METIN-2 / METIN2 and other illegal software- don't ask for assistance on these forums.

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What is "game code" in this context? Something that is completely reverse engineered from the official game or something that has been aquired using more shady methods?
Well, it is interesting what $SEARCH_ENGINE can do with nick names and metin tags... For example first hit for slurp+metin2. :)
SirDice said:
Simple question, does he own the rights?

Yes he owns rights to publish, but he is not developer or anything.. There are hundreds of these servers and he only singles me out. So you can go ahead and say you won't help me because the files are leaked. Just let all the other servers do it. :)

Crivens said:
Well, downloading the source from SF results in a 87 bytes tarball. That's what I call efficient coding ;)

Real SF are larger than this.

Hany is a well known scammer in the pserver community, and has several banned accounts on elitepvpers. Take a look at his threads and you will find his other profiles, and even more threads on the forum. He is lying and did not shut down any servers and has no power to do so. He has a personal vendetta, with the guy I am working for because this guy did not support Hany's corrupt behaviour....much like this publisher has against me.

Also Hany is lying about "paying 3000 eur" to YMIR. YMIR does not just sell licenses like this and not to some random 14 year old kids from elitepvpers. Official licensed servers are declared on the YMIR website.

The community of pservrs in Metin2 is sort of like torrents and internet freedom situations. People originally broke away to be able to make servers that did not involve corruption of the GMs like in the official servers, as well as servers that are designed to scam the players out of thousands of dollars / euros. There has been legitimate proof showing that many things advertised in officials are in fact false. Such as special mall items to make something that gives more success while upgrading. The item really gives no scucess. Many server owners lately have become greedy just like official server owners, and are doing it solely for money. A few people out there, including myself make servers as a learning experience to work with the coding languages and other parts of the server files as well as php and design. We do it for a community of mostly friends and new players welcome to join too. A place to hang out and play the game we enjoy but without the problems of the official server's greed, corruption, and drama. This all may still not be enough for you to care but all I can do is try to express my opinion on the topic. You may say well regardless it's still illegal server. It's one of those things just like torrent trackers.. A never ending conversation that has gone on for years and is still taking place to this day.

DutchDaemon said:
Our position on private servers
Over the past few weeks, our company TEC Interactive has started to take actions against the owners of certain Metin2 private servers. As we know many of you have played private servers, have friends playing them, or even are or were part of their staff.

Private servers, whatever the justification is, are illegal. The logos, imagery, content, translations and game code of Metin2 are the intellectual property of Ymir Entertainment which require a license for their use, commercial or not. Intellectual property rights are recognized by the laws of virtually every country in the world, with penalties ranging from fines to jailtime depending on the country and severity of the infringement.

As far as this goes, the guy who typed this was actually not truthful about his actions and intentions. He singled my server out and when I mentioned that he insulted users of a metin2 forum which is not elitepvpers, then had the owner of forum remove his insults to the players who did not agree with his actions. As a "professional" publisher he was not very professional. Once I had mentioned his obvious singling out of my small server rather than going after huge successful servers which have been out very long (not to mention a couple who pay YMIR to stay open illegally and who sold the design of the "new mounts" to YMIR).

The images are not illegal, if I take an image of a game client which is openly being downloaded anywhere this does not make it an illegal image. For example, if I download WoW (choosing it because it's popular).. and take screenshots and use the images for a guild website banner or something this is not a copyrighted material... and nobody ever makes claims on this because they realize that fact.

He claimed to shut down other servers but all he did was send the owner an email (something he didn't bother trying with me.. he just went straight to the host with his demands). He also had my website down for a little why claiming that it was copyrighted material, and the host knew no better and had shut it down. Fact is all the material on website was by us, and the script was a free public script on elitepvpers by a releaser named Hennik. Those other servers did not close, one just turned site off and left server on, the rest renamed or stayed the same and stayed online.

So you can decide based on this or based solely on IP rights, it's up to you. If you decide you don't want to help me I understand that and that's perfectly fine with me. I just came here because I know that the people here actually have a clue unlike the racist members of elitepvpers who are most often children who think they are doing things right but really aren't.
Right. I had a quiet little think about it, and I'm closing this thread based on four criteria.

