Learning to use the ex/vi editor and writing a novel with it

The first 10 pages or so of my sci-fi novel (14,684 characters) written using vi (not the first 10 pages of the entire novel; I'm currently at around 282).

I am enjoying the experience. It's very interesting to learn different ways to quickly navigate to a specific word in the text, as well as to edit and move text, and so on.

until you remember them
Memory... that forgotten tool (the pun!). Thank you very much, friend, for you comprehensive answer. I now know what TeX/LaTex is, and I'm interested in it.

"we so great" page

Another interesting tool.

He said that a reporter is going to polish their story until just before deadline
That's like so many things that you don't finish, just abandon at some point.

Another cool tool.

edit in nvi)

I still use (n)vi
I'm learning ex/vi as deeply as I can (little by little) and it's fascinating how powerful the little program is.

I'm writing a novel, and yesterday I wrote for the first time using vi. Afterward I pasted the resulting fragment in MS Word, because my novel includes a complex index that you cannot create even with LibreOffice, but the writing experience was very satisfying. I'm using a "big" font on the terminal and the color combination that I prefer, which is dark grey over white, but the rest is vanilla ex/vi (with some options enabled, like line numbers and "showmode"). No mouse involved.

When I'm an expert in ex/vi, I'll think about using vim or neovim (or maybe I won't), but I'm enjoying very much the experience of learning the original in all its mighty.

You may find these helpful:
- https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2024/09/23/ghost-in-the-shell-part-8-use-vi-editor/
- https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2024/03/13/perfect-neovim-ansible-setup/

... and about writing a book in vi(1) or vim(1) - try LaTeX - you focus on the content while LaTeX will take care about everything else - like index for example.

Check print/texlive-base for a start.