Is suspend ever going to work with FreeBSD.

I have never meet an OpenBSD developer or a power user like myself whose laptop was not running only OpenBSD (no dual boot no VM, no nonsense, nada, just pure OpenBSD UNIX). All of us use OpenBSD to give presentations with VGA, DVI, HDMI projectors.

When I see this kind of writings I understand I am reading somebody working in academia.

If you do no work in academia you realize soon that you need Microsoft Office.
Often you can go with LibreOffice, not always. In Finance expecially, Office is
the holy grail.

You many need Inventor or some other professional CAD software wich is ONLY for Windows.

If you need to digitally sign a document for the burocracy (at least in Italy) you need a software which is provided by some boureau (Camera di Commercio or the like) which is only for Windows and OSX.

If you want to program Android you do it from Windows, Linux or OSX. AFAIK there is not solution to do it in BSD (besides the Linux compatibility layer which I never tried). [using Android Studio, which is the only way Google documents the procedues in its pages, AFAIK]

Then there is Matlab, which is extremely popular in the Engineering environment. Yes, there is Octave, but try to run a special solver like CVX, and it will be the end of happiness.

If you need to comunicate to special purpose devices, chances are very high the driver will be Windows only.

These are only the first silly examples that come to my mind.

Virtual Machines are freedom ! You can be using UNIX 90% of time, and still be able to comunicate with the world which, like it or no, uses mainly Windows.

I don't like to make names, but when I was in the first years at university I saw one of the fathers of Unix using Windows at his desktop comptuer !
At the moment I did not understand, and I was almost ashamed, "How can the professor use that crap ?" . The point is sometimes you need that crap.
no dual boot no VM, no nonsense
So why FreeBSD have bhyve as a part of its base system if it's nonsense?..
For the record since early 2007 never had anything but OpenBSD on my desktops
I use FreeBSD on all my desktops for several years, so what? In real life we have to go to work and deal with other OSs. However, even on my work desktop I use FreeBSD, but also a "nonsense" Win7 running in bhyve as an official domain member workstation assigned to me by the IT department. I run another "nonsense" Debian as another bhyve guest since currently I work on an embedded Linux project and have to cross-compile stuff.
Any kind of fanaticism is not productive.
When I see this kind of writings I understand I am reading somebody working in academia.

If you do no work in academia you realize soon that you need Microsoft Office.
I do work in academia and what fits my needs arguably doesn't fit the needs of most casual computer users. In mathematics/applied-math, physics, astronomy (all subjects I worked) since circa 1982 papers are written using TeX. My papers are edited using nvi().

I also run a rather large computing infrastructure used by 100+ AI/Machine learning researchers (few of them French). My lab's infrastructure is very heterogeneous. On large computational nodes/clusters I run Springdale Linux because among other things we do need TensorFlow, Caffe, CUDA, and MATLAB (we have all toolboxes). Our large file servers (think in couple hundred TB of data each) run FreeBSD. Some infrastructure servers like Gogs/Git, Jenkins, Hugo, MMonit, sftp run out of FreeBSD jails. Having our code on ZFS pools gives us a peace of mind. The beckend network servers run OpenBSD (think PF, DNS, LDAP, OpenVPN, LibreNMS, OpenNTPD, OpenSMTPD, syslog-ng, Squid, shell gateways). We have a dozen and so professional developers with Springdale workstations. Everyone else is free to use whatever they fancy.

For the record our main PR grant guys all run Windows including running it of Apple hardware. Oh we did have to virtualized bunch of our own proprietary machine learning analytical tools (Xen Dom0 of Alpine Linux).

If you care I will also tell you that I am very familiar with Pittsburgh Super Computing center and many other large computational clusters around the town. Pittsburgh Super Computing Center is for example built using OpenStack . Uber guys for example use FreeNAS for their data storage.

So why FreeBSD have bhyve as a part of its base system if it's nonsense?..
I am guessing somebody thought that it is a good idea for a server OS to have available full type-2 hypervisor in the case you need to virtualize something. The fact that I use Xen Dom0 for such things should be telling you something. I fail to see how things like Bhyve and Xen would be useful to desktop users. I see the value of VirtualBox for a web developer.

