much of it), that's something for economists to discuss, and it's an old discussions.
Yeah, it is an old discussion, but it does help to know what is gov't-regulated and what's not. In US, most utilities are regulated by gov't, but groceries/clothing don't fall under that, and instead are subject to free market forces. That knowledge does make a difference for private consumer wallets.

Frank Herbert had the idea that corporations might measure the utilisation of the severage(*) in order to figure out how many people go for a piss during the television ads, i.e. the efficiency of these ads. That was in times when mass media was mainly TV, and with a limited number of programs, and it was kind of a horror idea. Nowadays, with so much better technology, we're quite there. And I still don't like it.
yeah, another bone-headed idea by someone who forgot that correlation does not equal causation. Some people step out for sip, not a leak.
… why he keeps on posting it. …

What, exactly, does the bland two-word repetition achieve, apart from waste space?

I doubt that executive decision-makers at Discord are tuning in to the two words "Useless link" in The FreeBSD Forums as an eloquent incentive to fundamentally change the nature of the service.

Before the repetition and wastes of space, my primary objection was to the negativity and ingratitude.

The Ignore feature of XenForo does an average job of keeping people out of sight, and does nothing to encourage self-moderation.

TrueNAS Community is moving away from XenForo to Discourse, which is far better suited to automatically handling troublesome behaviour without waiting for moderator intervention. I'd love to see The FreeBSD Forums make the same move.
Before the repetition and wastes of space, my primary objection was to the negativity and ingratitude.
mirror mirror ...
TrueNAS Community is moving away from XenForo to Discourse, which is far better suited to automatically handling troublesome behaviour without waiting for moderator intervention. I'd love to see The FreeBSD Forums make the same move.
Now it gets crazy beyond measure. Discourse hates FreeBSD, and it's not in ports. (I might actually hijack a version and support it for the Berkeleys, in case I'm getting bored enough). But maybe the Foundation might like to pay a Linux adminstrator.
Discourse hates FreeBSD

Did that expression originate in an official Discord Discourse area, or is it your personal opinion?

If it's your opinion: can you link to something that's self-explanatory, for readers to understand the perceived hatred?

Discourse did genuinely love awareness of things such as free Discourse forum hosting for community-friendly GitHub projects, more than nine years ago. I did genuinely enjoy the zero-cost free hosting experience.

the Foundation might like

… the fifty percent discount – down to $50 per month – half being the norm for the standard hosting plan in a case such as this. However, I very much doubt that 20 GB storage would suffice. (People love to share files without using a file sharing service.)

… maybe $300 per month, for the business plan, if limits such as 100 GB storage (total) are suitable.

Now it gets crazy beyond measure.

I like to include costs that are not measurable in financial terms. For example: the cost of time-wasting, not least when the drains are of moderator/administrator time, especially when the drainage occurs on a New Year's Eve or during what should be an Easter break.

In January 2022, The FreeBSD Forums were on someone's personal host. If this remains true: I'm sincerely grateful to the person, I never forget this generosity.

IMHO the Foundation's 2024 budget of $87,500 for FreeBSD infrastructure might reasonably adjust, up, not too much, to cover a monthly cost of hosting, plus one-off associated expenses.

I don't doubt that use of FreeBSD infrastructure, for these forums, would be ideal, however:
  • if it's true that Discourse hates FreeBSD; and
  • if nothing other than FreeBSD (the base operating system) can run on FreeBSD infrastructure
– then I suggest a pragmatic approach to the benefits of paying for a hosted instance of a service that can do much better, than XenForo, for a community such as this.
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TrueNAS Community is moving away from XenForo to Discourse, which is far better suited to automatically handling troublesome behaviour without waiting for moderator intervention. I'd love to see The FreeBSD Forums make the same move.
Discourse is so darn generic. If that were to happen, a new FreeBSD forums would pop up and probably end up more popular than the Discourse.

It would probably still be moderated by the same team too. Just more work.
Discourse is so darn generic. If that were to happen, a new FreeBSD forums would pop up and probably end up more popular than the Discourse.

It would probably still be moderated by the same team too. Just more work.
Discourse is on Github, and it's just a matter of someone volunteering to maintain the port for FreeBSD...

As for moderating - yeah, probably would be the same team.

Based on some comments I saw a few years ago, I imagine they'd prefer to stick with XenForo for the features that they're used to.
I recently posted alot of questions on reddit. And people became angry with my small questions.
Now i post them on discord. And get valuable answers rather quickly.
FreeBSD related questions and remarks, I post them preferably here, in _this_ forum. This is the space where IMHO questions and knowledge on the OS come together.

There are a lot of people using whatever social media to ask questions on their computer program, OS, motorcycle or diseased pet. Unfortunately Usenet is gone, but IMHO reddit is not like comp.os.freebsd (or, or this forum in the 2024-ies.

The kind of people attracted to different forums seems to vary from OS to OS (or kernel to kernel, to OS, etc. for Tech Fundamentalists). In my experience the FreeBSD- and Fedora-forum patiently provide good answers to questions -- even silly ones. *buntu-based forums are filled with "oh yes, same here" reactions and no answers. Redmondish oriented forums only provide the next personal data scraping site to download some obscure coded second layer of software disaster.

I'd rather stay around here.

DISCLAIMER (the <flash> tag is long depreciated, but I intend it here)
  1. 1) I admit that I tried brown-GUI'd Linux in the beginning. Parting Fedora (blue is nicer than brown) after a long time (the 'bleedin' edge' became a too bloody mess too often), I picked FreeBSD primarily because of i386 support, but it became my favourite because of stability and reliability;
  2. 2) I have to admit that I use MS-Wadnows 10 and 11. The first only for work, boss' Citrix doesn't recognize FreeBSD as an Operating System (pict of the error message enclosed). The W-11 only for non-FOSS motorcycle diagnostic software that refuses to run elswhere.
… littered everywhere. …

Please, can you comment meaningfully without exaggeration?