  1. Factfinding: The server files are indeed leaked, so we're basically talking about an illegal copy of licensed software. The fact that there are hundreds of other servers out there is not particularly relevant here. You are here, asking this question. So I have to deal with you and your question. I can't take the whole world of illegal Metin2 installations and how unfair it is that you are singled out into account.
  2. Precedent: Anyone doing a search on either this forum, or on Google, will immediately see a search result with the title: "Sticky: METIN-2 / METIN2 and other illegal software- don't ask for assistance on these forums." There are no two ways about it: we don't want Metin(2) topics on this forum, other topics dealing with Metin(2) have all been closed, and it's standing policy. Anyone opening a topic that is, or turns out to be, about Metin(2) can know this.
  3. Legal entity: I have to take into account that "FreeBSD" is a legal entity. Anyone running illegal/leaked software or applications or services of, let's say, 'dubious origin' can hide behind all types of redirects, firewalls, DNS tricks, etcetera. FreeBSD, the Forums, the Foundation, the people running and modding these forums, cannot. We cannot run the risk of having a public forum containing tips and tricks to run obviously illegal software. It's a liability we cannot accept.
  4. Technical: Straight and simple: FreeBSD 7.2 is End-Of-Life, and has been since June 30, 2010. The logical and proper reply to any technical issue dealing with FreeBSD 7.2 is: "Upgrade to a more recent version of FreeBSD first". Since this is obviously not possible because Metin2 relies on FreeBSD 7.2 libraries, binaries, etcetera, we would be forced to go against FreeBSD's own policy, which is: upgrade when your current FreeBSD version reaches end-of-life, because we will not support it any longer, not even for security fixes. Dedicating forum space to technical advice concerning an outdated version of FreeBSD is not in the interest of FreeBSD's development and its users at large.

I'm sure this decision will meet with agreement by some, and disagreement by others, but that's what a moderator will have to do from time to time when confronted with these 'grey area issues'. I'm closing this topic now and I'll leave it here for a few hours so everyone involved can read it, and then I'll move it to the Sticky topic referenced in item 2 where it will hopefully serve as further discouragement to those wanting to ask the forums about this subject. Again: we won't allow it.
[METIN 2 SUBJECT: CLOSED] dbcache error

I have this problem:

/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "dbcache"
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
Abort trap
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found

I'm using FreeBSD 8.2 x32. ]Can some one help me please I get crazy whit thi eroor i dont now what i have to do and i can find on internet the lib for me sistem

Can someone help me solve this error? I can't find this library for my system on the Internet.
Dbcache is from a Game But The problems is the libexec The game Metin2 Is not starthig Whit out the EN and i really dont no what to do and were to go to solve The problem en Sorry for the Bead english ! im from romania
Hell i have a problem can` some one help me ...I have a FreeBSD 8.2 x32 sistem ... And i want to install metin2 on the Server but i have a problem

this is the problem

Wie viele Channels möchtest du starten?
Starte DB-Server...
Starte Auth-Server...
Starte Channel 1 ...
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "dbcache"
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
Abort trap
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Starte Channel 99...
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Server erfolgreich gestartet!
can some one help Me please !
Hello ! i need some help whit a problem i try to Start my server of metin2 and i ghet this error

Starte DB-Server...
Starte Auth-Server...
Starte Channel 1 ...
/libexec/ Shared object "" not found, required by "dbcache"
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
Abort trap
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Starte Channel 99...
ELF interpreter /libexec/ not found
Abort trap
Server erfolgreich gestartet!

Can some one help me please !! i realy dont no what to do !

Thank you Very much

Hello, i have virtual private server with FreeBSD and i want boot the vhd file.. How to do this? In .vhd file is metin2 server files.. I have to install mysql and things like that, how is it done? thank you.. Sorry for my bad english i from slovakia
[METIN 2 SUBJECT: CLOSED] mysql is not running


I'm noob with FreeBSD and I have a problem and I want to know if you can help me, the problem is:

I have a dedicated server and this was ok for a month but the last 3 days isn't running the MySQL and I can't do nothing because is a server game.

When I write in SSH (putty) start appear this:
server# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server start
Starting mysql.
and after I write:
server# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server status
and it say:
mysql is not running

I don't know if is a problem but when I entry in /tmp I don't find the file "mysql.sock" that I have readed that will must be there.

Can u help me?

Thank you and sorry for bad english.
is a server game (Metin2) and there is where I must put the mysql
[METIN 2 SUBJECT: CLOSED] Game server problem.