I use FreeBSD on all my desktops for several years, so what? In real life we have to go to work and deal with other OSs. However, even on my work desktop I use FreeBSD, but also a "nonsense" Win7 running in bhyve as an official domain member workstation assigned to me by the IT department. I run another "nonsense" Debian as another bhyve guest since currently I work on an embedded Linux project and have to cross-compile stuff.
Any kind of fanaticism is not productive.
Please see above with home many different technologies I deal right now. I could care less what anyone uses on their computers. Technologies come and go. If you told me 1995 that Solaris desktop will be dead I would call you insane. I never really wanted to plug into a religious discussion about suspend/resume or FreeBSD desktop (I which I tried long time ago). The point of my post is that people who don't run FreeBSD on the desktop (which is always a good idea if you running bunch of FreeBSD servers) have nothing to contribute to this tread (that includes me and the French gentlemen to whose post I replied). Dual booting OS or running it in the virtual machine also doesn't count :) Anything short of that is dis-genuine towards people who are interested in FreeBSD desktop.
The point of my post is that people who don't run FreeBSD on the desktop (which is always a good idea if you running bunch of FreeBSD servers) have nothing to contribute to this tread (that includes me and the French gentlemen to whose post I replied). Dual booting OS or running it in the virtual machine also doesn't count :) Anything short of that is dis-genuine towards people who are interested in FreeBSD desktop.

I will answer only to this point because it may be useful to other people beginning on FreeBSD (Desktop) who may find themselves stuck in bag of hardware troubles.

Take this example, which I know well since it is my case on the Desktop.

1] I have two old Macbooks Pro. One runs OSX, inside that I have a VMWare Virtual Machine in which I run FreeBSD-11.1. It works well, it is 3-4 months I am using it intensely.

2] A couple of weeks ago I tried to wipe out OSX from the other Macbook and install only FreeBSD, on the metal this time.

3] The result was a wild world of hardware problems, starting from the fact the the system will not boot If I don't keep Alt pressed and select the main disk as bootable. Second: Wifi hardware is not recognized, Third: 3D acceleration is not working.

4] All these problems are probably solvable, after 2 days of experiments I estimated I would need about 2-3 weeks to fix them, at least.

5] I don't have 1 free month to spend on this issue.

6] So, I need to use FreeBSD in a Virtual Machine, or leave this OS to people who have been more lucky with hardware.

7] If somebody reamains stuck on a perceived unsolvable hardware problem I reccomend to follow the same path, don't give up, just use a Virtual Machine, I tried, it works (except 3d acceleration, if your host is OSX).
I agree that sometimes native Microsoft is the only way. It is unfortunate that most of the world still obsesses over Windows. Luckily I can still just about get away with virtualizing the "other way". I.e run a FreeBSD host with Windows as a guest. Which is lucky because as mentioned before I simply refuse to connect a Windows machine to the internet. My only other choice would be to run Windows offline or faff with GNU/systemd. So I really have no other choice haha.

For the record I currently work around 50/50 in academia / commercial due to various knowledge transfer partnerships we run in our faculty and through contracting.

Below are some tricks I use:

If you want to program Android you do it from Windows, Linux or OSX. AFAIK there is not solution to do it in BSD

At work we write a fair amount of Android programs but entirely in C/C++ (i.e native-activity) using simply a gcc-arm-android cross compiler. Rather than use the Linux / Windows binary from the android-ndk or Intel, I grab the one from FreeBSD ports lang/gnatdroid-armv7 or lang/gnatdroid-x86. The rest is just using the Jar tools from java/openjdk.

If you do no work in academia you realize soon that you need Microsoft Office.

Much of academia is also centered around Microsoft Office too :(
However this one can run inside a VM with no problems. Even better though however, *finally* the "Cloud" has actually been useful. Every company I work with stupidly uses Office 360. I can run that piece of crap in a firefox web browser quite happily like a normal conforming employee haha :)

Camera di Commercio, MatLab, and USB device drivers should all work pretty well on Virtual Box (USB is limited to 1.1 speed on FreeBSD).

