When I enable IPv6 for sendmail() and an IPv6 mail connection is made:
I've checked that everything has been compiled with IPv6 where applicable (milter-greylist and its dependencies) and it looks like it has. sockstat() shows:
Anything I've found with Google suggests something hasn't been compiled with, or does not support, IPv6. I believe I've checked everything more than once ... famous last words
I have checked (and recompiled):
o libmilter
o libspf2
o GeoIP
o milter-greylist
If I remove the milter, the other milters and sendmail behave and IPv6 mail is accepted and delivered. So, it's milter-greylist that is the problem for some reason (works with IPv4 only without problem).
Any other ideas?
milter_sys_read(greylist): cmd read returned 0, expecting 5
Milter (greylist): to error state
Milter: connect: host=[IPv6:2401:a400:2070:7d01:5d62:ec06:7dcb:ff3], addr=IPv6:2401:a400:2070:7d01:5d62:ec06:7dcb:ff3, temp failing commands
kernel: pid 21825 (milter-greylist), uid 26: exited on signal 11
I've checked that everything has been compiled with IPv6 where applicable (milter-greylist and its dependencies) and it looks like it has. sockstat() shows:
mailnull milter-gre 55856 3 stream /var/milter-greylist/milter-greylist.sock
mailnull milter-gre 55856 6 tcp6 *:5252 *:*
mailnull milter-gre 55856 7 tcp4 *:5252 *:*
mailnull milter-gre 55856 13 dgram -> /var/run/log
root sendmail 21798 4 tcp4 *:25 *:*
root sendmail 21798 5 tcp6 *:25 *:*
Anything I've found with Google suggests something hasn't been compiled with, or does not support, IPv6. I believe I've checked everything more than once ... famous last words
I have checked (and recompiled):
o libmilter
o libspf2
o GeoIP
o milter-greylist
portupgrade -FRr milter-greylist
should have caught everything too, to be sure, to be sure.If I remove the milter, the other milters and sendmail behave and IPv6 mail is accepted and delivered. So, it's milter-greylist that is the problem for some reason (works with IPv4 only without problem).
Any other ideas?