Is there a real interest in pushing FreeBSD on the desktop space?

There's a pcmanfm-qt, updated and have the same funcionality.

% pkg instal pcmanfm-qt
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 11 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
libfm-qt6: 2.0.2
lxqt-menu-data: 2.0.0
pcmanfm-qt: 2.0.0
plasma6-layer-shell-qt: 6.1.2
python311: 3.11.9
qt6-base: 6.7.2
qt6-declarative: 6.7.2
qt6-languageserver: 6.7.2
qt6-svg: 6.7.2
qt6-wayland: 6.7.2
xcb-util-cursor: 0.1.3

Number of packages to be installed: 11

The process will require 356 MiB more space.
54 MiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: n

I installed before the gtk version, and as I wrote above, threw a lot of warnings, so like firefox.

But are you sure it has the same functionality? So fast like rox?


Is LXQT/LXDE built almost directly from pcmanfm or it is just a filemanager for it?
I installed before the gtk version, and as I wrote above, threw a lot of warnings, so like firefox.

But are you sure it has the same functionality? So fast like rox?

Is LXQT/LXDE built almost directly from pcmanfm or it is just a filemanager for it?

never, is like compare XFE file manager with pcmanfm
Xfe will be always faster because is writen in the FOX library and pcmanfm in gtk2(gtk3 an QT)
so..QT will be slower than gtk2 allways,not something bad..but you may feel it

make a little test..
install gtkperf and choose 2 gtk2 themes
and run
gtkperf -a
for example:

with "ThinIce" engine renders took 1.08
with "Clearlooks" engine renders took 1.40

is a little bit exaggerated but you get the picture

respect to ROX , like you say, it was made like you say, with the Desktop Environment in top of their head
and is a good job done
sysutils/yazi . The uploaded image file name gave the hint ( Yazi2.png ) .
Sorry guys Alain De Vos I am a lurker, but yes Yazi is what they a call terminal window manager/terminal file manager, MC (midnight commander) is another. Again I like simple stuff, I don't have a Desktop Environment, I don't even like icons, but that's me...

Anything I need a window because of some reason I just make a simple tool.

FreeBSD makes it pretty simple to get a Desktop Environment going it just takes some reading, copying someone's else dotfiles, or just ask chatgpt it'll spit you the configs.
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