The CAD software can be an issue in a VM. I always thought 3D GPU passthrough was quite good on a Mac but perhaps not. It is not great on Windows either. GPU passthrough is currently at about DirectX 10 / OpenGL 3 capablilities. For much CAD software that is OK. Others you can either look at using Wine or simply render in software (i.e not too much of CAD is realtime).
My PhD is actually on an alternative method of GPU passthrough for this very reason. So stay tuned ;)
It is unfortunate that most of the world still obsesses over Windows.
I'm sure I've talked about this before. The restaurant chain I'm a part of uses Windows for our POS system and we have nothing but non-stop issues and every "upgrade" or change to the software or the system is met with dread. I still fail to understand why serious business and professional people use Windows for mission critical operations any more than you would find NASA or CERN doing so.
I still fail to understand why serious business and professional people use Windows for mission critical operations
I guess, because that's what they learned from the very beginning, for most of them Computers ≈ Microsoft.
Even when they have to use a different OS, they still think in MS terms. E.g. I have to deal with a commercial device running embedded Linux, but its developers wrote the main application in C# and supply a huge amount of MS DLLs to run it. They think they can develop only in Visual Studio!
I hear you. Last year was spent with undoing what a bunch of inexperienced java developers did to an embedded C++ system.

But back on topic, I think I will check again what process checkpointing requires. My preference would be to have a device to obtain snapshots of processes and maybe the complete system, which might then be loaded again.
people use Windows for mission critical operations any more than you would find NASA or CERN doing so.
Few NASA and CERN labs I am familiar with use OpenBSD for the firewalls and FreeNAS for file servers. Cern is heavily vested in OpenStack which is a pile of crap IMHO. I don't know enough about the architecture of NASA infrastructure to speak. When it comes to computing it is all Red Hat and Ubuntu. More Red Hat on larger clusters more Ubuntu on the individual smaller machines.
... Luckily I can still just about get away with virtualizing the "other way". I.e run a FreeBSD host with Windows as a guest.

Oh, if you can do that, super, almost all problems are solved, except, as you mention, the CAD issue.

For the record I currently work around 50/50 in academia / commercial due to various knowledge transfer partnerships we run in our faculty and through contracting.

So did I, for years, but not currently;)

At work we write a fair amount of Android programs but entirely in C/C++ ...

This surprises me, I ruled out C++ from the beginning, there are already a lot of issues in compatibility between different kind of devices sticking to Java.
So I have two questions for you,
1] For what reasons did your group decide to use C++ for development ?
2] Do you know if it possible, or somebody tried successfully to run Android Studio in BSD ? I found only this negative reference. By now, when I need Android Studio I use OSX.

Even better though however, *finally* the "Cloud" has actually been useful. Every company I work with stupidly uses Office 360. I can run that piece of crap in a firefox web browser quite happily like a normal conforming employee haha :)

AFAIK, this is unfortunately not true. OSX MS Office and Office 360 they are not fully functional MS Office. They lack ability to program in VBA. I did some programming in VBA for Excel a few years ago.

My PhD is actually on an alternative method of GPU passthrough for this very reason. So stay tuned ;)

Good luck for your Phd ! I finished mine a few years ago;)

Why does Windows still exist ?

BIG CAVEAT, some of these things are facts, some are simply things I am convinced to be true, other are "voices" I collected over the year;) Don't take this stuff too much seriously !!!

1] Windows comes pre-installed on hardware. Very important, that ensures that your computer should work out of the box ! I read somewhere (I don't know if it is true) that Microsoft pushes hardware producers not to pre-install Linux (or other) in their machines. Indeed, you don't see many around !

(again i don't know if this stuff is true)
Another example of how Microsoft is using its power. I asked one day to a CAD seller why the hell their company was not building an image for OSX. He told me, that as far as he knows, they started to move in that direction but in response, Microsoft started to write its own CAD ! So the CAD company pissed in its pants and stopped immediately the move toward OSX.

2] Windows was first to arrive in people hands. Something like Facebook, it arrived first, it is very difficult for competitors.