Links to pinpoint FreeBSD-related conversation within the FreeBSD community in Discord are far from everywhere.

The few that exist can be useful – and not litter – to people who wish to be more positively engaged across multiple communities.

… The FreeBSD Foundation is paying to run a chatroom there? They are clearly being donated too much money.

2024 FreeBSD Foundation budget invites discussion. I'm not sure why the person who praised the Foundation deleted their comment, I guess it was because I answered their question.

Alternatively, for discussion with less visibility: 2024 FreeBSD Foundation budget

dead links

The description of live as dead leads me to conclude that you are, essentially, unwilling to participate in a community.

In IRC speech, …

<> learnt in 2022.
Please, can you comment meaningfully without exaggeration?
The few that exist can be useful – and not litter – to people who wish to be more positively engaged across multiple communities.

Since I am not the first to notify you of your poor forum etiquette (Charlie_ ,drhowarddrfine), you can safely assume I am not exaggerating. I honestly believe that many of your posts are very detrimental to these forums. No other members (that aren't banned) treat these forums in the same way that you do.

Perhaps have a quick look around now. Do you see other members spamming the sheer volume of reddit/discord links that you seem very inclined to do? (ironically even in your post above)

So take my request with zero exaggeration intended. Please can you be useful and not litter quite so much spam across these forums?

(To mods / other members, based on grahamperrin's random link at the bottom of his last post, I believe he is suggesting that he is being childish with his block list again. Unblocking, spamming me and immediately blocking again like a 12 year old *plonk*er. Can someone please tell him that it is a little tragic to see a grown adult act in this manner? Perhaps just quote my entire message)
The FreeBSD Foundation is paying to run a chatroom there? They are clearly being donated too much money.
I took that as a joke... As a communication tool, Discord does hold a place of importance at the FreeBSD table. Jokes are usually a way to hint that maybe the topic is not worth pursuing any longer. Cracking a joke at the end of a long, serious meeting (if appropriate) is often a signal that the meeting is about over, time to lighten up.
Cracking a joke at the end of a long, serious meeting (if appropriate) is often a signal that the meeting is about over, time to lighten up.
It depends if some guys in the meeting decide to go in cycles and re-dredge up previously discussed points. Then the meeting never ends ;)
For fewer than ten links per year, on average, the word "spamming" is a slight exaggeration.
Ummm... the complaints were about links to Reddit, not Discord. And, I have to say, maybe at least explain a given link to Reddit? Did a FreeBSD dev post some info there that is surprisingly relevant to the discussion? A good example is this post (post #102):
Succinct, explains how it's relevant to the discussion (not just quoting a heavily redacted detail), the link, and nothing more.
spamming the sheer volume of reddit/discord links

complaints were about links to Reddit, not Discord.

The complaint is explicitly about both Reddit and Discord. Upvoted by drhowarddrfine, fair enough, everyone's entitled to their opinion.

If we're to go down the stats route, begin by privately counting the number of times that a person brings Reddit into a conversation where previously, there was no mention of Reddit. If anyone is to do this: I beg you, do so privately (because public discussion might lead to fuller statistics that will cause embarrassment).

… maybe at least explain a given link to Reddit? …

I don't disagree, but ultimately, sadly, some people who love to complain will never be satisfied.

A person might complain that the pictured method of presentation is misrepresentative of the linked comment, but I prefer to not be a complainer. astyle this is absolutely not a dig at you ;-)



  • 1712349157051.png
    33.5 KB · Views: 83
If we're to go down the stats route, begin by privately counting the number of times that a person brings Reddit into a conversation where previously, there was no mention of Reddit. If anyone is to do this: I beg you, do so privately (because public discussion might lead to fuller statistics that will cause embarrassment).

I begged.

reddit spam.

I beg you: if you respect the people whose sentiments might align with yours, please, please, please, do not pursue this line of discussion.
A person might complain that the pictured method of presentation is misrepresentative of the linked comment,
I personally don't think it is - and besides, I did see that post (#101) as pretty relevant to the conversation.

My 2 cents is that putting in some effort to explain why a link is provided - that goes a long way. I did provide an example of what a good link looks like...
… I haven't been on reddit in maybe 10 years … my old sysadmin a year or two ago and was told he was there often …

If you run into him two years from now (by then, you will have avoided Reddit for more than nine years):
  • please ask whether he had an opinion on me using /r/freebsd to encourage visits to The FreeBSD Forums.
… Same city. … he said he quit a few months(?) ago. Not sure when he stopped. …

If he's still absent, he'll not have seen what's pictured here:

promoting The FreeBSD Forums from within the unofficial subreddit for the FreeBSD Project.png

– but he might recall my earlier links from /r/freebsd to the forums here.

… I unknowingly click …

… and refrain from adding comments, I presume.


  • 1712377019413.png
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… some effort to explain why a link is provided - that goes a long way. …

I agree.

In the first four pages, I see two people with the Developer rank, but (unless I'm missing something) no-one from the FreeBSD Security Team. On the fifth page I described Ed Maste as Officer Deputy, FreeBSD Security Team.

IMHO anyone with a keen interest in FreeBSD Security might have taken my description, alone, as a hint that:
  • the writing of someone so senior could add value
without prejudice to where it's written. My giving context to the link was not (did not require) huge effort, but it's something.

Deputies aside: someone who draws attention to spelling mistakes in the St Louis subreddit recently asked another senior person (a FreeBSD Team Lead) why a release schedule was posted to /r/freebsd but not to The FreeBSD Forums. <> relates (caution: this profile post, not visible to the public, includes a link to Reddit).
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