I have a game server (METIN2) and when my server is running, I get these errors in my syserr
SYSERR: Aug 30 09:06:38 :: Process: SEQUENCE 391ccc00 mismatch 0xaf != 0x0 header 254
SYSERR: Aug 30 09:06:38 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [UNKNOWN]-------------
   [254 : 0xaf]

SYSERR: Aug 30 09:11:50 :: Process: SEQUENCE 391cb000 mismatch 0xaf != 0x0 header 254
SYSERR: Aug 30 09:11:50 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [UNKNOWN]-------------
   [254 : 0xaf]

Process: SEQUENCE 3a1d6400 mismatch 0xaf != 0x0 header 254
Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [UNKNOWN]-------------
   [254 : 0xaf]

SYSERR: Aug 30 09:20:33 :: Process: SEQUENCE 4645e400 mismatch 0x2f != 0x92 header 7
SYSERR: Aug 30 09:20:33 :: Process: SEQUENCE_LOG [Dv2y0NuTz]-------------
   [060 : 0x2b]
   [096 : 0x70]
   [060 : 0x16]
   [096 : 0x80]
   [254 : 0x45]
   [252 : 0x11]
   [060 : 0x42]
   [096 : 0x8b]
   [011 : 0x5f]
   [011 : 0x6]
   [060 : 0xe7]
   [096 : 0x86]
   [007 : 0x62]
   [007 : 0xfb]
   [007 : 0x83]
   [007 : 0xb4]
   [007 : 0x7]
   [007 : 0x9f]
   [007 : 0x94]
   [007 : 0x7c]
   [007 : 0x2f]
What is the solution of this problem. Please help me! It is very important for me. Thank you!!!
[METIN 2 SUBJECT: CLOSED] People can't join to my server !

Hello. (freebsd 9.0, but can reinnstall to 8.2)

I show you my internet connection:(and my ip's there)
( PUBLIC IP) -> -> adress of my router) -> +
Internet -> router(my internet deliver) -> router(my) -> pc#1 pc#2.

I have set DMZ to pc#2.

I host there 2 others game servers (one for cs, and metin2)

People can connect to CS - no problemmo.

But people can't connect to metin2 server..

They joining from (-> see char list but if they wan't to load character they were kicked to main menu(Server list))
IF i want to join to my server i joining with ip or of pc #2 -> my router set this)

If i joining using (ip set by my internet deliver to my router) server automatically set ip what i should use to

When metin2 is loading there is writing
PUBLIC_IP: interface re0

But my public_ip is

Help me please ;(

block port

I'm user of FreeBSD 9.
I am a victim of attacks on my server.
I have application who run in port 13000 but this application is flood by protocol UDP.

I install PF and configure but I want block everything that comes from port 1000 in my server.
[METIN 2 SUBJECT: CLOSED] FreeBSD with router

Hello guys, I need some help. I have: wireless router, laptop with freebsd FreeBSD used as a web server, and a PC with windows.

Laptop: all ports opened, so DMZ host is enabled. Also I have Apache installed.
PC: port-forwarded with Apache installed.

The problem is: when I start Apache with XAMPP (PC) external IP works when anyone tries to access my web server, but when someone accesese my web server from the laptop it doesn't work. I also have this problem with ftp/mysql.
I have metin2 dedicated server with apache installed . I wanna make accesible web server outside and not only : ftp / mysql also . I saw your link but I don't understand much .
Announcement: Webzen inc. and YMIR Entertainment Co., Ltd had taken action. Read about DMCA_takedowns.


More about censor and ban of games by government's reasons, here.
This is a list of video games that had been censored or banned by governments of various states in the world. Governments have been criticized for banning games for many reasons, in that such bans violate rights, increase piracy, inhibit business opportunities, and that users can still purchase or download such games online.[1] This list is not exhaustive in total, nor is it exhaustive for any country mentioned in particular.

Enjoy with FreeBSD and his legality ;)
Ok now is not about metin2 . How i can use my external ip from world to connect to my ftp/mysql/web server? . Thank You
You should specify in the ServerName directive a private address in the LAN. See Core Apache HTTP Server features. Using e.g.:

Edit your windows hosts file and add this line:
Code: localhost

The path to the hosts file in Win7 is the same as usual %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.txt

Use telnet to verify if Apache connection works as should. Launch a DOS prompt on windows, type:
telnet 80

Or, use sockstat(1) to checking if HTTP daemon listens on TCP port, for IPv4 sockets:

# sockstat -l4p80

If you're using NAT or portforwarding, only if the external IP is actually on the Apache server will you be able to connect to it from the inside.
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