3] Windows is just a vector for applications. Non-programmers, don't buy a computer for Windows, they buy it for Word, to (e.g.) type there their Master thesis. (except a few rare cases in a few parts of Science, heavily math related subjects, where LaTeX is the de facto standard) .

4] The "who do i sue?" factor. Company likes to write contracts and if something does not work as expected they go to the lawyer.

5] Microsoft is very good at placing its software to Engineering faculties.
Once you trained a generation of Engineers you are pretty much sure 99% of products will be built with those tools.

5.1] Microsoft is very good at "convincing" governments. Take for example
the "European Computer Driving License" !

6] The "substitution principle". Would you hire an extremely talented computer programmer or Unix system manager for whom you know well that in your geographical are it is almost impossible to find a substitute ? Probably not, you
need to ensure continuity and support to your products.

In Microsoft world everybody can be changed with somebody else, there are not sh/csh/bash/ksh scripts nor complex configuration files, to configure their servers you just need to know where to click.
[ok, here I am boldly oversimplifying, I hardly spent more than 3 hours of my life configuring Windows servers, so actually i don't know if this is true]
This surprises me, I ruled out C++ from the beginning, there are already a lot of issues in compatibility between different kind of devices sticking to Java.
So I have two questions for you,
1] For what reasons did your group decide to use C++ for development ?
2] Do you know if it possible, or somebody tried successfully to run Android Studio in BSD ? I found only this negative reference. By now, when I need Android Studio I use OSX.
I must admit I don't find the large number of different android devices to be a problem. At the end of the day there have been far more different kinds of i386, amd64, PPC, etc.. devices, GPUs and monitors than phones and we all know that desktop software is "easy" to make. Screen size and GPU support (OpenGL|ES / OpenGL|ES2) is perhaps the only annoyance I face in Android and the solution to that makes no different whether Java or C++.
I think where we find it easier is that we deal with OpenGL and UNIX sockets directly (for entertainment software), perhaps if we had to use the Java GUI system or interface with more complex Java libraries, C++ would become awkward.
Android's old ant and gradle build systems are also a big no-no. They break / change too much. We try to stick to standard Makefiles and (in rare instances cmake). Androids awkward tooling (Eclipse CDT and IMO Android Studio) I feel is one of the only reasons why people find Android development any harder than Linux (same goes for iOS and Xcode with Objective-C++ I suppose)
We are looking at using Qt for Android for our next project (again so we can avoid Java). Perhaps I will have good experience to tell you in a few months :)

AFAIK, this is unfortunately not true. OSX MS Office and Office 360 they are not fully functional MS Office. They lack ability to program in VBA. I did some programming in VBA for Excel a few years ago.
Ah that is true. VBA has luckily not reared its ugly head for quite a few years now. I think it is because the businesses I work with know it doesn't work on Office 365 haha. I am not complaining.

Good luck for your Phd ! I finished mine a few years ago;)
Heh congrats. Mine is dragging on and on ;)
Why does Windows still exist ?
You forgot the most important factor: It works without any hassle or effort for normal everyday consumer tasks. Go to a discount store, or to a computer store, buy a computer, take it home. If it has Windows or Mac OS installed, it will immediately work, without any installation hassles, and with minimal setup that you are guided through. If it is a laptop (and nearly all computers are today), you can close the lid, put it in your bag, take it to work, open the lid, and it will work again. It might prompt you for what wireless network to use, and to enter the password. We all argue here how to get suspend to even work on FreeBSD, and setting up Wireless on Debian is a nasty difficult task (BTDT), while on Windows and MacOS one simply takes these things for granted.

Need a web browser? Click on it. If it has a CD or DVD drive and you want to watch something: stick it in, it works. Want to look at pictures from the digital camera? Take the SD card (CF card, ...) out of the camera, plug it into the laptop (probably with a little USB adaptor), and you have the pictures. And both Microsoft and Apple will make it easy to upload the pictures to your cloud account.

Need to work on office documents, in a fashion that's 100% compatible with the software that has 95% market share? Pay about $100 (plus or minus), wait for the download to finish, and you have MS Office installed. Done. Again, minimal hassle.

In a nutshell, the reason Windows and MacOS dominate consumer computers (and I count myself as a "consumer" when it comes to the machine that is currently sitting on my lap): they are easy to use, all the way through the lifecycle starting with buying the device in the store.

3] Windows is just a vector for applications. Non-programmers, don't buy a computer for Windows, they buy it for Word, to (e.g.) type there their Master thesis.
And Word (and Excel and Powerpoint) are not the only issue here. At least for MS Office, you have the choice between Windows and MacOS. If you are into serious diagrams, Visio is the undisputed market leader, and that forces you into running Windows. And many minor applications only exists in Windows version, for example, the software required to configure and manage PCS UPB light switches (a successor technology to X-10), or the software configuration utility for Omaga Engineering industrial controllers. When it comes to unusual and rare engineering and scientific applications (typically very expensive), all software is available for Windows, about a third or half is available for the Mac, and a very small fraction is available for Linux, and I have yet to see FreeBSD specific ports. This is the reality of having to use specific software.

Now, if all you want to do is browse the web, write office-style documents (ignoring 100% compatibility with Word/Excel/Powerpoint format), and not run outside software, then this argument doesn't apply.

5] Microsoft is very good at placing its software to Engineering faculties.
5.1] Microsoft is very good at "convincing" governments. Take for example [BGCOLOR=transparent]the "European Computer Driving License" ![/BGCOLOR]
[BGCOLOR=transparent]Microsoft doesn't have to do any convincing or placing. The fact that it has about 90% market share on the desktop does all the convincing automatically.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=transparent]The problem with the proposal that Linux (or FOSS in general) could achieve world domination on the desktop is: In order to achieve world domination, you have to first achieve world domination. Microsoft got there first, and the feedback mechanism that rewards the market leader makes sure it remains in the dominating position. Apple managed to carve out a small niche, through a combination of unbelievably good engineering and relentless effort to put out the best product, and a small but fierce community of fan-boy consumers, and the admission that its niche is and remains small (and profitable). Mac OS is not after world domination, they aren't stupid enough to try. On the desktop, nobody else has a chance for the foreseeable future.[/BGCOLOR]

[BGCOLOR=transparent]In Microsoft world everybody can be changed with somebody else, there are not sh/csh/bash/ksh scripts nor complex configuration files, to configure their servers you just need to know where to click.[/BGCOLOR]
[ok, here I am boldly oversimplifying, I hardly spent more than 3 hours of my life configuring Windows servers, so actually i don't know if this is true]
While it is true that administering individual computers and small workgroups using Microsoft products is much easier, by the time you get to large installations that becomes untrue. For example, I've heard horror stories about setting up Active Directory and integrating it with a corporate LDAP.
I don't go to BSD and Linux conferences often but when I go one remarkable think about OpenBSD guys is that we eat our own dog food. I have never meet an OpenBSD developer or a power user like myself whose laptop was not running only OpenBSD (no dual boot no VM, no nonsense, nada, just pure OpenBSD UNIX). All of us use OpenBSD to give presentations with VGA, DVI, HDMI projectors.
This is what I really dislike very much about FreeBSD community, many of them are "proud macos users" :D,
also they use Шindow$ and Macos®© for their presentations... It is such a shame IMHO. When I see such things,
I'm shocked very much, they aren't able to find the man who can configure nice WM on FreeBSD???
Or they just forgot how to use it nowadays, because macos is easier to use?
So maybe there is a need to create a thread with little "how to" for them, somewhere here, on FreeBSD forums? :D

I don't use OpenBSD on my desktop just because there is no wine version for OpenBSD,
but sometimes I like to play in few favorite old windows games.
The same thing is also with DragonFlyBSD, no wine version (and no nvidia drivers as well).
NetBSD isn't bad, it has its wine version (pretty old, last time I checked it was 1.6 and no nvidia drivers as well),
also it isn't very stable IMO, as well as DragonFlyBSD.

The most funny thing is that FreeBSD is best for desktops from all BSD-s, when comparing with GNU/Linux.
I don't mind that consumers use Windows. However it is annoying when admins, developers and power users *love* windows so much that they are completely blinded for better solutions. You see it a lot with other products too for example:
  • Visual Studio - Some of my students kick and scream if they have to use anything else. I even had one start to cry whilst mumbling "Visual Studio" when I announced that assignments had to use cmake. Some developers don't even know that you can develop C++ programs using anything else.
  • Unity - Game makers fricking love this before they have even used it. Some will even start a large scale project with this before even looking at the requirements to see if Unity even supports the darn platform they need to build for. All because of smart marketing.
  • Google hangouts, Slack, discord, whatsapp - All terrible implementations that disappear each year and yet they are always more advertised than IRC.
When you mention alternatives, they look at you and either arrogantly say, oh that's "too old school" or no we need to use "professional products".

And yet Windows is designed for consumers, Visual Studio up until recently could only output code for consumer platforms, Unity has never been used in a AAA commercial game and things like Slack cannot even be hosted internally on an enterprise network. All consumer junk ;)
This is what I really dislike very much about FreeBSD community, many of them are "proud macos users"
Mac OSX is Unix. Mac hardware is also very good. Installing FreeBSD on a Mac is the best of both worlds unless you want to build your own. It's why there is a CERN presentation photo on the internet showing a room full of Mac notebooks.
So maybe there is a need to create a thread with little "how to" for them, somewhere here, on FreeBSD forums?
There are several. Just learn how to use the search button at the top. It isn't hard. Especially for the technically adept among us whose sole purpose in owning a computer isn't to play games and can install a WM without a HOWTO.
Mac hardware is also very good
Where did you see something about "mac hardware" in my previous post???
Every piece of hardware is OK until it is working fine IMO.
I wrote about macos - an operating system, that it is in use by many members of FreeBSD team, also some of them are macos fanatics.
Also they use it (and sometimes even Windows) on their presentations, meetings, etc. (It is really true, try to watch some FreeBSD members interviews, or some presentations, meetings, etc on youtube.)

And in my personal opinion it isn't great, to develop one fully working operating system, but to use completely different OS almost everywhere.

PLEASE, don't twist my words.

Also, last my quote in your post was just a joke, I also added smile there, which was removed by you while you quoted my post.

technically adept among us whose sole purpose in owning a computer isn't to play games and can install a …

And yes, I don't think that to play games on your desktop computer is something bad, it is pretty OK IMO,
but maybe such superb "technically adepts" like you don't play games, I don't know, but I don't care, if to be honest.

Mac OSX is Unix.
EulerOS from Huawei (it is a chinese RedHat based GNU/Linux distro :D) is also certified like macOS as "UNIX 03". And what???
It makes it better operating system? No, it is just a matter of money.


BTW, why they don't use EulerOS on FreeBSD presentations instead of macOS, at least it is not proprietary, it seems :D
We’ve been through this before. FreeBSD (“the power to serve”) is largely focused on being a server operating system. Much like many people may have a sports car for the weekend and a van for the soccer game, and and maybe even a truck for deliveries, operating systems don’t need to be one size fits all.

A FreeBSD developer using a Mac laptop (which has lots of ~FreeBSD guts) system shouldn’t be surprising or upsetting. Yes, you can run a FreeBSD desktop or laptop (I have one of each) but let’s not complain about developers using whatever they find makes them most productive.

If you want a (more) desktop-focused FreeBSD, you’re in luck:
Unfortunately it is unusable IMO.


And while definition of "The FreeBSD Project" includes word "desktops",
(nobody wrote there "use macOS instead") personally I really do not understand why it is not in use
by its developers, on their presentations, meetings etc, while it is really pretty easy to do so,
5 minutes are only needed to install Xorg and WM.

My guess it is because FreeBSD project is heavily influenced by Apple,
and that guys aren't interested in Free desktop OS-es, like FreeBSD or GNU/Linux are.
And I really dislike this situation very much, because I like FreeBSD much
and I hate such evil, ugly, disgusting moneymaking corporations like Apple and Microsoft.
There is no big difference between macOS and Windows IMHO, both are proprietary OS-es for masses.

For example, try to connect your iphone to FreeBSD (or to any other Free OS) laptop and try to upload some music,
it is impossible, why? Because Apple (as Adobe, for example) do not support their products on Free operating systems.
Why? I think it is obvious why.